Supreme Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 347 The Secret of the Magic Show

Chapter 347 The Secret of the Magic Show (1)
Qise was placed on a soft palanquin paved with carved phoenix and weaving feathers and animal skins, and was carried by several maids. There were four charming court ladies at the front and back each holding a big palace fan with a golden phoenix flying to shield her from the wind.The sedan chair went all the way to the Yaoshui Pavilion. As soon as it arrived at the door, Mingye had already walked out from inside. Qise was wearing white soft silk, leaning on the cushion, and the cushion was entwined with hundreds of flowers. The scene seemed to be ignorant of the world. The Luofan Fairy, Ming Ye felt unbearable again, for fear that one wrong move of hers would break such a beautiful feeling.After making up her mind again, she stepped forward, gently hugged Qi Se, and walked towards the inner room of the water pavilion.

Yaoshui Pavilion, as the name suggests, the surrounding walls are made of crystal glass, the crystal wall is hollow in the middle, filled with clear water, the water on the four walls is flickering, hung with gauze curtains, disillusioned, like a fairyland.Around Yaoshui Pavilion is a large lotus pond, in which lotus flowers are in full bloom and blue waves are rippling.

Entering the Water Pavilion, Ming Ye put Qi Se on the couch, sat down beside her, and said softly, "Does Qi Er know why I brought you here?"

Seven colors did not speak.He just shook his head coldly.

Ming Ye has become accustomed to it, and said: "I remember that Qi'er liked to watch magic sound dramas the most in the past. Today, Mingcheng found a group of Taoyao people with superb skills. How about showing Qi'er a show?"

Qise looked at Ming Ye with her eyes.

Ming Ye carefully explained while observing Qi Se's expression. "The performers of the magic sound show are indistinguishable, but all of them are enchanting and beautiful. They are good at singing and dancing, and they are even better at imitating. They are lifelike. Qi'er used to like to watch them. Maybe he has forgotten them now, but he will remember them after watching them."

Qi Se remained silent, but the light of ice crystals in her water eyes flickered slightly.

Ming Ye knew that this was interest, and he didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or mention it.He felt that he had never been so indecisive in his life. He carefully held Qi Se's shoulders, and raised his hand towards the circular stage in the middle of the water pavilion, and a group of masked Taoyao clan stepped in through the clouds and fog.

About 30 people from the Taoyao tribe came up, all dressed in soft silk armor, wearing silver mesh masks, holding long swords, lined up in three rows, and waving their swords. They pretended to be a group of soldiers who were fighting and mopping up. Resounding.There was someone beating drums to accompany the music, and as the sword dance became more violent, the drum music became more and more urgent, and dozens of Taoyao people dressed in messy clothes and pretending to be ordinary people interspersed among the soldiers, and were swept away by the sword energy. They fell to the ground one after another.

What this sword dance shows is clearly a fight.But the scene is beautiful, intense and shocking.Bring people a very strong sensory stimulation.

Seven colors watched intently.Ming Ye carefully observed Qi Se's expression while watching, and gently reached out to grab Qi Se's hand and wrap it into his big hand.Seven colors seemed unaware of it.

When the sword dancer retreated slowly, a masked figure stepped onto the round platform in the water pavilion.The man was wearing a black cloak, which was somewhat similar to Ming Ye's attire. He raised his bow and arrow, and with a vigorous move, he pierced a young girl's chest with an arrow, and said: "General Moon Flower, who is here, has received the golden lock of the country. The princess' provocation caused me to lose my queen, and I will bloodwash the Golden Suo Kingdom today to avenge the queen!" The man waved a big flag, cut his index finger and wrote on the flag: "The queen will not return, bloodbath Jinsuo!" Just now After finishing writing, another Taoyao clan dressed as a guard stumbled in, knelt down and said, "It's not good, Your Majesty, the Queen's mother country, Lanshui Country, has been bloodbathed by gangsters, and both the Queen's mother's parents have suffered accidents..."

bang!The man who claimed to be the emperor turned pale with fright, and the golden sword in his hand fell to the ground. He said in a daze, "This... how can the empress bear it if she finds out." He calmed down a little and said, "I will definitely bury them..."

While watching, Ming Ye looked at Qi Se's expression. The magic sound scene was performed from the bloodbath of Jinsuoguo to the "birth of a child in the Queen's Temple", and then to the emperor's affectionate heart-changing.

Even though it was arranged by himself, Ming Ye was also in love watching it, especially the scene of giving birth in the temple, his eyes filled with tears, and when the good show ended, Ming Ye looked at Qi Se in a blink of an eye, and was stunned.

Qise's whole body was shaking, her expression was stiff, and her face was as white as paper.But, not a single tear.

Mingye thought that Qise would cry, be sad, and question him after seeing it, but she didn't think that she would be in this situation, and panicked for a while.Just when he was at a loss, Qise stood up and walked outside.

Ming Ye's heart was raised, and she didn't know if she remembered it or not, and she didn't dare to disturb her, so she had to follow behind tremblingly.

Qise walked faster and faster.Go all the way to the lotus pond.Before Ming Ye had time to catch her, she had already plunged into the pool.

"Qi'er!" Ming Ye shouted in shock when the person had already jumped into the pool. The moment Qi Se jumped into the pool, the lotus in the pool grew like crazy, the vines were entwined, and the leaves grew rapidly. The entire surface of the water is almost covered.

Ming Ye didn't care so much, and shouted like crazy while overcoming thorns and thorns under the water: "Qi'er, you come out, it's my fault, I shouldn't let you watch some damn magic sound show, it's my fault! You come out, Don't hide, you don't want to see it or not!"

The vines at the bottom of the pool were entangled, making it difficult for him to move.He wished he could shatter all these damned plants with phantom power, but he was worried about hurting her, so he could only hold back his impatience and search like crazy with all his strength. "The bottom of the water is cold, come out quickly, please! Qi'er! Come out, please..."

Suddenly, his heart choked, and he rushed towards the bottom of the pool frantically.

Sure enough, there was a slender woman in white clothes floating on the bottom of the pool, she closed her eyes, as if she was half dead, her dirty black hair and snow-white dress were floating with the water waves.

"Qi'er! Qi'er!" Ming Ye rushed over, picked up Qi Se, and got out of the water. "Qi'er, Qi..." Ming Ye's words stopped abruptly, and Ming Ye's movement of shaking Qi Se also stopped abruptly.

Qise opened her eyes suddenly, she looked at Ming Ye, there were no tears in her eyes, but the shocking almost shattered sadness and pain in her eyes made him more uncomfortable than killing Ming Ye.At that moment, Ming Ye knew that Qi Se had already remembered everything.At that moment, he even hated himself for breaking this secret.

The air between the two froze, and being stared at so coldly by Qi Se, Ming Ye actually felt guilty, and said bravely, "Qi'er...I just want to tell you that I didn't kill your parents, Even the bloodbath of Jinling is because losing you makes me crazy. And...our son, I guarantee he is fine, now that you are fully recovered, I will go to Netherworld to bring back our son soon."

(End of this chapter)

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