magic maker

Chapter 963 Elimination of Crisis in Another World

Chapter 963 Elimination of Crisis in Another World
The foreign gods who invaded the spirit world were severely injured, which was a rare opportunity for Bu Fan.But before that, Bu Fan still has one very important thing to do, which is to use the will of the world to eliminate the alien crisis.

The alien world crisis has enveloped the Central Realm for several years. Since the old world will collapsed, the entire Central Realm seems to be free to enter and exit.Now the central world, which is riddled with holes, has finally ushered in a turning point for a new life, and eliminating the alien crisis is the first step.

"The elimination of the alien crisis is just the beginning..."

For the Central Realm, it is not enough to just eliminate the alien crisis, there are also such as Outer God, Ned Hogg, and Kereno.These overly powerful alien creatures have always been a threat to the Central Realm. Only when Bu Fan solves this problem can the Central Realm be completely reborn.

Until now, Bu Fan has never had an intuitive understanding of the strength of the Outer Gods.Most of the time, Bu Fan uses comparisons to have a rough definition of the strength of foreign gods.It was precisely because of this uncertainty that Bu Fan was tied up.

The outer god who invaded the spirit world was expelled from the spirit world, but it also did not appear in the central world.Although the Outer God will return to the Central Realm sooner or later, for Bu Fan, there are too many things he can do during this time.Not to mention being able to eliminate many hidden dangers in the central world, even if there is enough time, Bu Fan can also follow the example of the Lingzu to close the central world.

"The strength of the world's will today is just enough to barely cope with the flood of alien crises."

In addition to the realm who first gave birth to the will of the world, Bu Fan may be the most special one among the realms who have achieved the realm in the past.The new world will in the central realm was born at the moment when Bu Fan reached the realm.

And by chance, Bu Fan obtained the inheritance left by the Neng clan.This made Bu Fan's power different from ordinary Nengzu after he became a Nengzu, and was actually connected with the will of the world in the Central Realm.

As the world's will continues to grow, Bu Fan's power is also increasing day by day.In order not to be excluded from the Central Realm by the will of the world too early, Bu Fan had to try to delay the growth of power.

"One point is indispensable, and one point is wasted."

This is Bu Fan's most appropriate description of the current state of Wei Neng. Since the inheritance of the Neng Clan only reaches superpowers, Bu Fan cannot accurately judge his own strength.But in view of the suppression of alien creatures by the will of the world, Bu Fan can roughly estimate that it is feasible to eliminate the alien crisis.

Although Bu Fan is unwilling to take risks, he is even more unwilling to be excluded from the Central Realm by the will of the world, especially since the will of the world is born from himself.Today's world will has penetrated into every corner of the Central Realm, and Bu Fan can completely control the entire Central Realm with the will of the world.

"The lord of the world..." Bu Fan grasped the will of the world with five fingers, and a vision suddenly appeared on the distant horizon.As Bu Fan loosened his clenched fingers, the strange phenomenon in the distance also disappeared. "It's a pity that I don't have any ideas about rights, otherwise it would not be too easy to unify the Central Realm."

Siron, which once ruled the entire Central Realm, is just an island country in the sea.And the reason why it can rule the entire central realm is only because the realm that created the magic era is its ancestor.

"If I tell Anna this secret, I don't know how she will feel..."

"Speaking of Anna and Silen... Xiuzel, what secret are you hiding? Did you really want to snatch my body back then?"

There are many mysteries related to me, but I don't know the answer, huh...

After Bu Fan was silent for a long time, he took a long, deep breath.Now is not the time to think about these things, Bu Fan needs to hurry up and solve the alien crisis.Feeling the will of the world again, Bu Fan began to try to mobilize the will of the world in the entire Central Realm.


After adjusting his breathing, Bu Fan began to take over the will of the world.With the ups and downs of Bu Fan's breathing, he felt his body extending infinitely, as if he could perceive the entire central world.

All the creatures in the Central Realm can be perceived by Bu Fan through the will of the world.Even with Bu Fan's continuous concentration of will, he can even use the will of the world to "see" the entire central world clearly.

"It's's really horrible..."

With a wry smile, Bu Fan helplessly shook his head.Because of the alien crisis, the central world is full of "cracks" of all sizes.This kind of crack is similar to the Light Gate of the Spirit Race, and each "crack" connects a different world.

Those otherworldly beings who caused disasters entered the Central Realm through these alien world cracks.Especially some smaller creatures from other worlds even travel back and forth between the two worlds, completely treating this as a state of daily life.

Bu Fan suddenly opened his five fingers, and as he slowly closed his fingers, a similar vision appeared around a "crack".After Bu Fan adjusted his breathing, he clenched his fists violently.

Violent vibrations filled the entire space around the "crack", and the world in the positive area seemed to change color.Bu Fan held his breath nervously, and he observed the situation on the scene through the will of the world.

"very good."

As the "rift" was eliminated by the will of the world, those alien creatures suddenly fell into panic.What Bu Fan has to do next is to deal with those alien creatures from other worlds.Looking at the frightened alien creatures, Bu Fan adjusted his breathing again.


Bu Fan held his five fingers empty again, and the will of the surrounding world immediately gathered.Those panicked creatures from other worlds seemed to have a certain degree of spiritual intelligence, and for some reason they knelt down collectively at this time, worshiping the vision displayed in the sky.

Just when Bu Fan was about to clenched his fists, he suddenly stopped his movements.Bu Fan used the will of the world to observe those alien creatures. They were a group of ugly, short creatures with blue, green and purple skin.

"Maybe try..."

Thinking of those previous ideas, Bu Fan let go of his clenched fist.These alien creatures in front of him are just right, with a certain degree of spiritual intelligence, and their individual strength cannot pose too much threat.So with a turn of Bu Fan's mind, the corresponding rules were written into the will of the world.

Those alien creatures were taken aback for a moment, and then began to bow down more devoutly.The will of the world marked those alien creatures without interfering. Once they reneged and violated the rules, the will of the world would immediately strangle them mercilessly.

"Next... Maybe you can try to accept it first, and then obliterate those stubborn alien creatures..."

(End of this chapter)

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