Chapter 263
The way of heaven is ruthless, and the way of heaven is fair.

The creatures that Kong Fangyuan and the others captured were members of the slave hunting team, and their karma stemmed from looting and trading of creatures.

It is a heinous crime.

Kong Fangyuan treated them like this, an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, doing justice for the heavens.

Not only will it not be contaminated with the slightest karma, but it will also have immeasurable merit.

That's why even Huang Zicheng, who is used to being sympathetic to women, but still has a conscience, ignored them and allowed them to be taken away.

At the same time, as the mother tiger and the second beauty on the Hundred Beauty List were snatched away by the first and second brothels in Longsheng Village, this extremely hasty event was completely pushed to a climax.

Many creatures were caught blind.

If you talk about cultivation resources, almost everyone has them, but when it comes to food, most people don't know anything about it.

What should I do if I don’t have one and I don’t want to miss the opportunity?

Grab it.

This is the tradition of Longsheng Village.

One is to grab people directly, and the other is to grab food.

Fighting, brawling, and even killing are all allowed in Longsheng Village, but robbing people is an exception.

Population business is the foundation of Longsheng Village.

If there is a problem in this aspect, it will be a devastating blow to Longsheng Village.

Therefore, there is a village rule in Longsheng Village that forbids robbing people.

Once someone offends, the members of Longsheng Society will be dispatched.

But today, the whole Longsheng Village is in chaos, and the middle of the street is full of people, and they can't get in for a while.

Some creatures saw the opportunity, thought that they could take advantage of their speed, and wanted to snatch someone and escape quickly.

They were blinded by lard, and pointed their finger at Su Ningshuang, Qing Yuzhi and others.

In the eyes of many people, the so-called beauties on the [-] beauty list are not even farts in front of Su Ningshuang and the others.

Those people couldn't help but go astray.

The leader was a thin man with dark circles around his eyes and pale complexion.

His eyes are on Su Ningshuang's fat buttocks, on the slender and strong legs of Qingyuzhi, on Yue Erya's delicate and charming red lips... sliding back and forth.

"These women are rare and rare in a hundred years. They are the most beautiful women in the world. If ordinary people can own one, they will burn their incense. I, Mrs. Huang, have so much virtue and ability. I will possess all of them."

"Should I play alone, or together?"

"Playing together, there is a beauty in playing together, and there is a beauty in playing one by one."

"Wouldn't it be wonderful to sell them when I get tired of them and make a fortune!"

"It's's a pity to sell it. These few people are enough to support a brothel."

"Okay! Let's do it this way, open a brothel. You can play with them for free, and you can also make a lot of money."

Thinking of this, Mrs. Huang couldn't help laughing.

With a blurred figure, he suddenly appeared behind Su Ningshuang, raised his hand and threw a silver spider the size of a grape bead.

Thin threads shot out from the silver spider, turning into a spider web, and placed it under Su Ningshuang's hood.

This silver spider is a top mortal secret treasure. When the spider web touched the skin, it couldn't be shaken off no matter what, and it became tighter and tighter.

This is the ultimate weapon for catching people and demons.

Huang Santai is an aborigine on Ghost Star, about the same age as Father Feng, and his strength is only one level lower than Father Feng. He is the Martial Ancestor of the Ancient Desolation Realm, and he can be considered a genius.

He didn't die when the ghost star changed drastically.

Huang Santai is lustful and insatiable. Over the years, relying on her strength and powerful magic weapons, her actions are more hateful than Yun Zhonghe in Tianlong World, and Tian Boguang in Xiaoao Jianghu.

After he played with the woman, he sold it to a brothel.

He and his more than 60 family members are the biggest slave traders in this Longsheng village.

Today he will treat Su Ningshuang like he treated countless women in the past.

Huang Santai stared at Su Ningshuang with squinting eyes.

What he is best at is speed. The speed of the silver sky spider is faster, less than a flash, and the spider web is within a millimeter of Su Ningshuang.

In his eyes, Su Ningshuang is just a weak eight-star martial artist, but he is a one-star martial spirit. The two are not at the same level at all, and they are not the same.

In his opinion, this time it will be as good as before.

However, Mrs. Huang soon discovered that she was too blind and optimistic, and what the spider web encountered was just an afterimage.

At the same time, great danger came from behind him.

It was like death.

Huang Santai panicked immediately.

But it was too late.

Su Ningshuang has been practicing Bajiquan since she was a child. Before leaving the earth, she was only a step away from the perfect state.

After becoming a ghost star, he gave up the incomplete Bajiquan and practiced the Kui Niu sword technique instead.

Until Kong Fangyuan completed Bajiquan, she also entered the realm of perfection.

In particular, she has a special physique, and the lightning flashes on her fist, which is extremely powerful.

Huang Santai was caught off guard, and in his haste, he had no time to deal with it.

Su Ningshuang punched Huang Santai's waist fiercely, and the violent force quickly broke through his defense, destroying his weak waist without restraint.

"Damn it! This bitch hides her strength, her outburst is stronger than mine!"

"It's over, it's over, my kidney is broken, my life is over, and there will be no more fun in the future."

Huang Santai hadn't landed yet, tears were already overflowing from the dark sockets of her eyes.

Su Ningshuang appeared in front of Huang Santai, and punched him in the face accurately.

Huang Santai vomited blood and teeth, rolled and fell to the ground, completely losing her fighting power.

"Get up, stand over there, don't get in the way."

Su Ningshuang kicked Huang Santai in the stomach.

Huang Santai spat out a mouthful of blood, and got up dizzily.

He is the biggest slave trader in Longsheng Village, so he naturally knew that at this time, he should not resist at all, otherwise he might be killed.

It was at this time that he realized that he was standing neatly with his family, and there was no one missing in the family.

The Huang Santai family all act together, and have developed a very strong tacit understanding for a long time.

So when Huang Santai made a move, his family members also made moves towards their own goals.

It was Huang Santai's younger sister, Huang Sitai, who attacked Qing Yuzhi.

She is the number one beauty on the Longsheng Village Hundred Beauty List.

Huang Sitai's jealousy is very strong. Whenever she sees someone who looks better than her, she will do everything possible to kill or sell it to a brothel.

In short, only by destroying those who are better than yourself will you be reconciled and happy.

Otherwise, she would feel suffocated in her heart, so aggrieved that she would die, and she would have no energy to do anything.

Mrs. Huang likes to go to crowded places.

Those men's obsessive or lewd expressions always make her happy.

Today, as usual, she was enjoying the compliments from everyone in the middle of the street. What she didn't expect was that she saw five women, one of whom was prettier than the other.

Hearing the unscrupulous praise from the crowd, she was so jealous to death.

She urged her good brother Huang Santai to do it.

Get rid of these thorns in the eyes.

What she didn't expect was that the long-legged woman was not even a little bit stronger than her, and she was instantly killed with a single stick.

Huang Santai's family was captured neatly, and after the news spread that the food was changed, the whole Longsheng Village was like a pot being exploded, and the sky was boiling.

If you want to say which slave hunting team in Longsheng Village is the most hated, and which slave hunting team has the most hatred, it must be Huang Santai's family.

The female tiger is naturally good at gambling, and her gambling skills are not particularly bad. She spends most of her time in the casino, and rarely goes out to rob people.

But Huang Santai's family is different. They work almost 360 days a year.

And they rob everyone.

As long as you encounter it, you will not let it go.

Therefore, compared with Huang Santai's family, the hatred value of the mother tiger is nothing compared to the big witch.

What's more, Huang Sitai is the number one beauty on the Longsheng Village Hundred Beauties.

At this moment, the enthusiasm of the entire Longsheng Village was completely ignited.

At the same time, Huang Sitai's family tried their best to let everyone understand a truth, Kong Fangyuan and his group are powerful, it is best not to touch their whiskers.

However, there are always people who do not believe in evil, not only are not intimidated, but are eager to try, thinking that Kong Fangyuan and the others are spicy enough and tasty enough.

It must be delicious to eat!

"Dog-like spirit envoy, who gave you the guts to stretch out your paws in front of Master Kong, looking for death!" Kong Fangyuan snorted coldly.

A plum blossom composed of spiritual thoughts appeared in the air, piercing into the mind field between the eyebrows of a guy who didn't believe in evil.


Everyone around that guy heard the cracking sound like an eggshell.

The realm of thought is broken.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of black smoke appeared from that guy's body, which was the karma suppressed in the field of thought by secret techniques.

The black smoke was like the smoke of a beacon on a beacon tower, lingering upwards, straight into the sky.


Accompanied by the roaring sound that pierces the sky, the Judgment Thunder Beast Xiezhi makes its debut.

The ink-colored Xiezhi sat on top of the thunderous clouds.

A massive amount of thunder appeared above the single horn, venting towards Longsheng Village under the clouds, as if a river of thunder had burst its bank in the sky.

In front of this vast might of the sky, all living beings trembled, especially those soul-destroyers hidden in Longsheng Village, each of them collapsed on the ground, wishing they could dig a hole to bury themselves, so that Xiezhi would not notice them.

It's a pity that the evil secret techniques used by the spirit messengers are not worth mentioning when they face Xiezhi directly.

The purple thunder fell on all the dead souls, not a single one was missed, splitting them into cinders, like small lumps of coal.

The Judgment Thunder Beast Xiezhi came and went quickly, and it took less than ten seconds to add up.

But there are hundreds of lost souls turned into scum, and their souls fall into hell, and they will never be reborn forever.

Everyone was frightened.

The entire Longsheng Village became so silent that it seemed that even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

When many people breathe, they are cautious, fearing that they will attract Xiezhi again.

After all, this Longsheng village is basically full of bad pussy goods, and there are a lot of karma on their bodies.

It's just that their situation is under the control of the Netherland Government, and Xiezhi will occasionally deal with a few of them casually.

"Where are the dishes? This dish is not tasty, next one!" Kong Fangyuan said suddenly.

This is the second time he has recruited Xiezhi.

Last time, he hitched a ride on Xie Zhi's car and left the lava cave.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Kong Fangyuan felt Xie Zhi glaring at him, as if to say: Why is it you again?
The pressure rushed towards him like overwhelming.

Even though Kong Fangyuan was always fearless, this time he was terrified.

"Taste my grapes."

The person who spoke was the big guy from Ruyifang, the biggest gambling house in Longsheng Village.

He brought a very beautiful bunch of grapes.

The shape and color of each grape are different, like gems and stars in the blue sky.

There are no scents like ghosts or orchids on the grapes, only refreshing fruity aromas.

The name of this grape is "Contentment and Changle", and there are exactly one hundred and eight grapes in each bunch.

One hundred and eight grapes, one hundred and eight shapes, one hundred and eight flavors.

Kong Fangyuan picked one that was as transparent as a diamond and shaped like a football. It was very beautiful.

Put it in your mouth and bite it lightly, and the sweet juice explodes on the tip of your tongue.

"Delicious!" After Kong Fangyuan finished eating, he felt a subtle change in his mentality, and eight words suddenly appeared in his heart - peace of poverty and happiness, contentment and happiness.


This characteristic of contentment and happiness belongs to the same category as Xueheyou Epiphyllum and Void Fruit.

The mysterious materials needed to create the talismans were finally assembled.

"These grapes are amazing! If you have vines or grape cuttings, you can choose as you please!" Kong Fangyuan handed the grapes to Bai Geliu next to him, asking everyone to taste them together.

The big guy from Ruyifang only brought a bunch of them.

"Yes! There are grape cuttings!" The big guy hurriedly took out the prepared grape cuttings and handed them over.

Kong Fangyuan used the ten square eyes to investigate, and found that the runes were in the same line as the grapes, so it was true.

"It's up to you, let's go."

The big guy from Ruyifang was dragging away the number one beauty in Longsheng Village——Huang Sitai.

Mrs. Huang Si is good-looking and hated by others, and her value is much higher than that of Yihonglou's female tiger.

After Huang Sitai arrived at Ruyifang, she took on two jobs, being a croupier and providing services, which was even worse than going to a brothel.

As the big guys from Ruyifang dragged Huang Sitai across the market, the people who were frightened by the ruling Thunder Beast came back to their senses.

They realized they had missed a great opportunity.

Only a few people noticed that many of the karmic beings who were chopped into coke by the thunder method were the leaders of Longsheng Village.

As the village head of Longsheng Village, Yuweisheng lived in the tallest building in the village. Standing in front of the window, he could have a panoramic view of the whole village.

He couldn't help laughing when he saw the dead spirit messengers.

After he was hit by the talisman for the second time, his whole body was as soft as noodles, and he was ravaged by several mourners in various poses.

They didn't apologize at all, and occasionally laughed at him casually.

If it wasn't for the strength of the soul-destroyer, then he really wanted to kill those guys.

In addition, those ghosts were in Longsheng Village, and he always felt that his control over the village was weakening.

Well now, they're all dead.

Still died so miserable.

Yuweisheng felt that he was much more relaxed, and immediately picked up a pen to sign a lot of appointments, and brought up his confidantes to occupy the seats.

"Have you found out who shot it?" Yu Weisheng asked his number one confidant.

The person who takes the shot can smash the mind field of the soul-destroyer, and his strength is no small matter. He has to be guarded against, and he must not be provoked.

(End of this chapter)

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