magic maker

Chapter 851: Renault's Death

Chapter 851: Renault's Death

According to Wayne's observation since he was a child, magicians of different elemental systems will show certain characteristics as their strength grows.

According to Wayne, different magics are like different people.

Through this analogy between humans and magic, Wayne gradually established his own system with reference to other elemental magic systems.Later, through Wayne's continuous practice, it was finally proved that his theory was correct, at least in himself.

"You... are a genius!" Bu Fan was a little incoherent in surprise, and had to lament Wayne's talent.On the premise that he is not an elemental magician, Wayne has figured out a principle similar to the world model. "It seems that we need to communicate in depth."

In view of Wayne's magical talent, Bu Fan revealed to him the content of the magic system in the world model.In addition, Bu Fan also told Wayne about his current bottleneck, and he hoped to find a breakthrough with the unique perspective of this genius.

Just when the outside world was "stirred up in a thousand waves", an intelligence network carefully established by Yayoi spread from the Pan-American Alliance to the Longhua Empire.

Renault is dead.

This traitor who betrayed the apostle suddenly died mysteriously and strangely shortly after he took refuge in the Pan-American Alliance.

The specific circumstances are still unknown, but all indications are that Renault is dead.Prior to this, Renault had been missing for a while. According to feedback from some Sakurajima survivors, they said that they had seen Renault being taken into a secret laboratory.

"Secret laboratory?"

After reading the information at hand, Bai Jin's face was full of surprise.If it was the host clone he brought before, it would not be surprising to receive such treatment.But Renault, a human being who can be seen everywhere, is there anything worthy of sliced ​​research?
Renault's death is too strange, but due to conditions not allowing, the information currently available is very limited.But in any case, the fact that Renault has died is obviously a certainty.

Regarding Lei Nuo's death, Bai Jin didn't know whether to be happy or sad.Maybe even Renault himself didn't expect that he would end up in such an end recently.

In any case, the apostle's traitor died, and everyone finally didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Bai Jin told Xu You the news by reading, and then passed it to the other apostles through Xu You.

Wayne also received the news, and he was surprised and hurried to tell Bu Fan.Although the news of Renault's death has just been learned, it has been a while since the news was sent out, and it must be possible to determine the truth by now.

"Renault should still be useful. Why did the Pan-American Alliance suddenly kill him?"

Now it's not just Bu Fan who has this doubt, all the apostles who have learned about this have the same big question mark in their hearts at this moment.

Judging from the time, the approximate time of Renault's death should be before the hands of the Pan-American Alliance and the Maurya Dynasty.Judging from this point in time, it may be possible to roughly infer the cause of Renault's death.

The dead cannot be worth more than the living unless...

He must die!
Of course, it is absolutely impossible for the Pan-American League to do this because of the apostles, so for the Pan-American League, killing Raynor is far more valuable than keeping him alive.Perhaps, as Bai Jin said, the Pan-American Union used him for experiments.

"But that doesn't make sense either..."

In the end, Bu Fan spread his hands helplessly, he really couldn't figure out the reason.Wayne was still thinking about it at this time, as if he had thought of the possibility. "You said... Could it be related to Ryan Chris's research?"

Wayne reminded Bu Fan that the biggest difference between Renault was that he was a member of the apostles.According to Ryan Chris's research, the cause of the formation of the non-line magician should be related to the so-called alien blood.

Alien blood generally refers to the blood left by all outsiders, and according to Bu Fan's current known situation, the blood of the Wuxi magician is very likely to be derived from the mutation of the blood of the spirit race.If Renault was killed because of this, then this matter should be taken seriously.

The alliance between the Pan-American Alliance and the Maurya Dynasty is obviously not just for the sake of the apostles, after all, the bloodlines of the apostles are already extremely thin.The real purpose of the Pan-American Alliance's move should be to use the Maurya Dynasty as a foothold, and then plot the light gate left by the Eldar.

"It's really a false way to destroy Guo..." Bu Fan recalled Xu You's judgment on this matter before, but he didn't expect to be hit by his words.Sure enough, the Pan-American Alliance has other plans, and a big one at that. "If that's the case, I'm afraid many things will have to be adjusted."

I'm afraid no one would have thought that the reason behind the Pan-American Alliance's exhausting efforts would have something to do with Renault's death.In the end, it was no one else who led to this result. It was precisely because of Renault's betrayal that the Pan-American Alliance had a lot of information related to the apostles.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who has heaven spared?
This is probably the best portrayal of Renault. If it weren't for the information he personally presented, I'm afraid he wouldn't be reduced to the point of being sliced ​​and studied.

"Wayne, contact everyone immediately." After Bu Fan realized the seriousness of the matter, he immediately asked Wayne to contact the other apostles, reminding everyone to pay extra attention to safety. "Everyone must be careful of the ambush by the Pan-American Alliance, and the safety of personnel must be given priority."

Assuming that the cause of Raynor's death was really sliced, then in order to ensure the accuracy of the experimental data, the Pan-American Federation cannot guarantee that they will not try to capture other apostles.These are times of turmoil, and it is never wrong to be cautious.

Wayne conveyed Bu Fan's meaning one by one, which triggered a heated discussion among the apostles.Although the news of Lei Nuo's death was good news to the apostles, the reason behind it made all the apostles feel terrified.

"I really didn't expect that the Pan-American Alliance would have such an idea..."

"It's a good thing that Renault is dead, otherwise we will not kill him."

"Yeah, he still has a bit of conscience, otherwise we might have to suspend the previous few times..."

All the apostles who participated in the attack on the border of the Maurya Dynasty had already got rid of the pursuers at this time, and each found a place to hide.That's why everyone has so much free time to hold a meeting by reading words when no one is calling.

"This matter is of great importance, Bai Jin, you should find out the situation through Longhua's channel as soon as possible."

"Okay, wrap it on me."

After Xu You finished explaining Bai Jin, he pondered for a while, and then emphasized again to the apostles: "Bu Fan is right, at this moment it is better to be cautious. Don't rush back to the three major empire areas. Make sure your safety is your priority.”

(End of this chapter)

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