magic maker

Chapter 339 A Vague Familiarity

Chapter 339 A Vague Familiarity
In the study of Bu Wangshu, the Patriarch of the Bu family, Bu Tingni reached out and pulled out a book from the bookshelf.

Bu Wangshu looked around, and just from the position, she could tell that her daughter was holding a travel book.

"Mom, this book is very interesting, should I take it back and read it?"

After turning a few pages, Bu Tingni held up the book in his hand and shook it towards Bu Wangshu.Bu Wangshu was busy dealing with the water stains on the bookshelf, nodded, and said, "Take it and read it. It's good to read more books."

Bu Tingni turned around and went out the door with the book in hand, and deliberately opened the door when she left.Ayumi, who had lost her figure, took this opportunity to follow behind Bu Tingni.Bu Tingni knew that Bumei was following her, so she tried to avoid others along the way.

"Xiaomei, are you sure this is the book Xiaofan wants?"

Bu Tingni went all the way back to her room, flipping through the "book" in her hand.Bumi lifted the mirage, and suddenly appeared in Bu Ting Ni's room.Ayumi reached for the book and said, "A diary, what he said may be a diary."

Ayumi is still very confident, because Bu Wangshu personally pointed out the place to her.The wet water marks on the bookshelves were actually made by Ayumi on purpose.She just wanted to see where Bu Wangshu would check the first book when she learned that it was difficult to collect books.

Bumi's method was quite effective. She found a bound book in the place where Bu Wangshu was most nervous.And what was taken out of that folder is the book in Ayumi's hands now.

"I just turned a few pages, and it's obviously just a diary."

Bu Tingni really couldn't understand why her mother hid a diary so secretly, and it was this diary that Bu Fan went to great lengths to steal.Ayumi weighed the book in her hand and said, "Sister, I think he has something to hide from us."

Bu Tingni looked at Bumei, and Bumei looked at Bu Tingni, and the two nodded in unison.The two got together and opened the diary, carefully reading from the first page.They want to know what secrets are hidden in it.

"Sister, this is not an option. We don't have so much time, so it's impossible to read them all."

Ayumi soon realized that this would not work. If they delay too much time, they may delay Bu Fan's affairs.Bu Tingni obviously thought of this too, she thought for a moment quietly, and said: "Magic energy projection, keep the content, let's check it slowly."

Bu Tingni and Bu Mei discussed it, and both of them thought this method was good.Immediately find a magic projection, and record all the contents of the original diary page by page.As for what secrets are hidden here, the two of them can only look back and study it slowly.

"Xiaomei, you can send this to Xiaofan, don't make him wait."

Bu Tingni handed the book in her hand to Bu Mei, Bu Mei took it over and carefully put it away, and then said to Bu Ting Ni: "Don't worry, sister, I will send it to him right away. It's just... I always feel that this thing is not good. Give it to him."

Although Ayumi said so, she still took the book and left, and she wanted to send the book to Bu Fan as soon as possible.Bu Fan had told her before that he would stay at Dao Ming's house for the next few days.

When Ayumi felt Dao Mingjia, the whole person was stunned.There are dismantled parts everywhere in Dao Ming's house, which looks like a workshop for the integration of magic props.Ayumi walked into the house on tiptoe, looking for Bufan through the parts everywhere.

Bu Fan has been very busy these days, and the parts everywhere in Dao Ming's house are the results of his battles these days.Relying on the massive design drawings provided by the apostle organization, Bu Fan has almost dismembered the mini magic energy compressor.

"What are you doing? It's all over the floor."

Ayumi finally found Bu Fan, who was in a pile of parts.Bu Fan didn't realize that she didn't know when she came until Ayumi approached.Bu Fan came back to look around and said, "Help me, deal with it, just throw it away."

"Throw it away?" Ayumi looked surprised.

"Throw it away." Bu Fan said with certainty.

Now that Bu Fan made it so clear, Bu Mei just followed his instructions.But there is still a small problem. These are almost all magic materials, and such things are not allowed to be thrown away.

"Oh, I was negligent, magic materials are not allowed to be thrown away." Bu Fan scratched his head as he spoke, as if he was not energetic enough.He rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, and said to Ayumi: "Why did you come here suddenly, did you find that book?"

Ayumi stopped her work in response, took out the book she brought from her arms, and threw it directly to Bu Fan from a long distance away.Bu Fan stood up abruptly and reached out to pick it up. A sense of dizziness hit him, and the book passed Bu Fan by.

"are you OK?"

Ayumi immediately saw something was wrong, it was impossible to miss with Bu Fan's skill.Bu Fan smiled awkwardly, leaned over to pick up the book, and said to Ayumi: "It's okay, my hand slipped, it's okay..."

Ayumi immediately came over and wanted to support Bufan, but Bufan closed his eyes and shook his head, waving his hands repeatedly to signal that Ayumi was fine.Bu Fan is really fine, except for being too hungry and tired, Bu Fan is really fine.

Bu Fan closed his eyes and rested for a while, then forced himself to open his eyes.He opened the book in his hand, and sure enough, as he expected, this "book" was actually a diary.Bu Fan just took a few casual glances and confirmed that this diary was related to the "Book of Prophecy".

"I can't do it... I'm hungry and sleepy, and I'm dizzy." Bu Fan shook his head violently from time to time to wake himself up.Ayumi came over to support Bu Fan, and forced him to the bed.How could Bu Fan earn more than her at the moment, so he lay down and closed his eyes, and said, "Then I'll go to bed first, and you help me prepare some food, and I'll eat when I wake up."

Bu Fan closed his eyes, and soon his breathing became steady.Ayumi didn't stand on her heels and walked away quietly until Bu Fan fell asleep.As soon as Ayumi left, Bufan immediately opened his eyes.

Bu Fan tiptoedly took the diary, and while he was still able to support himself, Bu Fan quickly read it at a glance.The recording method in the diary follows the consistent style of the "Book of Prophecy".Except for some personal pronouns such as "you, me, he", no names of people or places appear in it.

Although the people and things recorded in the diary are very vague, Bu Fan can always feel some vague familiarity from them.Others may be confused when reading this diary, but Bu Fan can accurately distinguish these people in the diary with this sense of familiarity.

"This sense of familiarity... is very vague." Bu Fan's eyelids had already started to fight, and he was about to fall asleep.But in this half-dream and half-awake state, he suddenly thought of something vaguely, but before he thought of it, he fell asleep. "call……"

(End of this chapter)

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