magic maker

Chapter 1004 Energy Field Defense Line

Chapter 1004 Energy Field Defense Line

The energy field hidden at the bottom of the lake discovered by Wayne was finally successfully destroyed by Bu Fan, and Wayne also used this to master the relevant data of the energy field.While these data are of no practical use, they can be used to find other energy fields.

"The magic item I modified with these data can accurately identify the exact location of the energy field." Wayne said as he handed over a magic item. He had already modified the magic item and entered the data from the previous receipt into it. "In this way, coupled with your world will to be able to discern the general direction, the two-pronged approach to find the energy field will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

This proposal was affirmed by Bu Fan, and Bu Fan asked Wayne to transform more magic props as soon as possible.Only by destroying more energy fields as soon as possible can we buy more time.Because Wayne needs to modify the magic props, his job is temporarily replaced by Bu Fan.

Keleno erodes the Central Realm all the time, and every second of delay increases the danger of the Central Realm.But even with such an urgent stall, some things have to be postponed urgently.Even if Bu Fan has the strength to surpass the Central Realm, some things cannot be diverted from his will.

Queen Yena needs a lot of time to make decisions, and Wayne needs time to transform magic items.In the same period of time, there is only one thing Bu Fan can do, which is to spend all his time thinking and try his best to find a feasible solution.

"The way of life in the Central Realm is already narrow, but I prefer to limit myself..."

Recalling his recent experience, Bu Fan couldn't help feeling desperate.Although Kereno's erosion of the Central Realm is still very slow, this does not mean that this matter can be ignored. On the contrary, this kind of constant suffering is the greatest torture.

Central Realm must make changes, otherwise there is only a dead end.After experiencing the invasion of the spirit race and the crisis of the foreign world, the central world has not changed.Even due to the emergence of a large number of power vacuums, the countries that survived by chance are fighting more vigorously with the forces.

Also encountering a powerful foreign invasion, the spirit race in the spirit world behaved completely differently.The spirit society is highly unified, and its internal cohesion and centripetal force are self-evident, and even the outer gods have never gotten half of the benefits.

"The central world must change... otherwise the central world has no future!"

Even if they survived the crisis of Keleno this time, there must be a next time, next time... maybe someone will choose to stand up every time, but not every time they can win.Compared with the highly united Eldar, the interior of the Central Realm is simply a mess of loose sand, which is still scattered sand in retrospect.

The Central Realm is an open world, but that may not be the case for the ethnic groups in it.Although the civilization in the Central Realm has been improving, the concept of "people who are not of our race must have different hearts" has actually always been deeply rooted.

"Chaotic energy has an effect similar to assimilation, which makes head-on confrontation counterproductive..."

Although there was only a short fight, Bu Fan's fear of chaotic energy can be said to come from personal experience.Although transformation characteristics and transformation spirit formulas can achieve similar effects, they are still fundamentally different from assimilation.

How to make changes is what Bu Fan needs to think about.There is no real world master in the central world, but Bu Fan is undoubtedly the person closest to this position.Therefore, for Bu Fan, whose primary task is to ensure the continuation of the Central Realm, he doesn't mind becoming the established de facto leader of the Realm, as long as doing so can ensure the continuation of the Central Realm.

Just when Bu Fan took over Wayne's job and was thinking about the future direction of the central world.The encroachment of Keleno on the extreme northern ice sheet on the Central Realm has finally had a substantial impact on the Central Realm.The middle-aged ice and snow-covered extreme arctic ice sheet has finally become fragmented under erosion.

The entire Arctic ice sheet seems to have been crushed into pieces of ice, as large as continuous mountains, and the team is like a cruising mana ship.Under the action of ocean currents, the broken ice sheet began to gradually drift towards the surrounding area.

The greatest damage to the Arctic ice sheet is not the fragmented ice sheet, but the subsequent upheaval caused by erosion of the entire region.The upheaval of the extreme arctic ice sheet has not yet been highlighted within the Central Territory, but it has had an immediate impact on the Russian Tsarist Kingdom.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and Wayne's progress was rapid, and he had already transformed a batch of magic props.The use of these magic props by the apostles, coupled with the guidance of the will of the world, will make the search for the energy field more effective.

"Your movements are so fast."

"so far so good……"

Regarding Bu Fan's appreciation, Wayne was very humble. He pointed to the magic props in front of him and said to Bu Fan: "These magic props have been modified, and I have to trouble you to send them to everyone. In addition, I was talking about energy before. When the field data was revised, there were some unexpected gains..."

Wayne did bring Bu Fan an unexpected surprise. He put forward a quite feasible plan through sorting out and researching the data related to the energy field.On the basis of the original search for the energy field, the energy field will be destroyed and changed to be used for one's own use.

However, since Wayne's research is only at the data level, it is still unclear whether it is actually feasible.But this does not affect the importance of this plan, because once the energy fields can be used for their own use, then a line of defense can be established based on these energy fields.

"Whether the idea of ​​the energy field defense line is feasible needs further practical verification." Wayne upholds his usual rigor and is not complacent about it.After thinking about it for a while, Wayne said to Bu Fan: "It is feasible to build an energy field defense line, but this is just a delay. If you want to solve the problem fundamentally, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, I understand..."

Although Wayne didn't say it explicitly, Bu Fan also knew it in his heart.Seizing Kereno and arranging an energy field to build a line of defense is not just drinking poison to quench thirst, it is simply actively burning yourself.But for Bu Fan, this may be the best way now.

"This is the best, but..." Wayne nodded, and then he hesitated to speak again.Even if Bu Fan knows the pros and cons, the energy field defense line is not something that can be done easily. "The energy field is likely to spread throughout the entire Central Realm, and the countries may not easily let you act at will."

"Heroes have the same views, so... I have no intention of discussing with other countries."

Perhaps it was at this moment that Bu Fan finally made up his mind that he wanted to integrate the entire Central Realm.If the situation continues like this, I am afraid that the Central Realm will be doomed after all. "It is the general trend for the Central Realm to let go of internal conflicts..."

(End of this chapter)

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