Chapter 179 City H Security Base (two chapters in one)

Hearing Xu Changwen's words, several people were silent for a while.

After a long time, Ning Xie snorted coldly and said, "You can tell us this, but if those two people question you later, how should you explain it to them?"

Guo Shouyi, who had been silent all this time, spoke at this moment, with a puzzled tone, "Let's be honest, let's just say that when we were looking for a car, we were chased by a group of zombies, and zombies flooded in from other places, so we can only drive the car back. gone."

"But, won't they blame us for leading the zombies over?"

Zhao Chang interrupted.

Although Guo Shouyi and Xu Changwen were the ones who attracted the zombies, in the eyes of outsiders, they were all in the same group.

So it is equivalent to the zombies they attracted together.

"It's strange, it's all happened, what can they do to us? And we didn't leave them behind to block the zombies."

Guo Shouyi looked calm.

Zhao Chang listened? ? ?
"No, aren't they following us? And they did block the zombies, so..." Why didn't they let them block the zombies?
He didn't finish his sentence, but Guo Shouyi understood what he meant.

He only heard him snort softly: "They did it voluntarily, and we didn't force them, so it's impossible for so many zombies to just attack us, they have to do it to protect themselves.

As for the car following us, didn't they let us lead the way to the security base in City H?

So what happened to us leading the way?We didn't force them to follow us, it's up to us to go to the H city security base. "

What this said sounds like it makes sense.

It's just that except for Xu Changwen, Ning Xie and the others looked at Guo Shouyi with weird eyes. In the past, they only knew that this person had a stubborn mind, irritable temperament, and impulsive personality regardless of consequences.

I didn't expect him to be so...shameless?

Although what he said seemed to be true, but... they just felt that what he said was quite shameless.

"...Okay, since you have said that, then Xu Changwen and you can explain to them directly later."

In the end, Zhao Yu made his decision.

Xu Changwen nodded and said, "Naturally, when we get to a safe place, Guo Shouyi and I will apologize to them. They shouldn't be too excited."

He also thought about the opportunity to cooperate with those two to hunt mutant yellow croakers, so the relationship couldn't be broken so quickly.

Since those two people want to rely on them to find the safe base in City H, then don't just turn your face and deny people when they get there.

They are not the kind of people who can get rid of if they want to.


After a bumpy journey, finally, Li Miaomiao and his party arrived at the legendary H city security base.

Looking at the tall city wall, Li Miaomiao raised her lips, it seems that those who can survive in the last days are quite crisis-conscious.

This wall is built so high to prevent zombies.

Before entering the interior of the base, Li Miaomiao had a good impression of the base just by seeing the tall wall.

Well, there is no way, she has a strong sense of crisis, so she made Tangjia Village into a solid barrier.

People who are afraid of death like to make a solid shell to cover themselves, just like a turtle.

Soon, the car in front stopped, and Gu Shihan also stopped the car, but he and Li Miaomiao were not in a hurry to get out of the car immediately.

Instead, sit in the car and observe the surrounding environment while waiting for the people in front to get off and then get off the car.

Before making them wait too long, a few people got out of the car in front.

When Xu Changwen and the others got out of the car, they acted separately as agreed in the car. Guo Shouyi, Zhao Yu, and Ning Xie went to the front to register in line.

Then Xu Changwen brought Zhao Chang to talk to Gu Shihan and Li Miaomiao about the situation.

Seeing the two walking towards the car, Gu Shihan and Li Miaomiao decided to get out of the car.

"Is this the security base in City H?"

Li Miaomiao asked curiously, looking around with a pair of clear eyes.

"Yes, this is the security base in City H."

Zhao Chang scratched his head foolishly, and spoke before Xu Changwen.

Xu Changwen glanced at him, and then said: "Yes, this is the H city security base.


He paused, as if he was a little embarrassed.

Li Miaomiao looked at him, blinked suspiciously, and then said "Oh" after being stunned for a few seconds.

Then he said, "You want to be rewarded for leading the way, right?"

She looked at some people around the gate of the base, and whispered, "There are too many people here, let's find a place for you to hide."

Xu Changwen was a little surprised when he heard that, he didn't expect that she didn't ask them to trouble them for attracting zombies first, but offered to pay them. Obviously, no one asked whether they wanted to be paid when they agreed before.

This little girl is quite good.

Thinking of this, Xu Changwen's eyes softened for a moment, and then he said softly: "No, you misunderstood.

We didn't want to talk about remuneration, it's like this, we didn't attract so many zombies on purpose before, we accidentally encountered a group of zombies when we were looking for a car.

We originally wanted to drive the car to another place to get rid of the zombies, but there were too many zombies and we didn't get rid of them, and finally we had to drive the car back. "

Li Miaomiao blinked her eyes when she heard this, she understood, it was because she felt that she had a conscience

To apologize?

In the next second, Xu Changwen's words confirmed her conjecture, "...we are very sorry for having caused you trouble and put you in danger."


Zhao Chang on the side also quickly apologized.

He looked at Li Miaomiao and Gu Shihan with guilt.

Li Miaomiao showed no superfluous expressions on her face, thinking that no matter what these people thought, at least they had done enough on the surface.

So she quickly put on a smiling face, waved her hands as if she didn't care, and said: "Hey, it's nothing, so many zombies will be afraid of chasing anyone, besides, we are all fine.

By the way, although we said that you didn't mention the remuneration, we are also very sorry. Why don't we pay you a little after we go in and find a secluded place?

Do you have a place to live on base? "

Li Miaomiao's words seemed ordinary, but she was actually hiding her own caution. First of all, she didn't know if the security base in H City had any entry conditions. If strangers were not allowed to enter, maybe they would have to rely on it people go in.

So she changed her words and said that she would find a chance to give supplies after they went in.

The last one is the last sentence. Ask them if they have a place to live in the base. They mentioned earlier that they only cooperate with the H city security base and are not residents of the base, so they should not be able to live in it.

Of course, if they live inside, it shows a problem, that is, non-base residents can also live inside the base.

In this way, there are two situations, one is that there is a free house in the base, and the other is that you need to rent a house with the crystal core.

Both she and Gu Shihan needed to understand these situations.

So she asked such a question just now, maybe Xu Changwen would directly disclose this information.

Of course, if he didn't say anything, they could also go to other people in the base to ask, but it would be more troublesome, so it would be best if they could ask Xu Changwen and the others.

After all, Xu Changwen and others are also considered their "acquaintances".

Li Miaomiao had many twists and turns in her heart, but there was a gentle and innocent smile on her face.

Xu Changwen's eyes flickered when he heard these words, and then he smiled and said, "Since you mentioned Miao Miao repeatedly, I can't keep refusing, so let's give some supplies as a reward.

Your next question... is this, there are some houses in this base that are specially rented out.

We often cooperate with this base, and sometimes we rent a small house inside without looking for another place to live.

Well, let's go, you follow us in later, and then go sit and sit in our rented house. "

Li Miaomiao smiled with satisfaction, and got the rental house information in the base.

She tugged on Gu Shihan's sleeve, and said with a smile: "Then we should be respectful rather than obedient."

After receiving Li Miaomiao's hint, Gu Shihan followed suit, "Then excuse me."

Xu Changwen smiled, and Zhao Chang touched his head with a silly smile, "Don't disturb, don't disturb, you are welcome to visit our house."

Then several people walked towards the gate of the base together.

When they came over, there were already several people lined up behind Guo Shouyi and the others.

When Zhao Yu turned around and saw them, he beckoned and said, "I'll reserve a seat for you, come quickly."

The people behind also saw them coming, and heard Zhao Yu say this, and they moved back at the same time.

In this way, there was a lot of space in front, Xu Changwen led Li Miaomiao and the others directly walked over, and occupied those positions without any politeness.

When Li Miaomiao walked over, she glanced at the few people who offered to give up their seats, and happened to see the fear that had not been withdrawn in their eyes.

She quickly withdrew her eyes. It seems that the strength of Xu Changwen and his team should be ranked well in the H city base.

Others would not say anything if they blatantly led people to jump in line, and they didn't even hear a single complaint.

Don't say anything. Just now Zhao Yu said that he took up a seat for them. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that it was just an excuse to jump in line.

Some people will be dissatisfied with this behavior before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world.

When encountering extreme people, it is not impossible to beat people and kill people.

But the people behind Zhao Yu stepped back in unison after hearing that sentence.

Li Miaomiao thought, besides strength, it should be related to other things too.

For example, Xu Changwen said that they have cooperation with this base. Could it be that they have cooperation with the base's top management?
If there is cooperation with the top management of the base, does that mean that they also have some privileges that ordinary people do not have in this base?
With power and power plus strength, it is difficult for such a person to make people not afraid or fearful.

As for what they said before to lead missions at the base, Li Miaomiao felt that if it was just that, it wouldn't be called cooperation at all, and it would be more like a transaction.

The speed of the team was not slow, Li Miaomiao and Gu Shihan quietly lined up behind Xu Changwen, and soon they reached Xu Changwen in front of them.

A small wooden table with two thick books on it.

A young man sits behind the desk and writes something in a notebook without looking up.

When it was Xu Changwen's turn, he raised his head and glanced at him, with a familiar tone: "He came back from the mission again?"

"Yeah, hurry up and register. I'm still in a hurry to hand in the task."

Xu Changwen said with a smile.

"Don't worry, didn't your teammates go in? I also want to ask how you guys are doing outside this time!"

Xu Changwen said helplessly: "I have something to do this time, so look, didn't I bring two friends here?"

He pointed to Li Miaomiao and Gu Shihan behind.

The young man glanced at them in the direction, and his eyes paused for a moment on Li Miaomiao's face. In the last days, there are not many girls with such clean and beautiful faces.

He was a little surprised, then looked away, looked at Xu Changwen and asked in doubt, "This is it?"

"These two friends said they wanted to play at the base for a few days. There have been a lot of zombies outside recently. I thought it would be safer for them to stay at the base, so I brought them here."

The young man frowned slightly. He stared and lowered his voice and said, "Hey, Lao Xu, you know the rules of the base, right? These two strangers..."

Xu Changwen also lowered his voice and said: "Hey, I know, the management is strict recently, don't worry, these two friends of mine are definitely not the kind of troublemakers, you see they are not very old.

If this was before, I would have gone to college.

I was also forced to have no choice, so I let them go in and play for a few days before coming out. "

The young man frowned, still unwilling to let go.

Xu Changwen gritted his teeth and said, "This time we received a few packs of cigarettes outside..."

"make a deal."

The young man said the word immediately before he finished speaking, and he quickly took another notebook, "Hey you two, come here and report your name."

This question was asked by Li Miaomiao and Gu Shihan.

Li Miaomiao scratched Gu Shihan's palm and signed up first, "Li Miaomiao."

Gu Shihan then reported his name, "Gu Shihan."

"How old is it? Do you have any powers, and the level of powers."

"Nineteen, third-order wood system."

Li Miaomiao thought for a while, and reported a grade that was neither too low nor too high.

In the last days, there is quite a big difference in the treatment between ordinary people and supernatural beings. For the sake of convenience, I didn't pretend that I was not a supernatural being.

At the same time, in order not to attract attention, the ability level was not reported very high.

Gu Shihan followed suit, "Nineteen, third rank, spiritual department."

After a pause, he still reported his true ability.

Anyway, Xu Changwen and the others have all seen themselves do it. It is unrealistic to say that they have no abilities or other abilities at this time.

Furthermore, since this base is a large base, it is possible that they have not encountered spiritual abilities.

It wouldn't be too eye-catching for him to report a psychic ability.

Besides, it's only Tier [-].

Just as he expected, when the young man heard that Gu Shihan had a psychic ability, he just paused for a moment and didn't react. After registering in the notebook, he said: "One person, one first-order crystal nucleus entry fee .”

Li Miaomiao pretended to take out two crystal nuclei from her pocket, which was actually the space, and handed them to him.

(End of this chapter)

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