Gou in the ninja world

Chapter 403 The True Power of Otsutsuki's Repair Style

Chapter 403 The True Power of Otsutsuki's Repair Style
Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Just when Otsutsuki Zero appeared inside the ruins, a new storm had appeared outside the ruins.

On the mottled battlefield, a wave of yellow sand soared into the sky and turned into a solid wall to intercept it in the center. Opposite the sand wall was a piece of pitted land.

When the shadow clone in Qianshouban disappeared, there was something left behind, not the mutual multiplication detonation talisman, but the continuous four-element seal formation similar to this one, that is, the four-element seal technique in the mutual multiplication.

The principle of this technique is to design the seal array of the four images on the talisman paper, and then through the way of increasing psychic, so that a piece of talisman paper can instantly summon dozens of talisman papers, so that self-summoning and communication can be carried out continuously. Spirit, forming a continuous four-image seal that blocks everything.

Compared with the mutual multiplication detonating talisman, the attack range of this move is slightly smaller, and the duration is not long, but its power is even more extraordinary. After all, as one of the very few sealing techniques that are difficult to learn as high as S level, the four-element seal itself is not a Simple things, the owner has the ability to seal almost everything around him in a black spell.

Therefore, making such a seal talisman paper is more troublesome than making [-] detonating talismans. Even Qianshoubeijian has not saved much over the years. This time it was all used up in one go. Originally He intends to use this trick to kill several Datongmu clan, but now it seems that the effect is not as ideal as imagined.

"Does it work?"

The sand wall gradually dissipated, and the Lisixiang seal broke out very suddenly. Fortunately, the place of the breakout was still a certain distance from the rebels, and the people who could appear here were all famous in the history of the ninja world. The top ninja, dodging quickly, was not affected by it.

Li Sixiang seal is indeed one of the most dangerous sealing techniques. After being activated, black spells gushed out like a flood, as if a small black hole was created on the spot, and all the things within a radius of thousands of meters were instantly destroyed. Everything vanished, and even the sand wall that Gaara reflexively summoned to serve as a shield was swallowed up for a large part, so it didn't continue to expand outward.

However, even with such a powerful seal, when it faced the Otsutsuki clan who had regained their ability to move, it failed to exert its due effect. Otsuki Xiushi raised his hands, and the black Taoist jade turned into a circle A shaped barrier envelops himself and the surrounding Datongmu people in it.

The Lisixiang seal, which was also black, was firmly blocked from the outside after encountering the Qiudao jade, and was not allowed to enter.

It wasn't until after Li Sixiang's seal was over that Xiu Shi let go of the jade barrier of seeking Tao and appeared in front of everyone intact.


If anyone was the most surprised among the people present, it would be Senju Fujima and Uchiha Tetsuya.

"How could it...even the Lisixiang seal doesn't work?"

Senshou Fujima said in amazement that there was a reason why the rebels would use the Risixiang seal as a deadly weapon against the Otsutsuki clan.

In the first advent event, although the ninja coalition suffered an almost complete annihilation, they also successfully drove the invading Otsutsuki clan out of the ninja world. During this process, many ninjutsu played a unique role The role of Li Sixiang seal is one of them.

The body composition of the Otsutsuki family is very unique, similar to the physical state of the Six Paths Immortal Body, which makes them immune to most ninjutsu attacks, but there are also a few ninjutsu that are not within their immune range.

Immortal Jutsu, Taijutsu, Time and Space Ninjutsu and Sealing Jutsu are some of them.

200 years ago, because a ninja from Konoha Village used the Risixiang seal to seriously injure a member of Datongmu, this move was used by the rebels as one of the trump cards, but judging from the current situation, it seems that the intelligence outdated.

"The Lisixiang seal is really nostalgic."

Xiushi took back the Taoist jade, put the black sphere back to its original shape, and played with it on the palm of his hand, meditating with nostalgia.

What Senju Fujima and Uchiha Tetsu didn't know was that, in fact, he was the Otsutsuki member who was almost killed by the Rishizo seal in the first advent incident.

It was the first time he faced Konoha's Risixiang seal back then, and he was almost swallowed by the seal technique by carelessness. If it wasn't for the dragon's effective rescue, he would have died by then.

However, after 200 years, the sealing technique that almost drove him to a desperate situation has completely lost its effect now.

"Unfortunately, outdated things have long been worthless. Do you think we will stand still after such a long time?"

He sneered, glanced at the remaining sealing technique on the ground, and then waved one hand, the black Taoist jade slammed out like a cannonball, directly breaking through the sand that had not completely dissipated. wall, into the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of contraction and expansion, and the black sphere suddenly exploded, and the pitch-black lines spread towards the surroundings like the tentacles of the devil.

"No, get out of the way!"

The black line came quite quickly, before Sasuke Sarutobi yelled, he jumped out like a sensitive ape while speaking.

"Why do you want to get out of the way?"

Qianshou Tengjian glanced to the side, with doubts in his eyes, as if he hadn't figured it out yet, if he asked for Daoyu, wouldn't he be able to deal with it with immortal skills?
You must know that all of them are users of immortal arts. Even if they are not in the orthodox immortal mode, they have been inoculated with the new spell seal and can use the immortal art chakra, so they are fully capable of repelling the seeking jade.

"This is not the Daoist Jade!"

Sasuke Sarutobi reminded loudly that, as a veteran powerhouse who has the deepest research on the change of Chakra's nature, he is very clear that although the black matter in front of him looks very similar, it is actually not the result of the unity of nature that other people often say. Jade.

Maybe it was Daoist Jade at the beginning, but when it burst out like this, it was no longer, but turned into something they had just seen before.

That is, it is somewhat similar to Qiudaoyu, but it is completely different... the Lisixiang seal!


Qianshou Tengjian was stunned when he heard the words, it was just this negligence of less than a second, the black sealing technique had already approached him, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough to seal quickly.

Radium Escape·Nimura
At this moment, Qianshou Tengjian turned himself into pure light, and quickly swept back. With the speed of light, he could barely escape from the tentacles of the seal. Show up.

"It actually transformed the Daoist Jade into a sealing technique in an instant."

Seeing this scene, Uzumaki Mito gasped and couldn't help but condense his voice.

As a ninja of the Uzumaki Clan, she fully understands the difficulty of this point. The sealing technique has always been the most difficult ninjutsu to learn, and some are even more difficult than the time-space ninjutsu, especially the four-element seal, which carries an offensive nature. The sealing technique requires many preparations to complete, which is why most Lisixiang seals need to be pre-set on talisman paper, scrolls or other objects, and will only be activated when they are used.

The method of directly transforming Daoist jade into sealing technique like Otsutsuki Xiushi is unprecedented.

"Why, look at your appearance, is this the first time you have seen such a trick?"

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Otsutsuki Shushi sneered, hooked his fingers lightly, and another black sphere emerged from his fingertips.

"It seems that one is not enough, so how about more?"

He smiled playfully and said jokingly.

There are a lot of rebels, and it seems that it is not enough for so many people to share one seeking jade.

Then, the second Tao-seeking jade began to appear on his fingertips, and the third...

Amidst the dignified expressions of the crowd, Tao-seeking jades emerged from his fingertips one after another, and then floated above his head, suspended around Xiushi and slowly rotating, as if they were satellites revolving around a planet.


Uchiha Tetsu also swallowed hard. If it was just the Taoist jade, they would not be very afraid, but if every Taoist jade can be transformed into the four-element seal, the threat will be greatly increased.

Xianju Chakra can deal with Daoyu, but it can't deal with the seal.

"What a terrifying learning rate."

Sarutobi Sasuke took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

He has already heard about the power of Xiushi from Qianshou Fujima and others. Whoever attacks Xiu Shi with whatever power, Xiu Shi can use the same tricks to counterattack back with stronger power. It can be said to be an upgraded version of using the law of the other to encircle the other.


Xiu Shi sneered, raised his head, and replied disdainfully.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not studying, but evolving!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a burning tone of affirmation.

"It's okay to tell you, my body can adapt to all chakra changes, no matter what you call shape changes or nature changes, no matter what blood successor limit, blood successor elimination or blood successor snare, as long as it is touched by me Things, its nature and type will be recorded, and the information will be engraved in my flesh and blood and Chakra."

"That is to say, any trick, as long as it is a substance composed of chakra, as long as I touch it once, my body will automatically adapt and assimilate such power, imprint such changes, and further sublimate the body, Until the same power has no effect on me."

"What? In other words, the previous poison would lose its effect so quickly because of..."

Uchiha Tetsuya was startled when he heard the words, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, it was indeed true, Xiu Shi was the first one among Datong and the others to break free from the effect of the poison, and it seemed that it was with his help that the others broke free.

Moreover, according to the information obtained from Senshoubanma, when fighting against them, Shushi had already used Susanoo, Thunder God Armor, Dust Dun, Boiling Dun and Weird Power, which were used by the Five Kages in the past In addition to Mu Dun, who was once known as Mu Dun Envoy Yamato, and the Li Sixiang seal just now, as Xiu Shi said, they are all moves that he has fought and been exposed to before.

If what he said is true...

Uchiha Tetsu also gasped.

Thinking about it this way makes it even more frightening.

"In other words, if you can't kill him directly, will the same trick lose its effect next time?"

Hatake Sakumo frowned and gritted his teeth.

Although it has long been known that the Otsutsuki clan is extraordinary, this ability is still beyond their expectations.

"Damn, in this way, you have to be very careful when dealing with him."

He took a deep breath and said with an ugly face.

Sure enough, he was indeed the last enemy of the rebel army. Compared with them, those opponents he had fought were not worth mentioning at all.

"Not only that, but he can also quickly learn the tricks he has been exposed to. Attacks that cannot kill him will make him stronger."

Qianshou Tengjian gritted his teeth and said, it turns out that he has such an ability, no wonder it is so difficult to deal with.

"If that's the case, we can't easily launch an attack."

Hyuga Zuoyun pondered and said, also very distressed.

Otsutsuki Shushi has the ability to analyze the opponent's moves and evolve his body according to those moves. Therefore, if he is to deal with him, he must be killed in one blow. Otherwise, after he assimilates different powers, he will only evolve if he masters new abilities. more powerful, but also more incomprehensible.

This kind of ability is much stronger than the ability to control all the changes in the nature of Chakra as stated in the intelligence.

"Sure enough, just as Hokage-sama was worried, that fellow Gennai lied to us."

Uzumaki Sana thought deeply, from the sudden break of the Otsutsuki clan's shackles, the transformation of the Taoist jade and Li Sixiang's seal, to the explanation of Otsutsuki's repair style, all the signs showed that what Xuannei gave about Otsutsugi The family's intelligence did not match the facts.

If it's true that Xuannei's own information is incomplete, it's okay to say, but if Xuannei himself deliberately conceals the information, the consequences will be serious.

Uzumaki Sana thought this way, at this moment, she and many people suddenly had a premonition that they seemed to have fallen into a well-woven trap.

If the outside world is like this, what will happen inside the ruins?
Several people had this idea almost in unison.

But at this time, they didn't have time to think about it anymore, because after the number of Taoist jades increased to ten, Xiu Shi finally started to move again. He sneered, bent his fingers, and pointed forward lightly. , In an instant, all the seeking jade around him were launched like this.

Whoosh whoosh!
The sound of piercing the sky came oncoming, fist-sized black spheres pierced the sky, and shot straight at the crowd, not too many and not too few, and a Taoist jade was aimed at a person.

At the same time, at the moment when Otsuki Xiushi launched an attack, Otsutsuki Hiroshi, Otsutsuki Dragon Style and Otsutsuki Seiko who had been silent for a long time also jumped up, shaking in mid-air, It turned into a few streaks of light, rushing towards him with a strong deterrent force.

(End of this chapter)

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