magic maker

Chapter 837

Chapter 837
For Nid Hogg, it was an absolutely unforgivable crime for Kereno to defect with the clone of the Outer God.But for Bu Fan, this is a good opportunity to sow discord.After all, for the creatures in the Central Realm, the Outer Gods and Ned Hogg are equally threatening.

"If you want, I think we can work together."

Regarding the defection of Kereno, Bu Fan did not try his best to exaggerate, but just gave a conclusion at the right time.Regardless of the outcome of this matter, Nid Hogg lost a support in the end.At this time, Bu Fan's invitation to cooperate may be exactly what Ned Hogg needs.

"The apostles and the Pan-American Alliance are already at the same level, but because of the existence of foreign gods, we can't compete with them at all." Bu Fan first stated that the two sides have a basis for cooperation, and then lured them to benefit: "We cooperate to fight against foreign gods." God and the Pan American League.

You don't need to pay anything except to fight against the outer gods.Not only can you get the last clone of the Outer God, but you can also taste the body of the Outer God.Of course, if you need it, the land of the Pan-American Union can also be your future territory. "

It can be said that Bu Fan's conditions are not very favorable, but they are attractive enough to Nid Hogg.What Nidhogg really wanted was the body and avatar of the Outer God.The Outer God is an existence equal to or even higher than Ned Hogg.If the Outer God can be completely devoured, Ned Hogg's life level will be evolved.

"If you are willing to serve me, I can protect you and give you great power." Ned Hogg was silent for a moment, looked at Bu Fan, and said, "As for the cooperation you mentioned... oh, you and you Those companions who are now hiding in XZ like bereaved dogs, I don’t think you are worthy of cooperating with me.”

Regarding the current situation of the apostles, Nid Hogg was right.Although Lei Nuo's rebellion did not bring much loss to the apostles, it seriously shook the prestige of the apostles.Although the apostles will not become street rats now, after all, this will give the countries an excuse to turn their faces in the future.

And just as Nid Hogg said, the apostles don't have the strength to compete with the Pan-American Alliance.Since he had no capital, it was no wonder that Ned Hogg looked down on the apostles.Fortunately, Bu Fan has a way to solve it, after all, he has already expected this situation.

"All the apostles, including me, are far more effective than Kereno." Bu Fan seemed very confident when he said this, and he said to Nid Hogg very firmly: "The apostles can not only help you , but also able to obtain the internal news of the Pan-American Alliance.

As for what you said about the current situation of the apostles' embarrassment, I don't deny that.But what I want to tell you is that the apostles can make a comeback at any time.I have already found a place to stand, and as long as the apostle survives, the new alliance will always be our most solid backing. "

After saying that, Bu Fan looked at Ned Hogg and waited for a response. Ned Hogg was also looking at Bu Fan at this time, and the two fell into silence like this...

Bu Fan has said all that can be said and should be said, and the next step is to see how Nid Hogg responds.If Nidhogg agrees to cooperate, he will try to make the Outer Gods and Nidhogg fight each other.And if Ned Hogg refuses, Bu Fan will try to get the Spirit Race involved.

No matter what the final result is, Bu Fan has only one purpose in doing this, which is to delay the time as much as possible.As long as Bu Fan is given enough time, he can try to integrate the creative characteristics, and then try to reach the realm to get out of the predicament.

"You said you were able to obtain the internal information of the Pan-American Alliance. If so, you can prove it to me." Nieder Hogg broke the silence first, and in human form he raised his hand to grab it, and the black energy was compressed into a ball. "As long as you find out the whereabouts of that traitor, I promise to cooperate with you."

"Okay, it's a deal."

Bu Fan said, took the ball of black energy, and carefully wrapped it with magic energy.Nidhogg turned into a black energy and soared into the sky, and his voice came from the gloomy sky: "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Although not the best outcome, but fortunately not the worst outcome.

Since Nid Hogg had prerequisites, Bu Fan decided not to deal with this matter for the time being.The most urgent thing to delay is to gain a firm foothold as soon as possible, and find a place to stand before we can settle down.Otherwise, if the Pan-American Alliance strikes again, the apostles will most likely be wiped out.

When passing through the regions of the three major empires before, Bu Fan intended to move the apostles there.The three empires have been fighting for years, which is where the apostles come in.Of course, the apostles can choose to support one family to dominate, or they can choose to unite the three families to check and balance each other.

"Celeno's place... just add a variable."

Although it was beyond Bu Fan's expectations, Keleno had to guard against it.Bu Fan clearly remembered that the crystal of blood energy was fused by him.But for some unknown reason, it returned to Kereno. "This has to be guarded against..."

In fact, Bu Fan didn't know that he almost lost his life because of the crystallization of blood energy.If it wasn't for that mysterious person, I'm afraid Kereno would have already succeeded.But it was precisely because of this that he couldn't find the other party now.

Bu Fan continued to walk outside the northern battlefield. He had already made up his mind to leave the northern battlefield to find Bai Jin.Among the apostles, Bai Jin has the most special status. He is lurking in the Church of Light as a priest.

If one was to say who was the most credible among the apostles after Lei Nuo's betrayal, it would undoubtedly be Bai Jin.Bai Jin's priesthood was very hidden, even among the apostles, only Xu You, Conrad and Ryan Chris knew about it.

"Find Bai Jin first, and then try to contact Xu You."

Although he had already planned to gain a foothold in the regions of the three major empires, Bu Fan still felt that there should be some reason for this matter.Not only because Xu You is good at this, but also because of many things after that, all have to be handled by Xu You. "If the apostles are finally destroyed, apart from going back in time again, I am afraid that the Central Realm is hopeless."

Because before time went back, it was the spirit race that destroyed the central world, which led to the destruction of the central world and the spirit world.But whether it is Ned Hogg or the Outer God, Bu Fan is not yet able to make a conclusion.So not only must we try to deal with the Outer Gods and Ned Hogg, but we must always be on guard against the return of the Eldar.

"It's a pity that we can't win the trust of the Spirit Race, otherwise the Spirit Race will be the most ideal help."

Although the Lingzu hadn't moved for a long time, Bu Fan knew they were watching.As for whether he was waiting for the opportunity to destroy the Central Realm in one fell swoop, or felt some kind of threat, Bu Fan still doesn't know. "It's just a matter of luck..."

Bu Fan thought about countermeasures all the way, followed the way he came all the way, and gradually left the northern battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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