magic maker

Chapter 883 The Voice of Doubt

Chapter 883 The Voice of Doubt
As expected, the Pan-American Alliance did not launch an attack on the Longhua Empire immediately after quickly taking over the western provinces of the Maurya Dynasty.While the Pan-American Alliance confronted the Longhua Empire on the border, it began to try its best to appease the emotions of the Maurya Dynasty.

"The Pan-American Federation has worries, so it is busy doing the aftermath."

"Yes, if you can seize the opportunity at this time, you will definitely be able to hold it back again."

"If the Medes and the Rebel Alliance hadn't turned their faces before, the Pan-American Alliance would not have had the opportunity to escape from the Medes battlefield..."

When all the apostles were discussing, Ren Xianxian suddenly got up and signaled everyone to be quiet.All the apostles fell silent when they saw this, and then Ryan Chris said: "Everyone, Xu You has awakened, and an order has just been sent. Let us suppress all forces as quickly as possible and stabilize the situation on the Medi battlefield. "

Due to the intervention of the apostles, the situation in the Medes region gradually stabilized.Under the strong suppression of the apostles, all parties had to strike down due to the situation.Although the situation has eased, the Media area is still a mess.

Just like the Pan-American Alliance has worries about the future, the Apostles also have similar concerns.The Pan-American Alliance suddenly turned against the Maurya Dynasty. It seemed that the Pan-American Alliance was in greater trouble, but in fact it was just the opposite.

Although the Pan-American Alliance lost some manpower, it captured the western provinces of the Mauryan Dynasty.But the Maurya Dynasty not only lost troops and generals, but also lost the western provinces to their allies. It can be said that they lost their wives and soldiers.

"Something has happened, something has happened, Bu Fan..." As soon as Wayne retracted his words, he immediately yelled loudly.Bu Fan on the side turned a deaf ear to it, and continued to study intently.Wayne sighed a little bored, patted Bu Fan on the shoulder and said, "Something has happened, people from the Three Great Empires have come to the door."

"Oh, really?" Bu Fan was very calm, and didn't think it was a big deal at all.Wayne looked at him with a strange expression, and before he could say anything, Bu Fan continued: "Xu You can handle it, don't worry, leave it to him, we still have our work to do."

Wayne sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to keep busy with the matter at hand.Originally, Wayne pulled Bu Fan to do research, but after a while, Bu Fan became more persistent than him.Thinking that he can't help alone, Wayne had to continue to immerse himself in research.

On the other hand, the three countries, including the Persian Empire, sent envoys to ask for an explanation.Facing the envoys of the three empires who came to him, Xu You was not in a hurry to meet them, but instead kept sending an order to the Medi battlefield.

"Master Apostle, you should give our country an explanation."

"Hmph, our Tianfang Empire is not a bully either."

"And our country..."

Facing the three envoys who were aggressive as soon as they came up, Xu You waved to the three of them again and again, signaling them not to quarrel.Xu You sat down unhurriedly, and then explained to the three of them: "Why are you so ignorant of what's good and what's wrong, I'll think about it for you, are we still wrong?"

The envoys of the Three Kingdoms were all taken aback when they heard this, and they looked at each other, suspecting that they had been tempted by the other party just now.Seeing that the three of them were not as impulsive as before, Xu You once again kindly invited the three of them to sit down, and if there was anything they could talk about calmly and slowly.

"Three, you keep asking me for an explanation, so what kind of explanation do you want?"

"Why don't we allow our country to continue to expand, and even withdraw our troops immediately?" The envoy of the Star-Moon Empire seemed dissatisfied in his words.

"The same is true for our Tianfang Empire, and the retreat is not over yet, and we have to return the land and population we occupied before." The envoy of the Tianfang Empire stood up excitedly. Compared with the Xingyue Empire, the sacrifice and return of the Tianfang Empire is obviously even more ineffective. Proportion.

"Our country..." As soon as the envoy of the Persian Empire opened his mouth, not only Xu You frowned, but even the envoys of the other two countries stared.In addition to sharing the benefits from the two countries, the Persian Empire did not invest a single bit before. "Uh...hehe, His Majesty just wants to show his kindness as a landlord."

Xu You looked at the three envoys. Except for the soy saucer from the Persian Empire, the origins of the other two were obviously dissatisfied with the apostle's decision.Xu You had expected this to happen, and it wasn't the worst.

"You two, do you know? The western province of the Maurya Dynasty is now occupied by the Pan-American Alliance."

The two envoys looked at each other, and nodded at Xu You at the same time.Xu You got up and projected an image with his words, and said to the two of them with a slight smile, "Look, you two, this is the latest information we have obtained... The Pan-American Alliance is obviously preparing for war now.

So, I would like to ask you two, which of your two countries is capable of fighting the Pan-American Alliance? "

With Xu You's words, the two people who asked were speechless.If only one country is relied on, there is no country in the world that can rival the Pan-American Alliance.Even if it is as strong as the Longhua Empire and the Russian Tsarist State, it still needs the cooperation of the two countries to barely compete with the Pan-American Alliance.

"But... our country is attacking the Maurya Dynasty from the other side, why should we stop?"

The words of the envoy of the Star-Moon Empire immediately attracted the attention of other people present.Obviously, this question was quite unprofessional, and before Xu You could even open his mouth, the envoy of the Tianfang Empire laughed and said, "In the past, two fought against one, so naturally you can follow suit. But now it's a one-on-one situation, Are you okay?"

The two countries previously attacked the Maurya Dynasty from both sides, and the Maurya Dynasty was deeply involved in the Midi battlefield, which naturally brought a lot of benefits to the two countries.But now that the Pan-American Alliance has seized the eastern provinces and has become a barrier for the Maurya Dynasty, it is no longer suitable for the two countries to continue.

"You two, do you know why the Pan-American Alliance abandoned the Midi battlefield?" Xu You did not comment on which of the two countries is stronger and weaker, but further elaborated his point of view: "I will ask your two countries to stop at the right time and abandon some of the already The benefits at hand are based on the same purpose and consideration."

There have always been many opinions from the outside world as to why the Pan-American Alliance abandoned the Median battlefield.But people with a discerning eye are probably very clear that this is to cover their actions to seize the eastern provinces, and it is also to divide the Medes and the resistance alliance.

"There is an old saying that whoever laughs last laughs the best." Xu You glanced at the envoys of the two countries as he spoke, and then read the images projected by the words in his hands.Even the envoy of the Persian Empire, who was making soy sauce, cried out in shock at what he saw. "As shown in the picture... Why do you care about the momentary gains and losses?"

(End of this chapter)

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