Chapter 159

A raving sound came, and Zhao Yu looked vigilantly in the direction of the sound.

It came from the sofa.

He looked there silently, and after a while, he saw the person who was lying on the sofa sit up suddenly.

Zhao Yu clenched the bell in his hand, looked away, closed his eyes slightly, and pretended to be asleep.

After a few seconds, the figure stood up straight from the sofa, and then stretched out his hand towards Xu Changwen who was closest to him...

Seeing all this from the corner of his eye, Zhao Yu's pupils constricted, what is he going to do? !

After returning from the city during the day, Li Miaomiao went to the warehouse to fill in one-third of the supplies received from the warehouse today.

After greeting the two people on duty and saying something to encourage them to be on duty seriously, they took Gu Shihan's hand and went on a date.

The two chatted wildly for a while before they separated.

Li Miaomiao fell asleep when she was lying in bed at night.

This time, she was in a strange place, which looked like an abandoned factory surrounded by barbed wire.

Many people were walking around outside, their clothes looked like they hadn't been washed for a long time, their hair and faces were dusty.

And their complexion is not very good, showing a gray and rotten look, not to mention skinny and skinny.

Li Miaomiao watched them pass by her from the side, wondering if she was dreaming of some kind of safe base or refugee camp?
The two women at the corner in front seemed to be talking about something, Li Miaomiao's mind moved, and she floated five or six meters directly in front of them.

When you get close, listen to them say:

"Hey, what do you think will be distributed today?"

"I guess it's still the same as before, a bowl of porridge."

"I think it's more than that. Well, let me tell you something. When I went to the corner to solve my stomachache last night, I saw..."

When the girl said this, she said it in the ear of another girl, and deliberately lowered her voice.

Li Miaomiao frowned, she didn't hear it.

At this time, the girl obviously finished speaking, and the girl who heard it was surprised.

She added: "Even if what you see is true, it doesn't mean we have something to eat."

"Probably not, I saw several boxes. How can I say that the head of the base should also give us extra meals?"

The girl who spoke was determined.

The other girl was full of disapproval, she said in a low voice: "It would be nice to have porridge, but you are thinking about adding a meal, you are thinking too much.

Besides, you must be sure that those boxes are all edible? "

The girl was still a little unconvinced, and wanted to argue with her whether it was food or not, but was calmed down by another girl with a few words.

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao understood, the general idea is that girl A saw the manager of the base trade a few big boxes with an unknown person, and felt that those boxes were filled with food.

Therefore, she judged that the base had received new supplies and the base chief would give them extra meals.

But girl b thinks that the possibility of extra meals is unlikely.

And she felt that those few boxes were not necessarily edible.

Li Miaomiao stood next to the two of them for a while, originally wanting to hear if the two girls would tell more about the base.

But during the waiting time, the two girls didn't speak again. It just so happened that she saw a few men passing by carrying something, so she followed after thinking about it.

It was only when I got closer that I saw that these men were carrying a big pot.

There was a pot of gruel in the pot. It seemed that the rice grains were less than half of the pot, and the rest was water.

After seeing the weight of this pot of porridge, Li Miaomiao secretly slandered that it was indeed a veritable "thin" porridge.

It seems that the short-haired girl guessed wrong just now, obviously the base chief didn't intend to give them extra meals.

Several men put the pot on the groove that had been built in advance, and then looked at each other. One of the men shouted loudly: "It's time to get the porridge, you can come and get the porridge."

Someone nearby had already been staring at them. Seeing him yelling, the people leaning against the surrounding corners all rushed up with bowls or cups.

One by one, they were like ancient refugees, rushing up with various containers and squeezing around.

Li Miaomiao was taken aback by their posture, even though she knew that these people could not see her or touch her, she subconsciously hid behind the men who were making porridge and watched them from a distance.

"Silence, silence, line up for me properly, if you don't line up properly, you won't be able to share the porridge!"

Seeing them crowding here and there for a long time, no one got porridge, and the man who shouted earlier had to stand up to maintain order.

The man was obviously very intimidating in the hearts of these people. As soon as his voice fell, those people slowly stopped crowding.

In front of the line was a tall man with sunken cheeks and looked malnourished.

Holding the bowl, he begged the man, "Brother Zhang, get some more. I really can't get enough to eat."

The one called Brother Zhang was the man who yelled. Li Miaomiao noticed just now that he only gave that man a spoonful, and most of it was clear water.

Even so, it would only take up half of the big bowl that the man was holding.

Needless to say, it is definitely not enough to eat.

The man's eyes were full of pleading, and his sunken cheeks looked extremely pitiful.

The man he called Brother Zhang was unmoved, he just looked up at the man and said, "One scoop per person is the rule, what if you hit the people behind you too much?"

The man wanted to say something more, but Brother Zhang waved his hand, "Go, go, go to the side, don't waste time."

The people behind were also urging, so the man had no choice but to run to the corner with the bowl, as if he was afraid that others would snatch it, so he finished the bowl of porridge in two or three mouthfuls.

Others here are still queuing up in an orderly manner.

Soon we arrived at the two girls who spoke before.

The one in front was the girl who said she didn't know how to add extra meals. When she saw the porridge in the pot, she raised her eyebrows clearly, thinking that she had guessed correctly.

Then, seeing Brother Zhang's ladle falling down and only scraping the water surface and adding a little rice grains, her eyelids twitched and she hurriedly smiled at Brother Zhang before he could scoop it up: "Brother Zhang, I heard that your supernatural power has been released recently. You have been promoted, but I haven’t congratulated you yet.”

She has a very pure looking face, although her complexion is a little yellow and gray because she hasn't eaten for many days, but her eyes are also very bright.

Her hair was not as frizzy as others, and it was draped softly behind her back. After she finished speaking, seeing Brother Zhang look up at her, she conveniently pinched the hair on one side of her face behind her ears.

Brother Zhang looked up after hearing her words, and noticed that her beautiful face flickered slightly, and with a little effort in his hands, he scooped up half a scoop of rice grains and added some water to her bowl.

At the same time, he said: "Xiaoqing is quite well informed."

(End of this chapter)

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