The legend of super sage Wukong

Chapter 468 Heaven and Earth 2 Souls

Chapter 468 Two souls of heaven and earth (2)

I saw the golden tadpole-like runes erupting from the liquid and the purple runes on the golden lotus pagoda gradually fused together to form a new purple and gold rune.The newly born runes are mysterious and ancient.It seems to be more corresponding to the supreme rule in the invisible.I don't know how long it has been.

Only two loud laughter came from the Zifu space. "Haha, my way is a little success!" I followed along and looked.I saw two men dressed together as a monk, who were almost the same as Sun Wukong himself, standing in the void with smiles, each exuding immeasurable Buddha light and boundless auspiciousness.The breath shines thousands of miles away.

The man dressed as a monk sits cross-legged on a golden lotus, which exudes infinite Buddha light, saving people and doing good.The monk said: "I have the Buddhadharma, and I have the great vow to save all sentient beings. I should have a Taoist place!" After speaking, I saw a round of infinite merit and virtue appearing on the top of his head.

I saw countless sentient beings in Sun Wukong's dantian world condensed in many space artifacts were transformed by the immeasurable Buddha's light, turned into golden light and merged into the light wheel of merit and virtue above his head, and became Buddhists who believed in him and Buddha in his light wheel children.

At this time, Monkey King himself appeared in the world of Zifu.The Buddha-phase Heavenly Soul said: "I am the Buddha-phase, cultivate the true Buddha, practice the true self, and prove the supreme Buddha fruit! I am the supreme Buddha!"

The soul of the Dao also said: "I am the face of the Dao, cultivate the true way, discern the false and false, and prove the fruit of the unsurpassed Dao, this is the Unsurpassed Dao!"

At the same time, read the Taoist mantra:

"Tao can be Tao, and it is very Tao. Names can be named, and they are very names. Nameless, the beginning of all things; having a name, the mother of all things. Therefore, there is always desire, so that you can see its beauty; if you have no desire, you can see Qijiaye. These two come from the same place but have different names, and they are both called Xuan. Xuan is also Xuan, the gate of all wonders.”

The Supreme Buddha of Heavenly Soul also recited the Buddhist mantra: "Great compassion, infinite sentient beings, my suffering is the suffering of all living beings, and all living beings can make the vows of heaven and earth. There is nothing in Bodhi, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, where can dust If it is the way, it will advance, if it is not the way, it will retreat.

Don't follow evil paths, don't deceive the dark room; accumulate virtue and merit, be kind to things; be loyal, filial and friendly, correct yourself and transform others; respect the old and cherish the young; insects, plants, and trees must not be hurt.It is advisable to pity people in their misfortune, to delight in their kindness; to help others in need, and to save them in danger.

See others' gains as your own gains; see others' losses as your own losses.Don't show off others' shortcomings, don't show off your own strengths; curb evil and promote good, push more and take less.

(End of this chapter)

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