Mysterious Emperor: The Beginning of Anger Slaying the Demon Empress

Chapter 184 Zhang Tianran Emerges from Zhongzhou

Chapter 184 Zhang Tianran Emerges from Zhongzhou

As for the real Emperor Wu,

Perhaps in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven and Frigga, he is already dead.

Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven will be even more presumptuous when he returns to the Heaven Realm.

It was Frigg who hoped so pessimistically that the queen could control the complete Dazou regime, so that the people of Liming in Dazou would have a relatively stable transition period.

It will not be so that the imperial court collapses, so that the people of the world will suffer at dawn.


Everything they expected was wrong.

Just at this time,

In a dilapidated sect in Zhongzhou,

Suddenly, a very old child descended from the sky.

Once it fell to the ground,

He can walk, talk, and even grow taller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This strange phenomenon,

Ye Xuan, the elder in the sect, was immediately alarmed.

He came out to see for himself.

He didn't believe it at first, but when he walked to the door, where was the person he saw a child?
Obviously a young man,
He is extremely tall, and looks more like seven or eight feet!

and many more!

He is still growing!


How tall is he going to grow?
Is this going to break the sky?
Ye Xuan was shocked!
He didn't believe it just now, thinking that the disciples were deceiving him!


did not expect!
It turned out to be true!
In less than half an hour, the young man standing in front of him immediately turned into a mighty and domineering man with a height of nine feet. He was dressed in a black and gold dragon-patterned gown, with a handful of pure gold slung across his waist. sword.

Wearing bright jade black gauze on the head, and golden treasure boots of lotus root silk.

The appearance is very handsome, the standard oval face, but still thin, a pair of bright and majestic strokes with a bit of luster inside, it seems to have spiritual roots, the black hair is three thousand long, as if a god was born.

"you are?"

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ye Xuan simply mustered up the courage to go up to him and ask for his name.

The man was taken aback for a moment.

As if the memory was lost, I had a headache and covered my head. After a while, I said leisurely: "Hi, senior. The junior's surname is Zhang Tianran. I don't remember where it is from!"

"Oh? I don't remember it's from there?"

"Yes! This junior's memory seems to be lacking, and when I try to recall it, I get a headache. It seems that my brain restricts my thoughts and prevents this junior from touching the extreme area!"

"Oh, that's what it is!"

Ye Xuan seemed to understand what the man in front of him meant, and immediately murmured in his heart: There are only three reasons why this man lost his memory, one is caused by innateness.

The second, a brain injury caused by a severe blow to the head.

The last one is a bit strange, it is caused by incomplete reincarnation, and it will confuse the memory of this life and the past life from time to time.

But which one does he belong to?

Ye Xuan couldn't figure it out either, he also knew only half of it.

Although the sect currently lacks manpower,

But not everyone accepts it.

If the guy in front of you with unknown background and strange appearance has no foundation of cultivation, then just drive him out of the house, if he can cultivate and has good talent.

Then take him as an apprentice,
Anyway, with the current development trend of sects, it is difficult to catch up with those second-rate sects without a hundred years.

But the second-rate sects are not constant, and they will improve.

Therefore, the Zongmen is in great need of talents at present!

"Sorry to bother you, I should just pass by here!"

Zhang Tianran shook his extremely dizzy mind, and then he finished speaking with a little apology, and then started to leave the place.

"Hey, wait!"

"what happened?"

"Since you have lost your memory and just happened to fall here, you and I are destined, how about this, you worship the old man as your teacher, how about sending you home after the old man helps you recover your memory?"

Ye Xuan, who was a little old at this time, was rather reluctant to leave this person.

After all, the sect he belongs to has not had any fresh blood for 13 consecutive years, and the sect is dilapidated and dilapidated.

In the past, in Zhongzhou, at any rate, he got mixed up with a third-rate Zongmen.

It can also fool some disciples to join.

But with the increasing pressure of sect competition nowadays, it is even more difficult for them to get along with their half-level sect.

Leakage is the norm.

Not to mention other aspects.

"Okay! Thank you so much!"

Zhang Tianran hesitated for a moment, but quickly agreed to his request.

As for worshiping him as a teacher,

He did not follow suit, but stayed temporarily.

Walk into the sect.

There was a huge stone placed in front of the two of them.

"Naturally, this is the sect's spiritual test stone, which can measure a person's cultivation potential. Would you like to try your cultivation potential?"

"It's interesting, what do I need to do to measure my cultivation potential?"

"Just put your hands on it!"


Zhang Tianran nodded, and according to Ye Xuan's instructions, he put his hands flat on the stone, and in an instant, the whole stone glowed with a huge and dazzling golden light!
Ye Xuan, who was standing beside him, wiped his eyes several times in a row, then looked at him with a terrified expression,
And pinched his own face.

Feel the pain, and then believe it is reality!

"What's wrong? Is the junior's potential too low, which caused the senior to show such a surprised expression?"


"Hey, the junior knows that the junior is not the material for cultivation, the senior doesn't need to comfort the boy, the boy has his own sense of propriety!"

Zhang Tianran was a little disappointed.
He mistook Ye Xuan's strange expression because his cultivation potential was too low.

Hearing these words in Ye Xuan's ears, it was a real injury to his young heart!

Golden legend!

This kid has a legendary talent!
No wonder!

No wonder he fell from the sky and grew so fast!
He must be a Banished Immortal!
When I went down to experience the world of mortals, in order to make the experience realistic, I sealed my memory, and when the opportunity came again, when I became a fairy again, the memory would be restored!


In Ye Xuan's mind, such almost absurd thoughts immediately appeared.

However, this kind of thinking fits well with the bizarre scene where Zhang Tianran came to him.

"Yes! That's it!"

Ye Xuan was overjoyed, if he could fool Zhang Tianran into joining the dilapidated Tianyuan Sect, it would be a great help to him and the entire sect!
And three months later, the Zhongzhou Disciple Competition will be held soon.

As long as you go up and get one of the top [-], the recruitment of sect disciples will be easy!

such a pity,
Ever since Tian Yuanzong's disciple got stuck in the top eight of 13 660 years ago, he has not broken through the top eight for 13 consecutive years.

Now, the revival of the Zongmen is expected!

"what happened?"

"Hahaha, you boy, you have a very high cultivation talent! Even higher than the old man's cultivation talent, why do you have a depressed expression?"


"Why, you don't believe me? This old man is the elder of Tian Yuan Zong Yipin Hall. His name is Ye Xuan. He is a well-known figure in Zhongzhou. Do you think this old man will lie about this matter?"

This old guy really doesn't need to draft when he is bragging.

Zhang Tianran was taken aback for a while.

"But that look you made just now."

"Hey, I was shocked by your talent! Naturally, let's worship under the old man's sect. The old man will keep a disciple like you able to cultivate into a fairy! How about it?"

Ye Xuan said with a smile, making Zhang Tianran a little tempted.

Although, a memory about Emperor Wu was touched in his mind, but at the moment, he still feels that cultivating immortals is better, so he was half-fudged and half-coaxed to become a disciple of Tianyuanzong.

(End of this chapter)

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