magic maker

Chapter 805 Engagement Ceremony

Chapter 805 Engagement Ceremony
With Ayumi's unremitting efforts, Bu Fan and Anna finally resolved the misunderstanding, and Ayumi lived up to Queen Siren's trust.Next, when Dao Li returned to Siren City, he could start discussing the engagement ceremony.

"Oh... I don't know what they're talking about."

Although the matter has generally been resolved, both Bu Fan and Anna proposed that there were additional conditions, and Ayumi had no choice but to let the two settle it privately.As for what the two talked about and whether they could reach an agreement, Ayumi was not sure at all. "I hope that the two of them will focus on the overall situation and stop making other accidents."

In a palace of the Siren Palace, Bu Fan and Anna looked at each other.Neither of the two chose to speak first.This silence has lasted for a long time.Ayumi insisted on asking Bu Fan to agree to the matter, but Bu Fan had no choice but to reluctantly agree, but proposed that he had additional conditions.

Anna peeked at Bu Fan from time to time, and she had decided that she would never agree to this matter unless Bu Fan agreed to her additional conditions.Although it was a helpless move, if not, Anna felt that she was sorry for Bumi, and she didn't know how to face Bufan.

"Aren't you against this matter? Then why do you have to give in to Ayumi to force me to agree?"

Bu Fan was the first to break the silence. He knew that Ayumi must have had a hard time doing this, but if he disagreed with Ayumi, he would not tell him the reason.Anna glared at Bu Fan fiercely, and finally broke the silence and said: "She and the old grandmother conspired in this matter, but I think she may have difficulties."

Bu Fan was not surprised that Queen Siren was involved in this matter.But Anna also knew that Ayumi had difficulties, which surprised Bu Fan.Anna, who was messing around in the past, is now able to understand the difficulties of others.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'll just tell you what I know."

Bu Fan stared straight at Anna, apparently waiting for her to tell the truth.Anna snorted coldly and deliberately ignored Bu Fan, but thinking about it, Bu Mei gritted her teeth and endured it, and said to Bu Fan: "Bu Mei said that she just made the most suitable choice..."

Anna repeated everything that Ayumi said before, verbatim.After Bu Fan let out a long sigh, he fell into silence again.Anna glanced at Bu Fan, also sighed and said nothing.

"Ayumi, why are you here?" Princess Charlotte walked all the way, saw Ayumi standing alone outside the hall, and walked towards her.Ayumi greeted her politely, and Princess Charlotte took Ayumi's hand and said, "My child, you have been wronged."

"It's so warm... Is this the feeling of mother's embrace?"

Princess Charlotte put her arms around Ayumi and raised her hand to help her straighten her long hair behind her.Princess Charlotte leaned against Ayumi's ear, and whispered lovingly: "Well, from now on, you will be like Anna, you are all my daughters."

In this matter, Ayumi is indeed too wronged. Princess Charlotte is indeed selfish as Anna's mother, but which parent does not consider her children?For Ayumi's debt, Princess Charlotte can only make up for it in other ways.

"The two of them don't know what they are talking about, and there has been no movement for a long time."

Ayumi seemed a little worried about the conversation between Bu Fan and Anna.Princess Charlotte glanced at the palace, patted Ayumi on the shoulder lightly, and said, "Leave them alone, let's go home with me."

Ayumi left with Princess Charlotte, while Bufan and Anna were still speechless.Anna looked at Bu Fan from time to time, but Bu Fan kept his head down and remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.Anna bit her lips lightly. Since Bu Fan didn't speak, she was going to make a condition.

"Although I agreed to this matter, I have a few prerequisites." Anna had been planning for a long time, and when Bu Fan saw her speak, his eyes fell on her.Anna stretched out three fingers and said: "First, we are not getting married now, so we only hold an engagement ceremony. Second, I ask Ayumi to participate in the engagement ceremony. Third, I will never allow you to be sorry for Ayumi in the future, otherwise I will never I won't let you go."

"Okay, don't expect me to treat you like she did to her, but I will never let you down." Bu Fan nodded after being silent for a moment, and then he also put forward a condition to Anna: "I have another condition, I want you to renounce all your official status in Siron."

Anna hesitated a little, she knew that Bu Fan didn't want her six relatives to disown her, but that she didn't want their relationship to be mixed with too much collusion of interests.Once Anna chooses to do what Bu Fan said, she can actually do very little for Xi Lun, and at the same time, she may not be able to be Bu Fan's help as Ayumi said.

Bufan has already seen through the plans of the royal family of Siron and Ayumi's well-intentioned efforts.But it was precisely because of this that Bu Fan put forward that condition on purpose.This is Bu Fan's bottom line for accepting Anna, and there is no room for negotiation on this point.

"Okay, I promise you." Anna nodded and agreed, and at the same time she said to Bu Fan very solemnly: "But whether you or Siren are in trouble in the future, I will do my best to help in my own name."

"This is the best. After all, the purer the emotion, the better." Bu Fan was very satisfied with Anna's answer. Anyway, since he decided to accept Anna, he didn't want their emotions to be mixed with impurities. "I'll trouble you to deal with the engagement ceremony. I only care about Ayumi's explanation now."

Ayumi's request has been fulfilled by Bufan, and it is time for Ayumi to fulfill his promise.Ayumi promised Bu Fan before that as long as the matter is settled smoothly, she will tell Bu Fan all the reasons.What is Ayumi's reason for making such a decision.

"I'm going to see the old grandmother now, won't you go with me?"

The moment Bu Fanlin was about to go out, Anna stopped him suddenly.Bu Fan stopped to think for a moment, showing a somewhat embarrassed expression, and said to Anna: "It's better not to go, you go to send a new one and come back early, after all, it is not your specialty to use this matter to create momentum."

Anna was still a little dissatisfied with Bu Fan at first, but when Queen Siren ecstatically pulled a vote of the royal family to ask this question, Anna suddenly agreed with Bu Fan's statement.It's just that Bu Fan didn't come over. If she leaves again, many things can't be done at all.

It can be said that the royal family of Xilun had been prepared for a long time. Although they failed to bind Bufan immediately as they wished, holding the engagement ceremony first is more in line with the etiquette process of the royal family.What the royal family of Siron really has to do is to publicize and make use of this matter to the greatest extent.

As long as the news of the engagement ceremony spreads, Xi Lun will temporarily bind Bu Fan.The apostles and the new alliance will also serve as invisible support for Siren, which will be very beneficial for Siren in coping with the current predicament.

(End of this chapter)

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