Supreme Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 227 The Prosperity and Peace

Chapter 227 The Prosperity and Peace (3)
Long Yulie's handsome eyebrows raised: "Why, does Yan'er feel sorry for that guy?"

Bingyan sighed helplessly, and the sourness in Long Yulie's tone began to appear again.She smiled slyly, stared blankly, and said, "Yes, I feel distressed."

Long Yulie suddenly sat up, turned Bingyan over to face him, stared fiercely and said: "Say it again." That tone was already grinding his teeth.

Bing Yan was not afraid at all: "I am distressed, and very distressed... Ah! Long Yulie... What are you doing... Woooo..."

Before she could finish speaking, Long Yulie threw her whole body onto the bed, and the punishing kiss swallowed her lips fiercely.

Bingyan finally struggled to get away, got her breath, hammered on the iron-like chest and said: "Crazy, talk well, why are you here again... in broad daylight... woo... no..." Tan The mouth was sealed again, and the following words were only whimpered and moaned.

Long Yulie's domineering kiss was clearly punishing her for what she said just now.Bing Yan gasped for breath after being kissed, and finally begged for mercy again and again when she was able to breathe again: "Okay...don't make trouble...I mean I feel sorry for the common people! I feel sorry for the common people!"

Only then did Long Yulie let her go, Bingyan immediately closed her skirt, took a few steps back, and said sternly: "Speak well, don't do anything reckless!"

The corner of Long Yulie's mouth curled into an evil smile, he grabbed Ren'er into his arms again, and threatened, "If you dare to think about him, I would rather throw those hundreds of thousands of dans of grain into the Haoyue River than give it to Qing Tianlin." Send it!"

Bing Yan rolled his eyes at him, and muttered: "Madman!" She straightened her clothes.Fushun hair.

Although the evil fire in Long Yulie's heart had been aroused, seeing her feeling a little tired, he loved her in his heart, and couldn't bear to force her, so he pulled Ren'er into his arms, and coaxed softly: "Take a nap, afternoon Shanshi, I call you."

Bing Yan shook her head: "What did you say about the matter just now?"

Long Yulie saw that she would not rest at ease until she finished talking about state affairs, so she replied with a sour tone: "Qing Tianlin!"

Seeing Long Yulie's appearance, Bingyan felt it was funny again, and said, "Long Yulie, guess what, when Qing Tianlin and the others were in great difficulty, we would do everything for Haisha, Zangxue, Chiyan, and Lanxiang every day? If a country sends 40 dans of grain, what guess will they make?"

Long Yulie snorted softly, "That old man Lan Xiangguo." He realized that he had said something wrong again, and he lowered his head to Bing Yan and gave a dry laugh apologetically, "I mean your father, he might be grateful to us, Zang Mu Of course, the cunning flower fox will accept it with pleasure, and Qing Tianlin and Qu Huaiao must think that we are showing our prestige. So even if we send 40 dans of food to help them, we will definitely not be able to accept it. I am grateful to them."

Bing Yan nodded, "However, taking this opportunity, we also demonstrated the strength of our Jinling. Although they will feel more depressed, they have to admire the wealth and strength of the Jinling treasury. In this way, their thoughts of raising troops to make trouble in the future will also be reduced." It will be less."

"Yan'er is right. It is precisely because of this that I am so generous." Long Yulie said.

Bingyan asked again: "The plague is spreading, if I go to deliver medicine again, what will those people think?"

Long Yulie said, "The spread of the plague is more of a headache than floods. If we send good medicine, I guess Qing Tianlin and Qu Huaiao will not be ignorant." Long Yulie paused and grabbed Bingyan The language in the words was wrong, "Are you going to deliver the medicine?" His face changed: "No!"

"I know you won't allow it. Well, I won't go. Just send it in my name, and the effect will be better." Bing Yan comforted Long Yulie softly.

Thinking of Bingyan delivering the medicine in his own name, Long Yulie's expression was still grim, but knowing that the effect would be much better in Bingyan's name, Long Yulie could only agree with a calm face.

Bing Yan raised her eyes again and asked quietly: "After we finish these two things, will Qing Tianlin and Qu Huaiao really surrender to us?"

"No." Long Yulie said decisively.He knew that both Qing Tianlin and Qu Huaiao were arrogant people.Where is he willing to surrender at this point and no longer have the idea of ​​raising troops to make trouble.

"So..." Bing Yan looked at Long Yulie's face and said cautiously, "How to deal with the seeds, His Majesty Long will decide on his own."

Long Yulie burst out laughing, "The little thing spared me such a big trick, how could I not know that sending medicine and food can only help for a while, but sending seeds will benefit future generations and make great achievements. It will be the foundation of a strong country Giving them something, isn’t that enough to show that the Jinling Kingdom is broad enough to accommodate the sea and the river? If Qing Tianlin and Qu Huai’ao donate the seeds and try to make trouble anyway, I’ll send troops to destroy them immediately!”

Bingyan looked at the man in front of him with admiration. Not only did he have shoulders that were wide enough to carry mountains, he not only had a stomach that was more curved than anyone else, not only did he have a clearer and wiser mind than anyone else, he also had a pair of The tiger's courage not only has the ability to steal the sky and change the sun.The most important thing is that he has a broad mind that can accommodate Baichuan.This is what an emperor with unrivaled achievements must have.

Such a man is exactly the one she has been looking for after thousands of reincarnations.He will definitely create a prosperous and peaceful Sun Moon Continent.

This year, wars just ended, floods, plagues, natural disasters and man-made disasters came to the Sun Moon Continent one after another. However, because of a strange woman in the Sun Moon Continent, Lan Bingyan, the imperial concubine of the Jinling Kingdom, under this severe disaster, the common people were able to Give miraculous peace through.Ever since, Lan Bingyan's name was almost comparable to that of a god in the Sun Moon Continent.

In late autumn, everything was finally on the right track, the affairs of the Jinling Palace were settled, and the other four countries were appeased and settled.With no internal worries or external aggressions, Long Yulie and Lan Bingyan started to prepare for the holy mountain.

According to legend, the holy mountain is the mountain of spiritual origin in the Sun Moon Continent, where rare treasures, exotic flowers and beasts gather.There are many treasures collected and handed down from the holy mountains hundreds of years ago in the royal palaces of various countries.However, it is said that the catastrophe of the reversal of the five elements 500 years ago made the road to the holy mountain also sealed by the magic of freezing glaciers.In other words, the holy mountain does have its own mountain, but now, no one can find it.

(End of this chapter)

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