magic maker

Chapter 860 2 Small Goal

Chapter 860 Two Small Goals

Although the Pan-American Alliance discovered it in time and made amends in the first place, it was still put on the table by the apostles.

According to the confession forced by the "Black Hand" from the survivors of Sakurajima, it has been confirmed that the Suigetsu family was the mastermind of this matter.And the person behind the scenes who instigated the Shuiyue family is known to be the descendant of the God Lord without any investigation.Comparing with the information previously obtained by Renault, it is easy to deduce the instigator of this incident.

"The members of the Shuiyue family obey the order and take the last order of the Patriarch... Ning Yusui, be meticulous!"

After properly placing the body of the Dai Patriarch, Yaren Shuiyue continued to perform her duties.After conveying the last order of the acting Patriarch to the clansmen, Shuiyue Masato looked around at the crowd and said: "All the clansmen will follow me to prepare for the battle, and I will fight them to the death later, and this can be regarded as revenge for Sakurajima Country."

Neither agreed nor disagreed...

Every member of the Shuiyue family looked very calm, and there was no expression on their dull faces at this moment, as if they had already become numb.

Since the fall of Sakurajima, the Suigetsu family, which was taken in by the Pan-American Alliance, seems to have lost all vitality.For the Shuiyue family who lived towards death, perhaps death is a kind of relief.

Not long after, the "black hand" came to the door, and the Shuiyue family obeyed the order of the acting head, and all members died in a desperate battle.Once one of the four pillars of the Sakurajima Kingdom, the Suigetsu family that lasted for hundreds of years has completely come to an end...

However, the Shuiyue family did not disappear just like that. Several direct descendants of the Shuiyue family secretly left long before the jade of the Shuiyue family was broken.These last members of the Shuiyue family, according to the instructions of the previous Patriarch, quietly mixed into the baggage transport team going to the front line.

"But I hope you are back, and now you need to work together..."

It took several days before the apostles settled down in the Persian Empire.Then Conrad led the team from the Persian Empire and replaced Wayne and Ryan Chris.Seeing that Xu You came to greet them in person, the two hurriedly thanked each other and began to be courteous. "It turned out that it was for this matter. I said why both of us were transferred here at the same time."

If Bu Fan wanted to make further progress, in addition to Xu You's creative characteristics, he also needed a practical fusion method.The reason for dispatching Wayne and Ryan Chris at the same time is naturally for Bu Fan to reach the realm.

In fact, since Bu Fan became a strong man in the false world, Ryan Chris put this matter on the agenda early.To know that the realm is the ultimate goal, Ryan Chris will naturally not allow Bu Fan to give up halfway.

Previously, Bu Fan was allowed to test Wayne with a paper support, and it turned out that he had unique insights into non-system magic.After the two chatted happily, Bu Fan asked Wayne to participate in this matter.I hope that with the help of his unique perspective, I can put forward some constructive suggestions.

"Actually, judging from the information currently available, this advanced method is only feasible..." Ren Chris knew that the matter was of great importance, so he did not dare to draw conclusions hastily. "The only senior who has tried it...Unfortunately, he lost his life because of it."

Feasibility does not mean that it is really feasible, it is like those illegal and criminal things, you can do it but the end will be miserable.In the same way, if Bu Fan tried rashly, he might lose his life because of it.

On the matter of reaching the realm, Bu Fan had no room for compromise at all.Therefore, for the sake of safety and to increase the possibility of success, the research of Wayne and Ryan Chris is very necessary.

"Although Bufan has to give it a go in the end no matter what, being targeted is completely different from being reckless." As a typical academic, Wayne has always upheld a rigorous attitude.There is still a considerable degree of agreement with Bu Fan's decision to plan and act later. "Based on what Bu Fan told me before, I think we can start from the following aspects..."

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Wayne believes that there are three key points that must be clarified before the research can begin.They are: Bu Fan's fusion characteristic, Xu You's creation characteristic, and the characteristic fusion method left by that senior.

When Bu Fan became a false world, his characteristics unexpectedly changed.He failed to become a pseudo-realm with two characteristics like that unknown senior, but obtained a fusion characteristic with two effects at the same time.

Xu You's creative characteristics are extremely rare, and unlike the other two characteristics, the creative characteristics have no obvious appearance.Before Bufan really tried to perform the fusion, they had to figure out the possible consequences of the fusion creation feature.

The fusion method of characteristics is the top priority of the whole thing.While this approach is feasible, it has not yet been proven that it actually works.Although Bu Fan was lucky enough to succeed before, it caused a change in his characteristics. Therefore, whether this method of characteristic fusion is safe must be verified.

"If you are a young man, your thinking is clear."

"As expected of an academic school, the attitude is rigorous."

Listening to Wayne's analysis of the matter clearly, Ren Chris couldn't help expressing emotion again and again.Wayne just nodded at this, because he didn't think it was a compliment, but Ryan Chris was stating objective facts. "Young academics...frightening!"

In short, Xu You will try his best to meet all their needs, and this matter will be handed over to Wayne and Ryan Chris.In addition to breaking through the bottleneck of reaching the realm, Bu Fan has another thing to do, which is to try to make Ned Hogg and the Outer Gods fight against each other.

Xu You knew that Bu Fan's purpose in doing this was to drive away the wolf and delay the time to get a chance.But this is tantamount to gambling, but the kind with extremely high risks.Once this matter is not handled properly, it is very likely to get burned.

"Bai Jin, is there no news yet? Our time has already..."

The key to designing Nidhogg and the Outer Gods is to use the asymmetry of information between the two parties to create conflicts.But there was no movement from Bai Jin's side for a long time, which made Xu You couldn't help asking again. "Old Xu, can you stop urging me? I know this matter is of great importance, but it is precisely because of this that it is difficult to handle..."

The Pan-American Alliance, which is closed to the outside world, is fundamentally monolithic, and it is difficult for the outside world to spy on its secrets.This time, with the help of the survivors of Sakurajima, the apostles could obtain information indirectly, otherwise there would be no way to spy on the Pan-American Alliance.

"In should hold on tight, we only have these two small goals at the moment."

Although he knows that things are not dependent on subjective wishes, Xu You still does not forget to urge Bai Jin from time to time.After retracting his words, Bai Jin couldn't help sighing: "Two small goals... If these are two big goals, I'm afraid the world will explode on the spot."

(End of this chapter)

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