magic maker

Chapter 880 Xu You Wakes Up

Chapter 880 Xu You Wakes Up
Including the Median battlefield, the Pan-American Alliance left a large power vacuum.These areas have become fat in the eyes of all parties. The encirclement circle originally built for the Pan-American Alliance has collapsed due to the competition for interests.

"Nowadays, in the Median battlefield and its surrounding areas, various forces are racing to enclose their land..."

The competition between the various forces for the Midi area has far exceeded the previous expectations of all parties.In particular, in order to reclaim their land, the Medes even did not hesitate to turn against the rebel alliance that shared weal and woe. "In addition to Ryan Chris and the others, the Russian Tsarist Kingdom and the Longhua Empire are also paying attention to the changes in the situation."

Hearing the news, Bu Fan remained silent. The Russian Tsarist Kingdom and the Longhua Empire obviously did not just wait and see. They were all choosing their agents at the right time.Supporting an agent in the Median region is not only in line with the interests of the two countries in the region, but it can also be used to reject the Maurya Dynasty and the Pan-American Alliance.

It's just that why the Pan-American Alliance suddenly changed its offensive direction at this time, I am afraid that the forces of all parties have not paid much attention to it.Perhaps as naive as the Anti-Anti-Resistance Alliance, they thought that the Pan-American Alliance was dragged down by them.

"Hey... I'm really not good at these things, I really hope Xu You can wake up quickly."

After listening to Wayne's subsequent statement, Bu Fan only felt that his head was as big as a bucket.He really couldn't see what value the Medes battlefield had.The only one who can turn things around now is Xu You who is still in a coma. "These twists and turns are really not my specialty."

Wayne nodded in deep agreement. After all, even if they are both apostles, they are good at different fields.In the past, these matters were handled by Xu You, and everyone only had to follow the orders.

Now that Xu You was unconscious, the apostle was a bit delayed in responding.However, considering the current situation, perhaps the apostles should not intervene prematurely.Strategies are not Bu Fan's forte, so he just asked Wayne to tell the apostles that how to deal with this matter is all decided by the people and implemented.

"I hope he wakes up soon..."

On weekdays, the apostle's affairs were almost entirely dependent on Xu You, but after Xu Youyi's fall, the affairs immediately piled up and came to a standstill.Compared with those intrigues and intrigues, Bu Fan would rather choose to spend his energy on Xu You. "Please open your eyes and see how pitiful I am..."

Although he knew Xu You might not be able to hear him, Bu Fan couldn't help complaining to him.Xu You's condition has stabilized, but he hasn't woken up for a long time.After that, Bu Fan asked Wayne to go out several times, brought back some special medical magic items, and conducted a systematic inspection of Xu You.

The results of the inspection showed that Xu You had almost recovered.But he was still in a coma, most likely due to psychological reasons, which made him unwilling to wake up.To solve this kind of problem, he could only rely on Xu You himself.

"Wayne, how's the test result on your side?"

"The results will come out soon." Hearing Bu Fan's question about his progress, Wayne hastily responded, and then continued with the work at hand.As the instruments displayed the results one by one, Wayne couldn't help showing a surprised expression. "My goodness……"

Among the series of results obtained, Bu Fan only recognized the most basic data.But just these few values ​​are enough to make Bu Fan as shocked as Wayne, because the results are too amazing.

Both the strength of mana and the potential of mana have exceeded the maximum range.

The element affinity turned out to show a negative value.You must know that although ordinary non-element magicians are zero, what the hell is the negative value?

The most outrageous item is the mana deviation value, and the displayed result is actually zero.This means that in Xu You's body, there is no upper or lower limit to the magic power.Referring to the data of mana strength, Xu You's strength can almost be seen.

"I think it's up to him..." Wayne stopped in the middle of his words, and Bu Fan looked at Wayne suspiciously.I saw Wayne pondering for a while, and said in disbelief: "Using your previous data as a reference, Xu Youhe is almost no different from the false world."

Hearing this news, Bu Fan was heartened, knowing that in his current state, it is really difficult for him to shoulder the burden of being the most powerful apostle.But now that Xu You has a strength comparable to that of the false world, the apostle can finally rest easy as before.

"In addition, according to Xu You's current situation, I plan to use stimulation therapy to try to revive him."

Since Xu You showed no signs of waking up, Wayne decided to try to wake up Xu You.His proposal was supported by Bu Fan. After all, the situation has changed drastically now, and Bu Fan is unwilling to do this anymore and wait. "Well, as long as it doesn't hurt Xu You, you can do whatever you want."

With Bu Fan's approval, Wayne can be confident and bold.It is best for Xu You to wake up on his own, but now that the situation is getting more and more critical, he has no choice but to wake up Xu You in this way.

Xu You's matter is temporarily handed over to Wayne, and Bu Fan must come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible.The intention of the Pan-American Alliance's move is very obvious. It intends to abandon the cover-up project and directly attack the Guangmen of the capital of the Longhua Empire.

Although Xu You had issued a warning to Long Yuan long ago, because there was no clear evidence, even Long Yuan, as a Long Shou, could not arbitrarily overstep.The only thing Bu Fan can rely on now is the apostles on the Medes battlefield, and the help that the Russian Tsarist Kingdom can give.

Bu Fan, who put down his contemplation and pondering over countermeasures, did not mention it, but said that Wayne had Xu You's approval and was going to try to wake Xu You up.After a few tries, Wayne determined that ordinary physical means would not work.

Since Xu You cannot be awakened by physical means, Wayne can only take the risk of trying magic stimulation.In view of the previously detected data, Wayne did not dare to act directly, but chose to use magic props as a transfer.

Wayne, as a non-department magician, although he has extraordinary talent, his strength can only be said to be average.If he chooses to use magic energy to touch Xu You, there is a great possibility that Wayne will suffer backlash.So Wayne deliberately set up safety measures to ensure that he would not be injured.

As the magic energy of the two connected, Wayne began to slowly increase his strength.Although he came into contact with Xu You's mana indirectly, the huge changes caused by Xu You's blood returning to his ancestors were intuitively reflected in the mana.


There was a dull explosion, which turned into a handful of powder and scattered as a transfer magic tool.

Although Wayne was prepared, he didn't expect Xu You to be so strong, and it was still in his unconscious state.Fortunately, Wayne didn't have direct contact, otherwise the magic tool would be his end.

"Uh..." Xu You made a hoarse voice, apparently showing signs of waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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