Earth Immortal Righteous Path

Chapter 244 Agent Lupine of MI5

Chapter 244 MI[-] Agent Lupine

"Master, you will violate the secrecy law by doing this!"

Zhang Ming waved the newspaper in his hand, and a moving photo on it was showing a full-body portrait of a big man with a short beard, surrounded by several Aurors, wearing the uniform of the Ministry of Magic.

Even though the master had already entered the study, the little guy still knew that the master would definitely be able to hear it.

Sure enough, a thick, hardcover notebook flew out from the study room, made a clever arc, and fell into the little guy's arms.

"Don't worry about my affairs. You start school on September [-]st. Before that, give me a good preview of the books. If you let me know which one of your subjects is not excellent..."

"Don't expect to have pocket money!"

"Now, go to the second floor, stay in your bedroom, and prepare your herbal medicine textbook. I'm going to entertain guests later, so be careful not to make any noise."

"Also—open your notebook."

The little guy stared dumbfounded at the black notebook in his hand, which was densely filled with words, all in English.

"I wrote it in English, all the textbooks for the first to third grades of the clock tower in the future, memorize and understand it, before your vacation comes."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll regret the whole vacation."

Under the flat tone, there was a hidden threat, which made the little guy gasp like a toothache.

He was often teased by his master, so he naturally didn't want to try the consequences of failing to complete the task.

Holding his textbook and this thick notebook, the little guy walked up the stairs to the second floor and locked himself in the room. It seemed that he didn't plan to come out this morning.

Lin Zhengyang tidied up the living room, sat on the sofa, spread out a magic book, and waited patiently.

The person he is waiting for today is from the British intelligence agency, the mysterious MI[-].

To establish a foothold in the UK, there are two places that foreign wizards cannot go around, one is the Ministry of Magic, and the other is the British government.

The former is easy to deal with, but the latter is more difficult to deal with, because racial discrimination is everywhere at this time.

Fortunately, wizards have their own way of dealing with wizards. After Lin Zhengyang showed the mysterious means of magic (Magik), he successfully entered the official line of sight, and successfully used a small shrimp who broke into the magic world
The Ministry of Magic is in contact with the Prime Minister, because the support of the government is often needed to keep the secrets of the magic world. You must know that the magic world occupies too much land, and the number of wizards is not just one or two. If you want to have no trace It is impossible to stay.

The two sides were in a situation of mutual fear, and the Muggles in the Middle Ages were able to organize various operations to hunt and kill wizards, forcing wizards to retreat and defend themselves.

Even the original intention of Hogwarts was to protect the fragile and silent (that is, little wizards who have not learned any magic). Slytherin has always refused to accept Muggle little wizards into the school because of their aversion to Muggles.

Later, Slytherin fell out with his friends and went away, and he was worried about the school, so he deliberately left a basilisk in case he was turned over by Muggle wizards at school...
In fact, wizards have always been at a disadvantage in the battle with Muggles, there is no doubt about it!
Muggle kind, at that time, it was the wizard's hatred for Muggles that invented the word.

At that time, wizards were more or less surrounded by Muggles. Of course, they also killed many Muggles with their magic.

Lin Zhengyang has always been curious about the magic-like means used by those church members in the Middle Ages, but it is a pity that it has been lost for a long time now.

Although the latter has always had the intention of slicing the wizard into pieces.

Contacting MI[-] was actually an attempt. Lin Zhengyang had a trump card, and he was confident that the British government would be tempted.

Opening the magic circuit, blood transplant surgery, magical enlightenment potion...
In order to expand the number of spellcasters, he prepared quite well and exchanged no less than [-] different systems of magic world materials.

After coming to this world, after several simulation experiments, this technology is quite mature.

This is also the reason why he intends to cooperate with the British government, set aside the Ministry of Magic, and finally establish a new magic system.

Hogwarts has new students every year, but there are no more than five or 60 people, and the recruitment of new students is completely a big net, depending on luck.

If the Clock Tower recruits 1942 new students every year, from 1992 to 50, 100 years later, after the Harry Potter plot begins, there will be more than [-] million spellcasters, and they are natural supporters of the new magic system of the Clock Tower.

At that time, who can compete with the clock tower for the title of the number one school in the magic world?
Just by Hogwarts?

His accumulation of thousands of years is only one hundred thousand wizards in Europe!

When quality is not enough to crush, quantity is king and justice!
The British intelligence service is composed of the National Security Agency, the Secret Intelligence Service, the Air Force Intelligence Service, the Naval Intelligence Service and the Government Communications Headquarters, and is finally managed by the British Joint Intelligence Committee.In addition, there are intelligence agencies such as the Metropolitan Police Service (Scotland Yard), which is responsible for monitoring terrorist activities in the UK.The more famous ones are the National Security Agency, the Secret Intelligence Service and the Government Communications Headquarters, known as the "troika" of British intelligence agencies.

The National Security Agency, formerly known as the "Military Intelligence Fifth Branch" (MI5), is mainly responsible for the security work in the UK. It is similar in nature to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), so it is also called the "Security Service".

The man who pretended to be a newspaper delivery man was the agent Lupine who belonged to this MI[-].

"Lupine the Third, have you often been in a trance recently, feeling that you have lost a memory inexplicably?"

"You know? Does magic really exist?"

Lupine sat down calmly, observing every plant and thing here, silently doing a psychological profile.

From the furniture in the room, as well as various small details, it is a compulsory course for senior detectives to infer the owner's habits and draw a psychological profile about someone.

"You have a faint magical aura remaining on your body. It seems that your memory was cleaned up by the wizard in about half a year to three months. It is obvious that you saw something you shouldn't see or heard something you shouldn't hear."

"Please, what, magic aura? Magic? I'm sorry, I don't understand very well. You must know that I didn't believe what you said before I came here."

Lupine is not stupid. Stupid people can't be detectives. Intelligence work requires more flexible brains than detectives.

"But you're still here, aren't you?"

"You have a desire to explore and curiosity that is too ordinary. Sometimes, this is really not a good thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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