Gou in the ninja world

Chapter 116 The Discovery of Anbu

Chapter 116 The Discovery of Anbu

After helping Naruto master the power of Nine-Tails, Yukimura once again entered the life of salted fish between his home and school, with a calm and leisurely look.Although, under this calm surface, there are unknown turbulent waves hidden.

Time slowly enters March, spring is coming, and the weather is getting warmer. In this day when migratory birds return and flowers bloom, Muye Village has also entered the busiest period of the year.

This time of year is the time when the village has the most tasks, and it is also the time when the villagers' business is the busiest.

Every day, a large number of tourists rush to Muye Village from other places, some are traveling, some are shopping, some are releasing missions, and some are carrying out commercial activities.

Therefore, during this period of time, the business of Xingcun's hot pot restaurant has been quite good. As a legendary delicacy famous in the whole country of fire, just like Yile Ramen, Little Sheep has also welcomed gluttonous diners from all over the world. It was extremely hot, and customers came one after another, earning a lot of money. If this situation continues, as long as the same enthusiasm is maintained throughout the month, plus the manuscript fees for these months, Yukimura will soon be able to plan. We are opening a branch.

Of course, in addition to the good business, the work is also surprisingly busy. One of the reasons is that this year's graduation day is approaching.

At this time, it happened to be Konoha's 60th year, which is the time when the original story started. Twelve Xiaoqiang, oh no, three of them graduated last year, so Jiu Xiaoqiang is about to face the most important stage in his life, that is, ninja The school's final final exam, as long as they pass the test, they can wear a helmet and become an official ninja.

In this critical period, all graduates and parents, whether they are ninja families or civilian families, whether they are top students or poor students, whether they are sure or not, face this key test that can be said to determine the future. There will be a burst of tension involuntarily. In this regard, some parents are even more active than students.

Graduation exams at this time are not what they used to be.

Since Hiruzaru Sarutobi led the reform of the graduation examination four years ago, the graduation examination of the ninja school is no longer the practice of three-body jutsu that has been carried out for several years before, but under the discussion of the ninjas. , was replaced with a more rigorous and practical battle drill, the content of which was: support in the hands of a ninja examiner for 3 minutes.

The most real reason for changing the content of the exam is that according to the current state, only the most basic training and three body skills can no longer meet the basic needs of Konoha Village in the future. In view of the future situation, the current graduates will become ninjas. Afterwards, it is not only the basic tasks of finding cats and helping with work, but also the needs of fighting or guarding.

After all, since the war with Akatsuki has begun, all possible situations must be considered.

Regarding the situation where various crises and immortal fights may occur at any time in the future, it is unrealistic for Sarutobi Hiruza not to require all these children to fight the enemy and become heroes.

However, at least they must have a certain amount of power to protect themselves, a power to protect themselves and their families when danger comes. Sarutobi Hiruzen hopes that future children will be able to protect themselves and those around them when a crisis comes. People, let Konoha reduce unnecessary damage as much as possible.

Obviously, such a requirement cannot be met by a ninja who only completes the basic three-body art practice. Therefore, after negotiation, the passing standard of the graduation exam has been raised to the level of fighting with a ninja.

This standard is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say that it is simple, because the ninja will have different strengths and weaknesses according to differences in personal circumstances.Normally, the graduates of ninja schools are basically the lowest level of ninja. It is very difficult to win against the official ninja, but if you are prepared, you can play [-]-[-] in a short period of time and you can still do it if you work hard.

It's only 3 minutes, neither long nor short, which is the time for Ultraman to fight a little monster, because most ninja battles are won or lost within a few minutes, so this Zhong Tebi's graduation exam is to simulate the process of fighting a real ninja.

At the level of ninja, except for some special tricks, the general difference between strength and weakness is not very big, and it is rare to have that kind of one-sided instant kill situation.

As long as someone who has studied tactics and combat seriously in school, facing ordinary ninja opponents, not to mention winning, it is absolutely no problem to persist for a few minutes, especially if many of the candidates are from big families Members have an innate advantage in ninjutsu.

Of course, for those with stronger ninja power, such as Naruto and Sasuke in the future, then all the ninjas in Konoha Village, including Hokage, should go to school together for tutoring.

Naturally, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not frantically choose a super talented person to be a blocker, unless he is not afraid of being sacked on the road after get off work, so the test candidates he arranges are usually Genin who graduated from the previous year. As rookies, although their combat experience and strength level have improved a little under the guidance of the team leader teacher, they are not so strong that they are completely crushed, and they are more suitable for graduates.

Moreover, the juniors are quite satisfied with this arrangement, and they are very happy to help the juniors understand the cruelty of society in advance (feel my pain.jpg).

Generally speaking, such a test is not a problem at all. Among the zhongnin, there is basically no big difference between the early graduate and the late graduate. Take the same test together, and no one says it's unfair.

However, this time there is a little difference, that is, the last genin, there is a well-known super genius, that is the eldest uncle who was born in the Hyuga branch - Hyuga Neji.

Moreover, this rumored genius also signed up to be the examiner of the school graduation exam.

Originally, according to the pride of the uncle, he would not have any interest in this amateur sport of beating children, but who made this year's graduates have a eldest lady from the clan?

In fact, when he saw the list of examiners and found Neji in it, Yukimura was also a little surprised, but after thinking about it for a while, knowing the grievances between Neji and the Hyuga clan, he almost guessed Neji's thoughts .

The answer is obvious, because apart from Hinata, he couldn't find any other reason for Neji to take this exam.

Isn't your clan great?After killing my father, I will let your young lady fail to graduate this time, and shame the Hyuga clan in front of all the villagers.

Probably because of this kind of vengeful mentality, out of resentment towards the clan, the brother-in-law Tongxi enthusiastically signed up to participate in the selection of examiners this year, and was successfully selected.

The joining of such a genius is quite stressful for most parents and students. He is the shadow of a famous tree. He is the chief student of the previous session. Although he is only 13 years old, it is said that his own strength has already reached the middle level. Faced with such a character, even some top students can't guarantee that they can last a few minutes under the geniuses of the Hyuga clan.

Therefore, the current situation is that parents and students work together to prepare for the college entrance examination with all their heart and soul... Ahh, the graduation exam.

In the past few days, the large and small drills and training grounds in Konoha Village have almost been occupied by pairs of students and parents. Even formal ninjas have to go to remote places to practice some ninjutsu.

It is also because of this reason that there have been many more wounded people than usual in the recent period, even to the point where Yukimura is too busy alone, and Konoha Hospital needs to temporarily send two medical ninjas to help.

According to them, the number of wounded at Konoha Hospital has also increased day by day these days. There are adults and children coming in and out everywhere, and a lot of medicines and bandages are also sold. Fortunately, they are all minor injuries, otherwise If it is, it is estimated that outsiders will see it and think that the fourth Ninja World War has started again.

Konoha Village is busy preparing for the exams, and another place in the ninja world is also busy.

Soup country.

This is an island country between the country of water and the country of iron. Its land area is not too large, only about one-tenth of the size of the country of fire, but the environment is very good. It is famous for its abundant hot springs and volcanoes. It is a favorite place for businessmen and tourists.

After starting from Konoha Village, it took nearly a day on the way, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi brought Anbe to this country with a well-developed tourism industry.

"Everyone be careful."

People come and go on the bustling street, Hiruzaru Sarutobi disguised himself as tourists from other places, and brought a few confidants into the largest city in Yuno. This time, the purpose was Danzo, so they did not enter here openly, but The 130 people were divided into 44 teams, and each of Hyuga and Inuzuka was added to make the number of each team reach five, and then the investigation was started in groups.

There is also a Ninja Village in Tango Country. Although the original fighter Guan Tangnin Village has been shrinking after the end of the last war, it still retains a certain amount of fighting power. Before it can be confirmed whether they are in collusion with Danzo, Sarutobi Hirazan didn't want the people in Tangnin Village to know that Konoha's ninja had been here.

"Three generations of adults, where should we start?"

Anbu behind him stepped forward and asked, this is not a simple crusade mission, but a small strategic operation integrating intelligence, search and crusade, and the opponent still has the root of the same skill level as them.

Danzo is different from ordinary people. As the famous Ninja Darkness, he himself is a stalker hidden in the shadows. He is good at all kinds of intrigues and concealment. After coming to Tang Country.

From the secret letter from Orochimaru, it can only be inferred that some of Danzo's subordinates are in Tang Country, but the exact location is still unknown.

Although Tango Country is small, it is still a country. It is much larger than Konoha Village. No matter how fast the footsteps of more than 100 Anbu are, you still have to search carefully when searching. If there is no definite target, the workload is indeed a bit heavy. up.

"Let's start with casinos, taverns, and money exchanges."

Regarding this question, Hiruzaru Sarutobi pondered for a while, and ordered.

After Danzo leaves Konoha, he loses official support, and his development speed will definitely slow down. After all, Root still needs to live and eat, so he will definitely find a way to get money and resources to meet Root's development needs, and Support his plan to counterattack Konoha in the future.

Therefore, he needs some stable financial resources that cannot reveal his identity and also has sufficient income.

In this regard, formal business is not easy to do. Casinos, taverns, and gold exchanges are very suitable places in the semi-dark gray area. There are many people, and it is easy to fish in troubled waters. There are certain advantages in expanding manpower, so for development, it is certain that Danzo will send manpower to these places.

In addition, those giant businessmen and rich people, wandering ninjas and underworld groups are also the focus of observation and research. If Danzo is really in the country of soup, as long as you monitor the flow of materials and money during this period, maybe You can find some clues from it.

However, this is not something that can get results quickly. No matter which aspect it is, it takes considerable time and energy to explore.

Under the instruction of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Anbu left one after another. They divided the country of Tang into more than ten areas according to the geographical distribution, and then dispersed to carry out a secret search of these areas at the same time until the morning of the fifth day. , finally found some clues.

"Three generations of adults."

The morning sun has just risen, casting a warm light on the land below.

Led by a group of Anbu, Hiruzaru Sarutobi came to a small village in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty. There used to be a wealthy businessman named Komoto living here, but for some reason, the whole village was empty at this time.

"Is it here?"

Standing in the middle of the village, Hiruzaru Sarutobi glanced around. Sure enough, as reported, the whole village is not an ordinary residential area. No one would have imagined that this place is actually the residence of a secret secret service agency.


Anbe nodded and said, and walked in with Sarutobi Hiruzen, talking while walking.

"According to the people in the surrounding villages, the owner of this place is called Dimoto Kazuki. He used to be a subordinate of the big businessman Kado, but since Kado's accidental death two years ago, his subordinates have dispersed and divided up. This excavation was one of his properties, and shortly after that, he came to Tang Country and bought this piece of land, seeming to intend to establish his own family business."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned slightly. Of course, he was not unfamiliar with this name. After all, this was the first real villain Naruto met. For this reason, Konoha also monitored him for a while, but then something happened Kado clashes with a group of exiled ninjas and kills his entire family.

It is not uncommon for this kind of thing to happen to an arrogant and domineering person like Kaduo. He dares to act recklessly without any ability, which is an act of courting death in itself.

In fact, from the perspective of Sarutobi Hiruzen, based on Ricardo's attitude towards Zabuza in the original book, he should have been killed a long time ago, and it is surprising that he can live for so long.

Therefore, for his death, Konoha at that time just simply investigated it, and after finding no trace of outsider interference, he didn't pay much attention to it. Even Sarutobi Hiruzen just regarded it as a It's just another butterfly effect caused by Yukimura's arrival. Too many similar changes have happened, including Akatsuki and the Five Great Nations, let alone a small Kado.

As a result, Konoha didn't pay much attention to this simple accident, and even took a share of Kado's death.

But now it seems that since there are traces of other ninjas, Kado's death may not be a simple accident, maybe someone planned it behind the scenes, just for his huge property, and the reason why he didn't notice it at the time may be The person in charge of the investigation is probably not strong enough.

As for whether this Diben was originally the root person, or whether he was replaced by people after he arrived in the country of soup, then it is unknown.

Because, at this moment, the place is already empty.

"It looks like it hasn't been long."

Hiru Sarutobi turned around and found some food in some rooms. From the food that hadn't completely spoiled, it can be seen that the people living here should have left in a hurry not long ago.

"People in the surrounding villages said that until three days ago, there were still signs of human activity here."

Anbe next to him replied.

"In other words, the day after we arrived in Yuno Country?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while, then asked again.

"Can you find anything to prove the identity of the owner here?"

Although there are secret passages and organs, it does not prove that this is definitely Root's base, and it may also be the secret place of other organizations. In this ninja world, it is very common for big countries to set up secret bases and training grounds in small countries.

"Yes, in the secret passage below, we found this..."

As Anbu said, he handed over something. It was a short knife for combat. The handle was slightly curved, and the knife was full of marks. It could be seen that it had been used many times. It was a short knife with a clear Konoha style.

Although the equipment standards are roughly the same, due to usage habits and fighting styles, the weapons of each country will have a slight change, which is more suitable for the ninjas cultivated in their own villages. Therefore, according to the style of the weapons, you can distinguish them The village where the master was born.

In other words, at least from the point of view of style, a certain resident here should definitely be from Konoha.

"I see."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi understood that, in this way, this small village might really be the site of Danzo or Orochimaru.

"Then, let's start here."

He stood up and ordered that what he brought this time were Hyuga and Inuzuka who were responsible for the investigation. Even if these people took a step first, the traces they left would still guide him to find the next clues.

"Gather people, and start an all-round search of the surrounding area with this village as the center!"


 Today, the author played on the German railway of Jun**X for more than an hour. I sat down and sat down. I canceled it later and later, but I didn’t stop at the stop at my house. He is anxious.

  Thanks to Pollution Science, Juan Dingcao, Dragon King Moyu, Yinzhu Yixuan, Coffee with Lemon, Fengzi 1111 for the monthly pass and tip.

(End of this chapter)

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