magic maker

Chapter 911

Chapter 911
After their successful intervention in the Central Realm, the Eldar have finally begun to invade the Central Realm again.

Whenever night falls, the Light Gate of the Spirit Race will quietly open.Every time a varying number of Eldar sneak into the Central Realm, and these people will disperse immediately after entering the Central Realm.Therefore, even the people living in the capital of the imperial capital had no idea that the Spirit Race had quietly returned.

"So far, according to the information that has been obtained, those Eldar who sneaked into the Central Realm seem to be looking for someone or something."

After the routine report of the latest situation, Xu You turned around and planned to leave.Stopping Xu You, who had already walked a few steps, Bu Fan said after a moment of silence: "Pay close attention to the movements of the Spirit Race and other parties, and inform Wayne to speed up the progress as much as possible."

What I wanted to say, I couldn't say in the end.


Bu Fan couldn't help sighing, since he and Xu You had a disagreement, the relationship between the two has never been the same as before.Bu Fan, who was temporarily free after dealing with some affairs, couldn't help but worry about Qi Qimei and Anna. "I don't know if they are going well?"

According to the agreement between Bu Fan and Lin Dong'e, Bu Mei and Anna have already set off secretly.The two of them will divide their troops into two ways to deal with the matter. Among them, Ayumi will secretly return to the imperial capital, while Anna will be responsible for opening the road from Longhua to West Road.

Although he was worried about Ayumi and Anna, as well as his parents and sister, Bu Fan had more important things to do.Now that the Spirit Race has made a comeback, it is naturally impossible to keep sneaking around like this. Bu Fan must deal with it before the arrival of the Spirit Race army.

Once the news of the Spirit Race's return spreads, the Central Realm will be completely plunged into panic, and everyone will be in danger, and turmoil is very likely.However, in the face of the menacing spirit race and the completely out-of-control Central Realm, all the apostles can do is stick to the bottom line.


A familiar voice came from his ear, and Bu Fan followed his reputation to see that it was Ryan Chris.

"Teacher Ryan?"

"Well, do you have time? I want to talk to you."

Chatting at this juncture seems somewhat inappropriate.But Bu Fan knew very well that Ryan Chris was definitely not looking for him to chat, he must have something to look for himself.

"The Midi region has long been a mess, and it has even spread to the Junker Empire. If things go on like this, it may affect the new alliance..."

Sure enough, not long after the conversation, the topic came to this point.Recently, the focus of the apostles has begun to shift to the Spirit Race, which makes people not only suspect that Bu Fan intends to let the chaos in front of him go. "Bu Fan, are you planning to ignore the new alliance?"

Ren Chris' question made Bu Fan silent for a while.Although he had already made a decision, Bu Fan was really afraid of telling the truth.This time, not only the new alliance, but even the entire Central Realm, Bu Fan intends to let the big waves wash away the sand and the survival of the fittest.

"Mr. Ren... Do you think it is possible for the Central Realm to defeat the Spirit Race?"

Bu Fan didn't choose to explain, but asked Ryan Chris a question.Through the comparison between the Central Realm and the Spirit Race, the result is already clear at a glance.Ryan Chris sighed, looked at Bu Fan and said nothing. "The answer is obvious, isn't it?"

Although there is a certain gap between the Central Realm and the Spirit Race, it is not true that they are powerless to fight.However, the power in the central circle is too scattered, not only can't concentrate the power to unify the outside world, on the contrary, there are occasional frictions between internal parties.

"Having no choice is sometimes a choice."

These words surprised Ren Chris, and he looked at Bu Fan in astonishment.The matter is far from having no choice, but why did Bufan say such a thing?Ryan Chris looked at Bu Fan for a while, and said, ""Your idea is too dangerous, it's just nonsense!
"I know it... the new alliance, please, Mr. Ren."

Although Bu Fan only hinted at him, Ryan Chris already understood.Bu Fan wanted to use the Spirit Race as a whetstone to thoroughly sharpen the Central Realm. This might be the only way for the Central Realm to survive for the Spirit Race. "But... can this really work?"

Until the end, who knows the answer?

Because the apostle chose to remain silent, the chaotic situation intensified.Most of the central world is in chaos, and almost everyone in the remaining countries is in danger.And at this time, the Spirit Race, who had been acting secretly, suddenly invaded the Central Realm with great fanfare.

The sudden appearance of the spirit clan army without warning shocked the entire Central Realm.Even the originally chaotic situation has become insignificant under such huge external pressure.

"It's still here..."

Although he knew that this day would come, Bu Fan still hoped to postpone it as much as possible.Now that the news of the return of the spirit race has been made public, the arrangements made by the apostles can be activated. "Let's see how many people can control the ups and downs under the big waves washing the sand."

Once the news of the Spirit Race's return spread, everyone in the Central Realm was in turmoil.The countries that were busy competing for their interests are now trying their best to protect themselves.The member states of the new alliance received news from the apostles immediately:
All countries work together to tide over the difficulties.

When the members of the new alliance saw this news, they immediately felt dumbfounded.I want to laugh because this suggestion is impossible to implement; I want to cry because this is the only way to get through the difficulties.


The spirit clan army passing through the light gate continuously, but hardly gave the unsuspecting countries a chance.In just over a month, the army of the Spirit Race swept across most of the Central Realm with overwhelming momentum.

The countries that existed in the era of the Quadruple League are now gone.The only remaining countries, in addition to the powerful big and powerful countries, are those countries that have united in time.

Although such a result is reasonable, it is completely unexpected.Just taking the countries that have joined the new alliance as an example, excluding such powerful countries as the Longhua Empire and the Russian Tsarist Kingdom, less than one-third of them can protect themselves from the army of the Spirit Race.

"It's too miserable, too miserable..."

Although he had already prepared in his heart, when the information was finally confirmed, it still made Ren Chris feel heartbroken.Bu Fan glanced at the confirmed information, patted Ryan Chris on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Mr. Ryan, the situation is actually not that pessimistic... Look at many countries in the Europa League, aren't they emergency alliances?" Are you up?"

Although it is accompanied by huge sacrifices, this phenomenon is exactly what Bu Fan wants to see, and the real world unity of the Central Realm merges into a whole.

(End of this chapter)

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