Chapter 301 Handling
The huge sound and light effect, whether it is the sound of the battle, or the huge light source after that, is undoubtedly a conspicuous target.

All over the castle, fires lit up one by one, and the fireplaces that had been extinguished were lit by house elves one after another.

The professors who had already fallen asleep had to put on their clothes immediately and came to check the situation.

Professor McGonagall was wearing pajamas, with loose hair, and without a hat on, he rushed out with his wand in hand.

Professor Flitwick ran fast on the ground with short legs.

Buffett Jr.'s Lockhart, as usual, deliberately lags a few steps behind.

Severus Snape and Sprout came running from the other two sides.

Other professors were still trying to appease the students. They were either civilians or not good at fighting, so they had to do some logistics.

"It's a big mess..."

Xia Ge left such a message in the optical brain, and then turned off the blinking instant messaging software cursor.

"This guy seems to be the very famous head of the black wizard~ This is the soul grafting technology? It's very trendy!"

The students who were ambushing at the side all jumped out and watched from a close distance. Watching the excitement is no big deal.

"Someone summoned creatures from the shadow world here just now. There are traces left here. It's a bit like our clock tower's technique. Unfortunately, the other party's calculation power is too poor and too rough. It seems to be done by a layman, and it is copied mechanically from a book. "

"I suspect that someone has leaked the internal information of the academy."

Xia Ge said to them with a straight face:
"This matter is temporarily blocked. When you go back, you must report it immediately. You must be vigilant against wizards colluding with the scum among magicians and selling college materials for personal gain."

"And one more thing··········"

Seeing several professors coming not far away, Xia Ge asked them:

"Are you ready to lead the legion? There will be a battle here soon!"

Old man Zhang Ming was the first to arrive at the scene. He stayed up all night and meditated in his bedroom.

After receiving the warning message from her granddaughter, she immediately woke up from the shallow Zeng state, threw out a flying sword exuding cold air, and transformed into a shield of sword light the size of a door panel, wrapping herself like a shooting star and escaping down.

"Good granddaughter, is it a Hogwarts student who provoked you? Are you not injured?"

The bearded Zhang Ming saw his precious and good-looking granddaughter at a glance, and stepped forward to give her a bear hug.

"Don't be afraid, grandpa will vent your anger on you, watch grandpa beat them! Anyway, it will be a matter of time before you turn against Dumbledore!"

Embarrassed, Zhang Qiu reluctantly pushed away his grandfather who was getting stronger and stronger.

"Grandpa, can you be more serious, there was an attack here just now! A black wizard from outside the school got in and used strange soul magic."

Zhang Ming squinted his eyes, habitually supporting his long white beard.

"Since there are dark wizards, Hogwarts will naturally give us an explanation for the clock tower."

"Don't worry, they dare not turn their backs."

Zhang Ming looked at Xia Ge who was hesitant to speak, and nodded with a smile.

He didn't like this grandson-in-law at first, but now he likes it more and more.

On the one hand, it is because he is also of Chinese origin, on the other hand, this kid is hardworking, and finally, this kid is not careless, which is the most rare thing.

"Xia family boy, this matter, I must be bitten to death in a while, it is Hogwarts' responsibility!"

"And you, why don't I teach you how to speak?"

The dozen or so boys watching on one side nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

In the school, Zhang Ming is in charge of the school's rules and regulations. Students who make mistakes have to pass through him. No student is not nervous when they see him.

"This is, what's going on? Merlin! What happened here?"

The vice-principal, the head of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall, rushed here first.

Hogwarts has defenses against space magic, so apparition is basically not allowed on campus.

Of course, this set is only for wizards' apparation, not for house-elves' magic, because the latter are not human.

"My student, in Hogwarts, on your territory, was attacked by a foreign dark wizard with evil black magic!"

Zhang Ming immediately lowered his face, looking angry.

"Where's Dumbledore? I want to have a good talk with him!"

"The principal will be here soon, please get out of the way, I want to check the scene."

Professor McGonagall pursed his lips, replied dryly, and raised his wand to illuminate the place.

The ground is full of potholes, upturned lawns, messy footprints, rain, traces of wind blowing, and - Harry's relics, the dirty wizard robes, wands and broken pieces Glasses.


Professor McGonagall undoubtedly recognized the owners of these things.

As a student of Gryffindor and Dumbledore's focus, Harry is very famous, and he is also number one in Professor McGonagall's heart.

"Oh, here's the thing..."

As the first person involved, Xia Ge naturally wanted to explain to the other party what happened at that time.

There are more than a dozen students from the clock tower accompanying them, and you speak to each other, restoring the scene at that time from different angles.

Just when Professor McGonagall's eyes became more and more strange, several other professors also arrived, and they also brought another client, Ron, by the way.

"Ron, now tell me, why did you break the school rules and appear here?"

Professor McGonagall is not good at directly disciplining the students of the clock tower, so he can only vent his anger on his own students.

What's more, she couldn't just listen to the clock tower's one-sided story about this matter.

Snape didn't listen to what they said, but walked to the pile of clothes, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he felt that three layers of black ash could be scraped off at any time.

He clutched his left arm, bent down, and looked close to his face. The molten liquid seemed to have a magical power that fascinated him, and he was so engrossed in watching it.

On the other side, everyone was watching Ron and staring at him, which put him under great psychological pressure.

He stumbled a little, obviously frightened, who would have known that a duel would be life-threatening?
"Teacher, professor, I thought they were just casting curses at each other, I, I really didn't expect..."

"Mr. Weasley, I implore you, skip these meaningless words and tell us the whole story."

Professor Flitwick cut him off straight away.

"Okay, okay."

Ron choked up and cried.

"It started before the ball. Harry met Qiu Zhang and fell in love with her."

Some students from Clock Tower looked at Zhang Qiu, who stared back fiercely.

"...Later, Harry borrowed a forbidden book from Ginny."

"Wait, books in the restricted section need approval slips before they can be borrowed. Who will give her approval slips?"

Professor McGonagall interrupted him to ask the question.

"Oh, I think it was the approval slip that Ginny asked me for today."

Buffett interrupted while wearing Lockhart's appearance.

"But I remember writing "Advanced Potions" at the time. I don't remember that I approved other books."

"Then, Miss Ginny Weasley undoubtedly borrowed the forbidden book in violation of the regulations and handed it to Harry Potter!"

Professor McGonagall's tone was icy.

No more than other things, killing people is a major event that pierces a hole in the sky. This time, some people may really be expelled!
The brat who wanted to die made a big mess, especially this time when someone was killed and other schools were involved, so it was impossible to handle it lightly.

"Since Miss Ginny Weasley is also involved in this matter, I suggest that it is better to go to the castle first, find all the parties involved, and have a good talk."

Snape said grimly, he had been staring at Ron with blank eyes.

"As for the scene, I will stay here and wait for Dumbledore, just leave it to me!"

Head of Hufflepuff, Sprout, motions for himself to stay and protect the scene.

Soon, a group of people rushed to the castle in silence.

What happened this time, although there is no evidence so far that it is a conspiracy of the Clock Tower, but the Hogwarts team who died of a prophesied savior obviously became more repulsive to the Clock Tower.

The two teams were almost completely separated, one on the left and the other on the right, and they didn't talk to each other, but from Hogwarts, they were very vigilant, their arms never leaving their wands.

Halfway there, I heard a sound from behind, like the sound of firecrackers exploding.

Snape clutched his arms and fell to his knees in pain.

"He's here...he's here!"

"Go and tell Dumbledore!"

Snape looked up, his eyes filled with mad calmness, he was a master of Occlumency, able to remain awake and sane even in the midst of rage

"I'll stop him for a while, remember, it won't last long!"

Snape grabbed his wand, followed the call of the Dark Mark on his arm, and rushed towards... the castle!
"Now, can't you explain Dumbledore's whereabouts? Such a big thing happened! Where is the headmaster?"

Zhang Ming turned his head and asked the vice-principal, Professor McGonagall.

"Dumbledore has a guest tonight and is not at Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall jogged, and she was already a bit exhausted at such a young age.

"I've sent him a summons, and he's here now!"

The students in the clock tower didn't have much thought of rushing to die.

Zhang Ming left Zhang Qiu and Xia Ge to appease the students, and told them to walk back slowly, and then went back to protect the students with their swords in their hands.

When we arrived at the castle, we saw stone sculptures standing in the corridor one by one.

It can be seen that they are all Hogwarts students, wearing traditional wizard robes, and seem to be planning to get up at night to watch the excitement... The commotion tonight is really too big.

"Vice-principal? We're here, here!"

Suddenly, a half body of a student emerged from the wall.

They passed through the masonry of the wall as if through water, and the protection magic and reinforcement magic on the wall did not work at all.

 Well, today is 6000 words again, continue to ask for votes.

  By the way, how about going to Fengshen in the next volume?Or go to another fairy, Hua Qiangu?Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms?Journey to the West?If you have any recommendations, please leave a message!
  Those who require a higher upper limit are well-known.

  Or I can be original...


(End of this chapter)

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