Gou in the ninja world

Chapter 243 First Meeting

Chapter 243 First Meeting
Yukimura naturally didn't know that above his head, he had experienced such a conversation, and the content of the conversation even related to the future fate of the whole world.

All he knows now is that as a shadow clone with a mission on his back, since he has found the true master, he still needs to confirm one last thing.

"Hey, is there anyone over there?"

He walked to the door, knocked hard on the cold iron wall, and then looked out through the grille of the window, that is, the room on the right side of the room opposite to him, the room where a slender figure was faintly revealed.


There was a cold answer from the opposite side, and then, the figure swayed, and a pretty face appeared on the opposite window.

The girl was unexpectedly young. Yukimura thought that the person who could be called a sister by Akiko and the others should be a little older than them, but she couldn't tell from the appearance at all. She was basically as young as Akiko, but her hair was slightly longer than Akiko's, and the color It's also a little darker, and his face is a little pale. According to Yukimura's experience, he seems to have suffered a little injury, and it may also be the cause of fear.

Is she the target?
Yukimura thought to himself, they looked very similar in appearance, and there seemed to be only two people in this prison, so basically the identity of the other party could be judged.

However, he had to confirm again. Since he knew that there was surveillance here, he couldn't communicate with the other party in the most direct way. He could only establish some basic contacts first.

"Since you are locked up here, it means you are also a ninja. My name is Edogawa Luffy. What's your name?"

Yukimura asked again, he could tell that the girl was wary of him to a certain extent, of course, after all, she was a stranger who had just met, and under such circumstances, it was impossible to become enthusiastic.


The girl replied coldly, her big eyes flickering, looking at Yukimura who met for the first time, it seemed that not only Yukimura was a little curious about him, but she was also curious about Yukimura.

The reason for the curiosity is not because of the weird name of Luffy, but just like what the old man in the empire said, Yukimura's speech and behavior are completely different from the ordinary ninjas in this world, and there is no such thing as ninjas in this world. There is a depressing atmosphere, at least in this situation, there are ninjas who are in the mood to chat with each other, the girl has never seen it before.


Hearing this name, Yukimura's heart skipped a beat, saying that he was right, this is Sister Qin that Akiko and the others wanted to save.

"A nice name."

He said that this sentence is his sincerity, not only for the name, but more for this person.

A young girl not only survived alone in this cruel world, but also took in a few orphans and gave them safe protection. Even when she was in danger, she was willing to stay alone to fight against the enemy. Leave the chance of survival to your companions.

These things are great no matter how they are placed on anyone, let alone a little girl who is surrounded by Chunin.

It is precisely because of this that I choose to help you.

He smiled slowly and said in his heart.

To this world, Yukimura is still a stranger who doesn't know much about it. Normally, the best way for him to behave for a newcomer should be to lurk, quietly collect information and then make a plan. It is irrational to directly participate in the confrontation activities with such a huge force as the empire, and it will cause great trouble to future plans.

But Yukimura still did this, and the reason was not only Yuto and Akiko's life-saving grace, but their spirit, the relationship and bond between them gave Yukimura a very familiar feeling.

A person who can sacrifice himself to protect others is not necessarily a good person, but he is definitely not a particularly bad person.

Although it's not worth it, but since we met, why not help me?
Thinking in this way, he glanced at the camera above him, he can be sure that somewhere, someone is definitely monitoring their conversation, but...

"By the way, I don't know how long you've been here, but I still want to ask, have you ever seen a man named Akito Taro?"

The corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and he asked with a look of urgency on his face.

"Kingto Taro?"

The girl paused for a while, her body suddenly trembled, her eyes trembled, and she looked over with unbelievable eyes.

"That's right, it's called Jingdou Taro. He's my friend. He was captured by a vicious hunting dog some time ago. I don't know if you've seen him."

He said again, and at the same time gestured with his eyes to make sure that the other party could clearly understand what he meant.

Yukimura was sure that the girl must have comprehended the meaning of her words. She blushed for a moment, as if she was calming down. After a few seconds, she continued to answer in a flat voice.

"Sorry, I have never seen such a person."

"is it?"

Yukimura sighed and shook his head regretfully.

"it's a pity."

Meanwhile, in another part of the building, a group of people are arguing over their previous conversation.

"Damn, what the hell are they talking about?"

In the monitoring room, a man with a mustache on his mouth punched the table in front of him, looked at the messy calculation paper in front of him, and said angrily.

"I don't know, but it can be judged that it should be some kind of code word."

The man with glasses sitting under him was typing something on the computer, while analyzing the content of the conversation at a fast speed.

"Jingdou Taro, the key should be this name. The name Taro is very common, but Jingdou...has never seen such a surname, and the ninja we captured has no similar names here. It is definitely a code word."

"That is to say, this young man who calls himself Luffy, he and that little girl are very likely to know each other, even from the same organization."

A female researcher next to her frowned, feeling something strange.

"Could it be that he was caught by us on purpose?"


The man with glasses said in shock when he heard the words, several people looked at each other, and at the same time thought about this possibility, their hearts sank.

"not good!"

The mustache man stood up with an ugly expression.

"They must be separated quickly."

He said that although he still doesn't know the relationship between the two people below, it is obvious that it is unreasonable to lock them together, at least they should be separated so that they cannot continue to talk.

With that said, he quickly opened the door and ran out.

"Has it been found?"

A few minutes later, Yukimura in the cell was keenly aware of the rush of footsteps coming from far away.

"As expected of an empire that ruled the ninja world."

He shook his head lightly. Sure enough, what he had hidden in the conversation hadn't been hidden from the other party's ears.


He raised his head and looked at Qin across from him again. He could see the panic in the other's eyes.

Yukimura smiled, showing a reassuring smile.

"My goal has been achieved, so the next step, Ontology, is up to you."

He thought this way, and then gestured his middle finger to the monitor on the corner again, his figure flashed, and disappeared in the smoke.


beep, beep, beep...

"how is the situation?"

On the other side, Hyuga Tokuma, who was warned, rushed into the prison frantically and asked the guards blocking the door.

"no problem."

The guarding samurai replied seriously that they were in groups of three, a total of 30 people were guarding all the entrances and exits of the prison, and they did not find anything strange during the period.

"is it?"

Hinata Tokuma frowned and said, he took a look inside the prison, and indeed he looked calm, but for some reason, he always had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

"Open it, let me in."

He ordered, and then after going through several layers of strict identity verification, he was able to enter the prison and came to the door that closed Yukimura.

As soon as he came to the door, his complexion suddenly changed, because no matter whether he looked in from the window or his own white eyes scouted, there was nothing inside, as if there had never been anyone.

How can it be!

Hyuga Tokuma's face was very ugly.


He gave orders to the samurai next to him in disbelief, but the result was still the same as what he had observed before. There was no one in the cell, and Yukimura, who was imprisoned here before, had completely disappeared at this time.


Seeing this scene, Hyuga Tokuma's heart was overcast. He stood in place and scanned all the places in the room with ferocious eyes, then slowly turned around and looked diagonally behind. The girl in the other cell who looked at them with strange eyes gritted her teeth and gave instructions word by word.

"Take her to me."

He said that the warriors stepped forward to open the door, took Qin who was locked inside, and then escorted her out three floors in and three floors out.

However, no one noticed that just as they passed by in the corridor, the sole of one of them was silently stained with a layer of ink.

It was faint, as if it was dust that was accidentally rubbed on.

"People disappeared?"

Half an hour later, Hinata Tokuma reported what had happened to the middle-aged man in the same office as before.

"Yes, I don't know what method was used, but the other party did suddenly disappear without a trace in the cell. We can now confirm that the other party has escaped from this building."

Hinata Tokuma said with a livid face, he felt as if he was being played like a monkey. He thought he was just an ordinary infiltrator, but in the end, everything that happened was actually a planned action against the other party.

"is it?"

The middle-aged man said solemnly, there are strict protection measures in the prison, and ordinary means cannot leave there. As far as he knows, there are only a few ways to break through the restrictions there.

None of these methods can be done by a few wandering ninjas hiding in Tibet, so Hyuga Tokuma is right, the other party is likely to come prepared this time.

"What about the little girl now?"

He thought for a while and asked again, since Yukimura disappeared, Qin, who had talked with him before, became the key.

"I have taken her out of the prison, and she is now being held in the interrogation room upstairs, and specially assigned people to take turns guarding her."

Hyuga Tokuma replied that after discovering that Yukimura had disappeared, he immediately arranged for someone to transfer Qin out. Although it is not clear how Yukimura left the tightly guarded cell, it must not be so easy for another person to escape. escape.

"That's good."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly. The design of the mechanism in the interrogation room is no less than that of a prison cell. It is arranged there, at least there will be no problem in a short period of time.

Next, you need to figure out the purpose of the other party.

He tapped the table with his fingers, his mind spinning quickly.

The other party specially designed to enter here just to have a few words with Qin, it must be because Qin has a very important identity.

What is the purpose?

save people?
Gather intelligence?
Or should internal and external cooperation create turmoil?
The middle-aged man didn't know the answer, but he understood that since such a thing happened, it can be concluded that a lot of information from the General Security Bureau has been leaked, and it is no longer safe to leave Qin here.

"Tokuma, order to go down and arrange the transfer immediately."

Thinking of himself, he raised his head and ordered solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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