magic maker

Chapter 894

Chapter 894
Looking around in a daze but seeing Kereno, the three of Bu Fan shook their heads full of doubts.

"Be careful... back off!"

A group of black flocs similar to mist floated over, Bu Fan protected Bumi and Anna behind him, and the three colleagues retreated slowly.However, the mass of mist-like flocs suddenly turned into a human form. "It don't recognize me either."

"Uh... Kereno?"

" can call me that too..."

In the black flocculent mist, came the strange voice from before.Bu Fan stared closely at the black mist, obviously it was Kereno.Bu Fan secretly mobilized his power, ready to attack him at any time. "Don't be so wary of me...I won't do anything to you..."

Bu Fan carefully protected Ayumi and Anna. Although he didn't know what method Kereno used, it already possessed some characteristics of elemental life.People used to call such a special life form as Keleno's alien life.

The alien life was too unfamiliar to Bu Fan. At this time, he was looking at Kereno while carefully recalling the scene just now.Before Bu Fan received Leno's attack, the black flocculent energy was split into two kinds of energy.

Bu Fan can be sure that the red energy is just like blood, and the blue energy Bu Fan has never seen before.It was under the action of those flocs that the two kinds of energy were combined into black strange energy.

"Alien life... It seems that you have used a similar method before?"

As for how Kereno became an alien life, Bu Fan has actually thought of some possibilities.And it was with these clues that Bu Fan vaguely guessed the possible changes in Kereno. "Who... are you?"

"Hehehe... Kereno, Li, Zuo, or other names, whatever you like."

While Bu Fan was shocked when he heard this, he couldn't help crying secretly, this time he was really looking for his own death.Since the other party said "Li" and "Zuo", it means that he is no longer the previous Kereno. "So that's it, I understand..."

It was with Bu Fan's full help that Li and Zuo took the body of Queen Harpie, and since then a creature named Keleno was born.Kereno inherits the inheritance of the three and exists in a way of fusion and symbiosis.

And the alien life in front of him is obviously a further step on the basis of Kereno, and even has some memories of Li and Zuo.In view of his previous understanding of Kereno, Bu Fan believes that he should inherit everything that Kereno has.It even included Ned Hogg's power, as well as the clone of the Outer God that he had killed before.

"I think it's better to continue to call you... Kereno?"

"up to you."

What kind of existence is this "Keleno" in front of me?
To be honest, Bu Fan is not completely clear, but compared to the name "Keleno", Bu Fan is unwilling to use "Li" or "Zuo" to refer to each other.Although Bu Fan didn't dare to say that Li and Zuo were his friends, at least those two not only didn't hurt Bu Fan but helped him during their companionship.

"Okay... Before we discuss cooperation, I want to meet my friend first."

While Bu Fan was on guard, he asked to meet Bai Jin first.After all, the "Keleno" in front of him is an out-and-out alien life.Although it still retains the old name, it is based on two different existences from Kereno. "of course can……

However, you may have to wait.

To thank him for waking me up, I gave him a small thank you in return. "

Hearing this, Bu Fan couldn't help but gasped, did something happen to Bai Jin?
Although Bu Fan had doubts, he forced himself to calm down.At this time, Bu Fan must not say such words, otherwise it will inevitably lead to disaster.Thinking of Bai Jin's situation at this time, Bu Fan couldn't help but regret letting him go hastily.


After an unknown amount of time, an explosive shout came from the concealed underground entrance not far away.

Bai Jin's voice was very familiar to Bu Fan. After a little thought, Bu Fan didn't act immediately, but turned his head to look at the alien life.The human figure made of mist-like black flocculent energy made a movement similar to turning around, and waved towards the three of Bufan.

"Please also show me the way."

Although Bu Fan said it was polite, he didn't relax his vigilance at all.He took this opportunity to signal that Ayumi and Anna would go first.But the two of them didn't know whether they didn't see it, or they didn't want to leave alone, but they also followed.

The three followed the alien life and came to the underground entrance not far away.Due to poor visibility, the alien life seemed to disappear out of thin air as soon as it entered the underground entrance.Bu Fan hesitated and stopped, and it was Ayumi and Anna who followed behind.

"It's better for me to lead the way."

Anna walked up to the underground entrance and raised her hand, the ring on her hand was emitting a soft light.But before Anna stepped in, Bu Fan pulled her back and said, "No, at most I'll let you follow me to light up, otherwise we won't go down."

Under Bu Fan's repeated insistence, Anna could only compromise in the end.Although both of them understood each other's good intentions, they couldn't tolerate humility at this time.In this way, Bu Fan took the lead, Anna was in the middle, Bu Mei was in the back, and the three stepped into the underground entrance in a long snake formation.

With the help of the faint light, the three of them walked through the long and narrow abandoned passage all the way.After turning a corner, a light suddenly appeared in front of him, and Bu Fan stopped and gestured for a while.Then he walked slowly forward to explore, and Ayumi and Anna behind were ready to support at any time.

Getting closer and closer to the bright place, Bu Fan is ready to fight at any time.But knowing that he had reached the end of the passage, nothing happened as expected.Turning a corner again, the eyes suddenly opened up and it was as bright as day.


The sudden strong light made his eyes uncomfortable, and Bu Fan could only squint his eyes to stay vigilant.Before his eyesight is fully restored, Bu Fan will never enter rashly, otherwise he may be in danger.

"Bu Fan... why are you here?"

This was a familiar voice, and Bu Fan squinted his eyes to follow the sound, only to see a figure walking towards him.Bu Fan turned slightly sideways to take precautions, and at the same time asked the other side tentatively: "Is it Bai Jin? Are you Bai Jin?"

The figure in front of him got closer and closer, but Bu Fan still couldn't see the other party's answer, so he couldn't help turning his body a little more.Sensing that figure approaching, Bu Fan attacked without hesitation.

"Eh? Don't do it, it's me, it's me..."

Bai Jin wanted to make a joke with Bu Fan, but he didn't expect to be beaten blindly by Bu Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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