Chapter 196

"Report, General! General Wang Xuance has a message."

"The rebel army has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses attacking its defense line with all its strength, and the fighting is extremely fierce."

"Report, General! General Xue Rengui has a message."

"The chief general of the rebel army, Gong Yuan, is personally leading an army to attack his defense line."

All of a sudden, several messengers of the Yanmen Army broke into Gao Qi's main tent and reported.

"Oh? What is Gong Yuan's plan to attack our army's defense line by splitting up his forces?"

"But why didn't he go all the way with the army and directly attacked our army's camp?"

Hearing this, Gao Qi couldn't help but ponder over it.

For a moment, Gao Qi couldn't figure out what Gong Yuan meant by this move.

"General, isn't Mr. Cui Yuan a colleague of Gong Yuan? Why don't you ask Mr. Cui Yuan?"

Seeing that Gao Qi couldn't figure out Gong Yuan's intentions, Liu Bowen couldn't help but stood up and said slowly.

Cui Yuan was the literati surnamed Cui who served in the army during the Northern Expedition of the Xiaoliang Army.

When Su Lie broke through Xiangyang, he also successfully captured Cui Yuan.

In the end, under Gao Qi's sincere persuasion to surrender, Cui Yuan couldn't help but think of the feeling that he had offered advice and advice to Xiao Liang's army, worked hard, but was squeezed out by villains.

Cui Yuan directly decided to take refuge in Gao Qi as his adviser.

After testing, Cui Yuan's five dimensions have reached 74 for commander, 65 for force, 90 for intelligence, 88 for politics, and 86 for charisma.

"Mr. Cui, the general promised not to let you offer any advice to deal with your old master Xiao Mian."

"But now Gong Yuan is leading his army out of the city to storm our defense line."

"You often work with Gong Yuan as a partner, can you explain Gong Yuan's use of troops for this general?"

Following Liu Bowen's reminder, Gao Qi also looked at Cui Yuan, and then asked.

Hearing this, Cui Yuan's thin body walked out slowly, looked directly at Gao Qi, and said in a deep voice: "General, Xiao Xian was originally Yuan's boss, and Gong Yuan was also a colleague."

"Yuan didn't want to come up with suggestions to deal with them, but now it is for the general to put down the rebellion as soon as possible, reduce unnecessary casualties, and save the people in the city from the suffering of war."

"Yuan thought about it, and for the sake of the people in the city, explain Gong Yuan to the general!"

Immediately, after pondering for a while, Cui Yuan began to explain to Gao Qi and the generals under his command.

"Gong Yuan is from a poor family because he came from a poor family."

"Therefore, this has also made Gong Yuan practice martial arts diligently since he was a child, has outstanding martial arts skills, and has an extremely firm mind."

"And Gong Yuan has also followed Xiao Mian for nearly ten years. During these ten years, Gong Yuan followed Xiao Mian to various places and fought in the south and north. He has already made great achievements in battle."

"Moreover, over the years of fighting, Gong Yuan has gradually figured out his own set of experience in commanding troops of 'surprisingly, fighting out of order'."

"Taking this time as an example, even the general knows how to concentrate superior forces to attack our camp, and take the initiative."

"But Gong Yuan divided his troops and attacked two strong defense lines of our army."

"Therefore, Yuan guessed that Gong Yuan must have a plan and a conspiracy."

Just to say, with Cui Yuan's eloquent words, Gong Yuan's character traits were explained in an instant.

After hearing this, Gao Qi looked at Liu Bowen and asked, "I wonder what Bowen thinks after listening to Mr. Cui's explanation?"

Hearing this, Liu Bowen first rested his chin to meditate, and then said in a deep voice: "After listening to Mr. Cui Yuan's explanation, Wen came to the conclusion that Gong Yuan is good at surprising soldiers, making it impossible to guard against!"

"Now that Gong Yuan doesn't play his cards according to common sense, he concentrates his superior forces to attack our army's camp, but divides his troops to attack the solid defense line built by our army."

"Therefore, Wen concluded that Gong Yuan definitely still has a hidden strategy. Our army should wait and see what happens at this time, and don't use troops without authorization, so as not to fall into Gong Yuan's trap."

Seeing Liu Bowen's serious face now, Gao Qi knew that he had encountered a strong enemy, so he did not dare to underestimate the rebels.

Quickly let the messengers go back to the defense, and told Wang Xuance and Xue Rengui to defend each line of defense with all their strength, in order to consume the vital strength of the rebel army.

Moreover, it is emphasized that Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance should not take the initiative to attack, so as not to be ambushed by the rebels.


Outside Jiangling City, the defense line of the Yanmen Army
I saw that this piece of ground has been dyed red with scarlet blood, just like the sunset glow at dusk.

In this layer of blood-colored air, there was even a thick aura.

On top of the scarlet blood, there are floating corpses.

I saw that the rebels are still frantically continuing to attack the defense line of the Yanmen Army.

It's just that the Yanmen Army spent several days setting up the defense line like a deep ditch and a high fort.

How could the rebel army be captured so easily?
I saw that the Yanmen Army's bows and arrows, rolling logs, thunder stones, and countless arrows that had already been laid were caught in the attack.

Rebel casualties are almost getting higher and more intense!
Although the number of casualties of the rebel army is gradually increasing, it seems that the rebel soldiers have already gone crazy, and they continue to fight bravely as if they are gathering their lives and death.


In the central army of the rebel army, a man in heavy armor was always watching the situation on the battlefield.

This person is Gong Yuan, Generalissimo of Governor Xiao Liang's army.

After a long time, I saw a rebel army messenger running quickly and reported: "General, the Sui army is now fighting bravely under our army."

"I just huddled inside the line of defense, and didn't dare to fight our army head-on."

Just as the messenger finished his report, another horse galloped quickly in the distance.

After Pentium came over, the sentry cavalry urgently reported: "General, there is no movement in the Sui army's camp."

"No troops have been sent to help any side of the Sui army's defense line, and they are standing still!"

Hearing this, Gong Yuan started laughing in an instant.

It was a kind of self-confidence, a kind of hearty laughter that succeeded in plotting.


Jiangling City, because it is the only city hanging alone on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

Therefore, to the south of him is the surging Yangtze River.

But this time, when Gao Qi was arranging his troops, in addition to placing the infantry at a distance of [-] miles from Jiangling City.

It was also transferred to Zheng Chenggong, who was familiar with water warfare, with [-] soldiers and captured warships.

He ordered Zheng Chenggong to repair his feet in the water camp based on his experience in water combat, straddle the Yangtze River obliquely, block the river, and completely reduce Jiangling to an isolated city.

Let not even a single bird fly over it!
And every day, Zheng Chenggong drove most of the soldiers on the river in warships to threaten Jiangling City.

But now, the water camp of the Yanmen Army is extremely empty, but there are nearly one-third of the warships parked there.


At this time, I saw an army outside the water camp was ready to go, choosing people to love.

Seeing that the time had come, the leading general immediately stood up, waved his knife and gave the order: "The whole army goes out and seizes the Sui army's water camp."

All of a sudden, nearly tens of thousands of horses broke through the air and attacked the Sui army's water camp.

In the blink of an eye, this huge momentum shocked the Sui army staying behind in the water camp.

For a moment, the inside of the water camp was in a panic!
(End of this chapter)

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