magic maker

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

After leaving the coffee shop, Bu Fan took Isabel to meet the old butler Sean, and the three quietly boarded the magic energy vehicle and returned to Ryan Chris' mansion.After coming to Ryan Chris's study, Bu Fan explained the ins and outs of the matter, and it was entirely up to Ryan Chris whether to cooperate or not.

Bu Fan did not participate in it, but left after Isabel fulfilled her promise.On the way back, the two had agreed that Bu Fan would be responsible for the matchmaking to facilitate the matter, and Isabel would not only help spread the news, but also help Bu Fan escape to the Republic of France.

"who are you?"

Bu Fan turned the corner of the corridor and bumped into a stranger.Bu Fan and the other party looked at each other, with doubts and vigilance in their eyes.At this time, there was no third person present, and both sides regarded each other as unlawful intruders.

"Don't do it, don't do it... Our own people are all our own people." The old housekeeper Xi En hurried over, followed by a mother and child.Bu Fan first lifted his vigilance after hearing the words, and carefully looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. "Second young master, this is the master's important guest. My friend Bu Fan, this is my second young master."

"Isaac Chris."

"Bu Fan."

After the two sides exchanged names and surnames, they extended their hands and shook hands symbolically.Since Ryan Chris was talking to Isabel in the study, the old butler Theon asked Bu Fan to inform Ryan Chris on his behalf.Bu Fan casually agreed, and returned to the study without doubting his presence.

Isaac Chris looked at Bu Fan's back, and looked at the old butler with surprise.Theon smiled and nodded, and then took the family of three to settle down.Isaac Chris already had a preliminary understanding of how important Bu Fan was as an "important guest".

"Mr. Ren, I'm sorry to bother you." Bu Fan went back and forth and returned to the study. Ren Chris and Isabel were both taken aback. The second young master is back."

After Bu Fan notified Ryan Chris, he didn't go to the old housekeeper to reply, but turned and went into another study.When he was about to leave just now, Ryan Chris signaled him to wait next door, thinking that after Isabel left later, Ryan Chris would come to him.

"Hey...there are all history books here." Bu Fan casually flipped through the collection of books in the study, which was dedicated to collecting history books.Bu Fan looked at it with relish, until there was the sound of the study door being pushed open. "Mr. Ren, are you done talking?"

"Well, we've already talked about it." Ryan Chris waved his hand at Bu Fan, indicating that he didn't have to get up. Then Ryan Chris sat down beside Bu Fan and said, "I really didn't expect that the royal family would actually Noticing it so quickly..."

The topic came to Isaac Chris. It turned out that the second young master of the Chris family turned out to be an intelligence officer working for the Siren royal family.Obviously, he returned home at this time, not just coming back to visit Ryan Chris.

"Since I have successfully attracted their attention..." Bu Fan deliberately sank for a while, and continued with the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Can I start my performance? There is also the matter of the Royal Archives, we also It’s time to plan.”

In fact, the matter of the Royal Archives is easy to achieve. Although Ryan Chris does not have a title for the time being, he is still the president of the Royal Society of Magic and Director of the Royal Archives after all.With him as the insider to help Bu Fan, Bu Fan will naturally be able to easily succeed.

Bu Fan also reached an agreement with Isabel before, and after Bu Fan succeeds, he can leave Siren with her help.The first phase of the plan has been completed, and the promotion of the entire plan will depend entirely on Bu Fan's next actions.

"Mr. Ren, about Isaac..." After hesitating for a while, Bu Fan decided to express his thoughts: "Can we continue to deliberately expose some clues as before, so as to mislead the royal family through him. "

"No, don't do that." Ryan Chris shook his head immediately, and he said after a long sigh: "In his heart, the interests of the country are above all else. Although he is my son, Siren and I When my interests conflict, he will abandon me without hesitation. Maybe even the royal family is just a prop for him to defend the country..."

Bu Fan understood what Ryan Chris said during the dinner.In the limited conversation between Bu Fan and Isaac Chris, Isaac Chris always had a good insight into Bu Fan's intentions.If Ryan Chris hadn't reminded him in advance, Bu Fan might be accidentally asked something by him.

Not long after Isaac Chris showed up, Lucy acted according to the previous plan.The news about Dao Li's family and Ryan Chris's upcoming departure from Xi Lun was reported by major media.While a large number of reports appeared, Bu Fan also went to Longhua's embassy in Xilun as planned.

"Hey, look, look, is it Bu Fan who walked out?"

"It's him, it's him, it's him, hurry up and interview..."

Bu Fan, who was asked to be repatriated by Longhua, actually appeared here publicly, which immediately attracted a lot of media attention.And Lucy, who had made an appointment with Bu Fan in advance, was also among these people at this time.Bu Fan looked at the crowd surrounding him, and soon found Lucy.

"Excuse me, does your presence here mean that you are about to be sent back to Longhua?"

"Excuse me, what do you think of the conflict between the royal family of Siren and Dao Li?"

In the face of many reporters' questions, Bu Fan didn't make any statement at all.He casually pointed a few times in the crowd.The few reporters he pointed out were as elated as if they had won the lottery.And those who were not selected still surrounded there unwillingly.

"There are gossip rumors that you have reached an agreement with Longhua." Lucy asked the question that had been prepared as planned in advance: "If it is convenient, can you disclose some relevant news?"

"You are well-informed. An agreement has indeed been reached." Bu Fan nodded bluntly, and the surrounding media collectively exclaimed. Teacher Ren went to Longhua, and Longhua expressed willingness to let me go."

Bu Fan's short remarks made many media crazy, which is really shocking and endless.If what Bu Fan said is true, then this is definitely shocking news.This kind of blatant poaching of holy magicians from other countries is likely to cause the relationship between Longhua and Xi Lun to deteriorate sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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