Gou in the ninja world

Chapter 215 Awakening the Three Tails

Chapter 215 Awakening Three Tails
The carrier of the black and red tailed beast jade rushed towards him with overwhelming power. Its size is quite large. Even Yukimura's Susanoo, facing such a chakra condensed body, cannot guarantee that it can stop it. .

The scalding hot wind blows towards the face, even if it is still tens of meters away, the temperature transmitted makes people feel as if they are being scorched by flames. Facing such a huge chakra accumulation, no one will doubt it, If the black-red sphere in front of him exploded, one-third of the damage it caused could be destroyed in one day.

"this thing……"

Feeling the astonishing heat coming from not far ahead, Kakuzu's rigid face twitched, his small green eyes flickered, and he took half a step back slightly.

"Sorry, that's not in our agreement."

He said in his mouth, looking at the giant beast in the distance, he retreated in his heart.

According to the requirements of the agreement, his task this time is only to bring Konoha's people to the location of Obito and deal with Obito. The protocol has done its job.

And the reward has already been obtained, and the horns are not self-made.He doesn't have the intention of sacrificing himself for others. If such a thing explodes, even if he is the so-called immortal, five more lives won't be enough to compensate him. He doesn't intend to accompany others here to fight Sanwei. Compared with other people, my own life and money are the most important.

Thinking of this, his body suddenly paused, quickly formed a few seals, sank to the ground, and disappeared into the ground behind everyone in a blink of an eye.

"Bastard, that guy actually ran away!"

Naruto looked back when he heard the movement, and immediately gasped, it was the first time he saw such a person who abandoned his comrades on the battlefield and fled.

In his previous life, all he saw were ninjas who supported each other and helped each other during the battle. It was the first time he saw someone like Kakuzu who turned around and left when the situation was not good.

"Did you run away?"

Jiraiya also found out about Kakuto's departure.

However, he was not surprised by this. He had known for a long time that Kakudo could not be trusted. Kakuzu didn't have the concept of companions in his heart, and it was not the first time he had done such a thing as running away. When he was in Konoha, Didn't he give up Fei Duan cleanly for his own life?

It's not uncommon for such a life-saving person to do anything. It would be impressive if everyone stood here to fight the enemy with them.

However, the horns can escape, but they can't escape, because behind them is the hinterland of the Iron Country, if they dodge, the hair-tailed beast jade will directly hit the Iron Country.

Absolutely can't let this kind of thing happen, since you can't hide, then you can only resist.

Jiraiya thought to himself, formed a mudra with both hands, and pressed heavily on the ground.

Ninja, Necromancer, Double Rashomon

Suddenly, there was a sound of shaking, and two dark grimace gates rose from the ground, with a height of tens of meters, forming two solid barriers, like a copper wall and an iron wall, blocking the path of Tailed Beast Jade superior.

The next moment, the tailed beast jade directly blasted up.

After a loud noise, the first Rashomon fell in response, its interception only stopped the speed of Tailed Beast Jade for half a second, and then hit the second door again.

"Damn it, it's so powerful."

Seeing this, Jiraiya's complexion became ugly. Rashomon couldn't stop the Tailed Beast Jade, and he understood this. The Shengmen is blocked, and the Tailed Beast Jade cannot be blocked here, because this place is still very close to the center of the Iron Kingdom. If the Tailed Beast Jade explodes at such a distance, the aftermath of the explosion will affect the two neighboring buildings. Mountains, causing terrible landslides, will also cause huge losses to the Iron Kingdom.

No one is willing to forcibly pick up a tailed beast jade at such a close distance, even if they come here.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to deal with tailed beast jade.

One is gear, using ninjutsu with strong defense or attack power to resist the explosion of Tailed Beast Jade, such as Senjujuma's wooden escape list technique, Uchiha Madara's Susano, or Orochimaru Use the triple Rashomon to block the three-tailed Naruto's tail beast cannon.

Another way is to unload, use skill to transfer the tailed beast jade to other places, and guide its power to other places. The most typical example is Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Guide Lei, which uses space ninjutsu to move the tailed beast to other places. Yu led to the uninhabited forest, thus avoiding the damage to Konoha Village.

Of course, Jiraiya will not use the powerful time and space ninjutsu like Fei Leishen, so it is impossible to resist him head-on, but if a force from other directions is applied, the moving direction of the tailed beast jade will be changed. If you change, you can still do it.

Therefore, his original plan was to use Rashomon to change the direction and angle of the Tailed Beast Jade's movement by referring to the way Senjujuma dealt with the Nine-tailed Beast Jade, and shift its route to a safe sky, but , the power of the Tailed Beast Jade was beyond his imagination, the first level of Rashomon was knocked down just by shifting the angle a little bit, and the second level of Rashomon, although compared to the first level It needs to be stronger, but the power displayed by the Tailed Beast Jade still can't completely guide it up.

"This one must not be destroyed."

He gritted his teeth fiercely, concentrated Chakra on the Rashomon, and supported the last barrier with all his might.

At the same time, others also reacted.

With a flash of golden light, a golden figure rushed out like lightning, flashed across the ground, and in a blink of an eye, came to the side of Rashomon on the second floor.

This is Naruto who has turned on the Nine-Tailed Lama Mode. He is protected by the Nine-Tails Chakra. He is not very afraid of the harm of the Tailed Beast Jade, so he dared to run so close.

Immediately afterwards, after standing still, the golden chakra around his body suddenly swelled, turning into a huge chakra palm and stretching out, from an obliquely upward angle, it touched the huge ball of tailed beast jade.


Naruto gritted his teeth fiercely, concentrated the chakra on the hands in front of him, controlled the giant hand to hold the huge chakra sphere tightly in his hand, and along the angle of Rashomon, force a bunch of chakra towards the top of the head. .

Tailed Beast Jade, Rashomon, and Naruto's thrust, under the pincers of these three forces, Tailed Beast Jade was first squeezed into a flat oval sphere, like a ball with uneven force. It was crushed flat like a rubber ball, and then there was a "bang", the black-red ball bounced up, rubbed against the edge of Rashomon and rushed upwards. At this moment, the air suddenly emitted A pungent burnt smell.

Without Rashomon's resistance, the Tailed Beast Jade shot straight up like a rocket, and soon rushed to the sky hundreds of meters high. In the eyes of everyone, the black and red sphere in the sky became smaller and smaller , further and further away, and then...

A huge fire erupted above the head, accompanied by a violent shock wave, the trees below made a rattling sound, and in an instant, it seemed that the world was shaken, and the astonishing heat wave swept over, setting off a violent storm, that kind of violent Temperature and brightness can be sensed even outside the Iron Country.

"Good job, Naruto."

In the midst of this gust of wind, Jiraiya said happily that in this way, the threat of the Iron Kingdom would be temporarily lifted.

However, he was a little too happy, because the next moment, he saw the three tails facing him raise his head again, and a familiar red light appeared in front of it again.

"Want to use the same trick?"

Kakashi said in a deep voice, Sanwei is this Tailed Beast Jade addicted to launch?Continuous launch?

"This time, how could it be possible for you!"

Yukimura's complexion sank when he heard this, and the Sharingan in his eyes turned, and the silver-white Chakra rose into the sky, forming a mighty half-length giant.

Just now when Sanwei released Tailed Beast Jade, he was protecting the corpses of the unconscious Uzumaki people and Jinzhuriki, so he didn't respond in time, but now, those people have been moved to a safe place behind, so he can free up his hands. Come and play your tricks.

Eight Thors!
Yukimura stared, and when Sanwei was concentrating on gathering the Tailed Beast Jade, he launched his Susano's big move.

I saw the nodes on the ring behind Vajra Warrior suddenly light up one by one, and the golden light spread from the nodes, and then converged to the hand, gathered in the palm of the hand, and finally released it fiercely towards the sky.

That condensed light shot up into the sky like a swift cannonball, and then exploded on the top of the head. Eight completely different chakras exploded, which contained eight completely different forces, thunder, fire, wind, and earth. The eight basic chakra properties, water, yin, yang, and nothingness, are dispersed, and then turned into eight chakra dragons of different colors: blue, red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, and light blue. And then, like thunder falling from the nine heavens, it bombarded Sanwei's body.

Dazzling light flickered, and accompanied by bursts of rumbling noises, Sanwei and half of the surrounding mountains were shrouded under the bombardment of Chakra cannons.

These are materialized substances composed of the most condensed chakras. After they erupt, the formed chakra waves spread outward like ocean waves, directly smashing the surrounding boulders and fragments into pieces.

"hold head high!"

Three Tails let out a mournful cry, and the power of the Eight Thunder Gods was almost comparable to that of the small Tailed Beast Jade. Although it did not have the wide-ranging spread of the Tailed Beast Jade, it was precisely because of this that the power was more concentrated, and this power directly bombarded Three Tails. Even with a body like a tailed beast, he couldn't support himself, so he collapsed to the ground with a powerless howl, the armor on his back was already scorched black.


Naruto's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise.

[What terrible eyes. 】

Kyuubi also expressed in his heart that even he couldn't bear such a powerful attack many times.

At the same time, Kyuubi quickly told him a piece of good news.

"That's it."

After hearing Nine Tails' message, he hurriedly turned around and said.

"Mr. Jiraiya, Kyuubi told me that if I can control Sanwei's movements, I can wake it up."

Since they are all things separated by ten tails, the nine tailed beasts have a mutual induction. Although the thinking of the three tails has become chaotic because of the controlled relationship, but as the Jinchuriki that the nine tails agree with, if Naruto can get close to him If it is the head of the tail, it can enter the spiritual space of the three tails through the mutual induction between the tailed beasts, thus awakening the three tails from the control of the contract.

"is it?"

Ji Lai was also delighted to hear the words, finally there was good news.

"Then let me come..."

He snorted coldly and quickly closed his seal.

Ninja and Necromancer
With a whistling sound, a huge black shadow descended from the sky, and with great force, it sat down on Sanwei's back, directly pressing Sanwei to the ground, unable to move.

Mt. Miaogi's toad boss - Toad Bunta slammed heavily on Mitsuo's back, with a weight of hundreds of tons, directly crushing it to the point where it couldn't stand up straight. 13 years ago, the Fourth Hokage used this trick to briefly contain Mitsuo Passed Kyuubi, and now, Jirai is using the same trick on Sanwei, Sanwei is much weaker than Kyuubi, Kyuubi can only be suppressed for a moment, but for Sanwei, it's different, Even 1 minute is fine.

What's more, Sanwei was seriously injured before, forced to take one move of Eight Thunder Gods and one move of Mount Taishan, and suffered two serious injuries in a short period of time, even with the power of the tailed beast, he couldn't digest it, and became sluggish for a while , struggled feebly for a few times, but after finding it was useless, he could only lie on the ground with a low growl, wagging his tail weakly.

"it is good!"

Naruto shouted excitedly, and then he stepped down a little, his figure flickered, split the sky between lightning and flint, and immediately appeared above Sanwei's head.

"Three tails, you give me... wake up!"

With a loud shout, he made a fist with his right hand, with chakra wrapped around his body, the golden fist descended from the sky, and hit Sanwei's head heavily.

(After thinking about it, today’s chapter will be published a little earlier, so let’s put it in the exempt list for everyone to read.)
 Well, the exemption for a few days is over, and I have received a lot of collections, monthly tickets, recommendations and encouragements, and I have also received a lot of abuse, which can be regarded as mixed.

  However, some people don’t understand. It’s clearly written in the introduction that the characters come from comics and settings. Why are there so many unfounded conspiracy theories in Maoshu Review? White Fang conspiracy theory, Shengshu conspiracy theory, Thousand Hands conspiracy theory, Zhishui conspiracy theory , the Orochimaru conspiracy theory, the Uzumaki conspiracy theory, and even the Konoha Eight Colors conspiracy theory.

  After reading these conspiracy theories, I have only one thought. Only a saint can be considered a good person in this world. After all, as long as there are omissions, conspiracy theories can be used to make up for it.

  For example, as the first generation of Naruto, he didn't know that the second generation excluded Madara?I don't know Madara's little tricks.How is it possible? Didn't the first generation acquiesce that they dared to do that?The first generation of conspiracy theories.

  The first generation who had a fairy body died so early, it must be the black hand of the second generation who worried that he would not be able to get up and down.Second generation conspiracy theory.

  The intelligence master Jilai also didn't know about the human experiment of Orochimaru?Do you believe it?Jiraiya conspiracy theory.

  During the Warring States period, the younger brother of the first generation, the son of the Qianshou patriarch, would die in battle?Unexpectedly, no one is protecting it? The first generation and second generation conspiracy theory.

  Uzumaki Mito, when she was still alive, she would sit back and watch the Uzumaki country destroy the country, and the thousand hands were "destroyed", Mito conspiracy theory.

  Hahaha, after thinking about it, I really can use conspiracy theories to cover everything, almighty conspiracy theory.

  No matter what, the readers who can see here are the readers who support me, whether they are genuine subscriptions, prostitutes or even pirated copies, being able to see this is the motivation of the author to write, and the author expresses his gratitude here again.

(End of this chapter)

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