magic maker

Chapter 848

Chapter 848

"Your idea is not unreasonable, I believe someone must have noticed it, but..."

After listening to Bu Fan's idea on this matter, Xu You didn't express his position immediately.In fact, in his view, no matter what the motivation of the Pan-American Alliance is, if the problem cannot be solved fundamentally, everything will be futile. "If you want to break the situation, the only way for now is... to strike first.

Although I don't know what the purpose of the Pan-American Alliance is, it is clear that their plans are not just apostles...

However, no matter what their purpose is, as long as we make the first move.

At that time, one stone will stir up a thousand waves. "

Xu You obviously hoped that the apostles would take the initiative to attack. Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the Pan-American Alliance and the Maurya Dynasty, the apostles took the lead in attacking them.Although this move does not seem to have any real meaning, it is actually not the case. Once the apostles really make the first move...

At that time, the apostle will not only be able to test out the opponent's reality, but also stir up the situation and take the opportunity to create momentum.Once the war started on the territory of the Maurya Dynasty, it would inevitably lead to changes in the surrounding situation.It must be like what Xu You said, a stone can stir up a thousand waves.

Judging from the past performance of the Peacock Dynasty, the Pan American League may have chosen the wrong teammate this time.If things are really as Bu Fan envisioned, the surrounding countries headed by the Longhua Empire must have been wary of the Maurya Dynasty.

"Are you trying to muddy the waters and plunge the Pan-American League into a quagmire of war?"

After understanding the stakes, Bu Fan understood Xu You's intentions.Xu You nodded and said in affirmation: "Yes, no matter what the Pan-American Alliance's wishful thinking is, the countries that celebrate the anniversary of the Maurya Dynasty will never sit back and watch the flames of war come to their homes."

It is true that the Pan-American Alliance must have other plans, but there is no need to rush to figure it out now.Just take the first step to provoke the war, and give the surrounding countries of the Mauryan Dynasty an excuse.At that time, the Pan-American Alliance will be deadlocked, and there will naturally be plenty of time to investigate slowly.

" it really safe for us to act rashly now?"

There are many benefits to being the first to act first, but the apostle also has worries about the future.Xu You knew what Bu Fan was referring to, looked at the time, smiled slightly and said, "If I'm not mistaken, these three families should have already scrambled to express their attitude."

Sure enough, when Bu Fan turned on the magic energy projection in doubt, various media were reporting related news.Bu Fan believes that this is by no means Xu Youwei's prophet, but a situation created by him taking advantage of the situation.

The three countries expressed their support for the apostles one after another, which made the apostles no longer have to worry about the future, and the apostles could then go about their business freely.In the following time, Bu Fan and Xu You carried out careful planning and deployment for the attack on the Maurya Dynasty.

"From past experience, the Maurya Dynasty has always been quite ambitious, but it is a pity that it does not have the strength to match it. This time the Pan-American Alliance and the Maurya Dynasty will obviously inflate the Maurya Dynasty. At this time, it is also the time when the surrounding countries When paying close attention.

Therefore, our goal this time is not to target the Maurya Dynasty, but to create troubles in the neighboring countries of the Maurya Dynasty.At that time, the surrounding countries will have an excuse to send troops, and they will inevitably choose to station troops on the border to prevent problems before they happen.

And the rapidly expanding pig teammate of the Peacock Dynasty will inevitably use the cooperative relationship with the Pan-American Alliance to deter neighboring countries and even go one step further.At that time, we only need to sit on the sidelines and wait quietly for the Pan American Alliance to be dragged into the water. "

After briefly explaining the combat intention, Xu You informed the apostles of the prepared action plan.

As the saying goes, soldiers are expensive and fast.

Therefore, the nine apostles, including Bu Fan, will set off immediately.The apostles will gather in the expanded territory of the Russian Tsarist Kingdom through the magic teleportation array, and then turn south to attack the Maurya Dynasty.

Except for Bai Jin, who had gone to the Longhua Empire, and Xu You, who was sitting in the rear, only Conrad was left behind.The apostles had just moved to the regions of the three empires, and there was such a big commotion, and all parties in the three countries raised doubts about it.

Properly resolving the suspicions and doubts of the Three Kingdoms will be left to Xu You who will deal with the aftermath.Bu Fan and the others had already assembled, and received a batch of supplies from the Russian Tsarist Kingdom along the way.Then, under the leadership of Bu Fan, the apostles went all the way south to the Maurya Dynasty.

"Everyone, our time is limited, so I will emphasize our combat objectives again."

The apostles left the regions of the three empires in a large scale, and on the way to the Maurya Dynasty, they will definitely be noticed by all forces.In order to deal with the impact of this situation, Bu Fan and Xu You made repeated deduction before specifying the battle plan. "Remember, our purpose is not to target the Maurya Dynasty...

Once we entered the territory of the Maurya Dynasty, the nine of us immediately split into three teams of two, three, and four.Respectively corresponding to the three combat areas of North, East, and Nan, they launched attacks on the border cities of the Mauryan Dynasty and led their troops out of their own borders as much as possible. "

Starting from the apostles, Bu Fan hopes to complete the attack within 24 hours.As for the scattered apostles, they have plenty of time to spend on the return journey, even if they walk for more than half a year, there is no problem.

When the time came to No. 16 hours after departure, the northern border of the Mauryan Dynasty finally appeared before the eyes of the apostles.

Seeing this, Bu Fan just nodded to Wayne behind him, without saying anything at all.Wayne nodded knowingly immediately, then drove the magic energy vehicle over the others, and drove straight towards the northern border of the Maurya Dynasty.Of the remaining two magic energy vehicles, one of them immediately turned to the east, while the other slowed down and followed.

Bu Fan will lead the attack with Wayne, and they will launch an attack on the northern border of the Maurya Dynasty.The border defense strength of the Maurya Dynasty can only be said to be average, and a small-scale attack does not need Bu Fan, a powerful puppet world, to step in.But in order to cover the other two apostles as much as possible, Bu Fan chose to expose his existence at the first time.

"Wayne, you don't need to do anything later, just keep an eye on the surrounding battlefield for me."

The surprise attack from the powerhouses in the false world will inevitably shock the Maurya Dynasty.Bu Fan deliberately arranged this way, in addition to protecting his teammates, there are actually other considerations.One is that Bu Fan is not good at defense, and the other is that Xu You asked him to test Wayne.

Sirens are blaring...

The penetrating spirit style almost penetrated the entire border post city. Apart from that, Bu Fan never launched any attacks.Looking at the chaotic border post city, Bu Fan and Wayne stood there quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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