Chapter 216 A Thunderbolt in the Sky if he couldn't lift his head up.


This guy is really embarrassing to their men.

The dispute between the two of them naturally couldn't escape the eyes of dialect, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but just urged: "Where is the call now? Take me there."


Strictly answered loudly immediately, and glanced at the black man from the corner of his eye, only to see that the other party was still cowering.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart, he was so timid, it seemed that he was still not suitable for joining the guard.

He silently dismissed the idea of ​​recruiting black men into the guards.

Walking on the right side of the dialect, he silently glanced at the black man, shaking his head in his heart, wondering if this black man would regret that he missed the opportunity to join the guard because of his timidity?

Will you regret it?
Although I don't know the answers to these questions yet, I strictly feel that he will regret it, right?

After all, none of the people at the H city base wanted to join the guards.

Not only do the guards not have to pay rent, but they also receive free food every month.

The food they are talking about is not the "thin" porridge that is so clear that you can count the rice grains in the bowl, but the real rice!
One bag per person, as the captain, he weighed half a catty more than others.

This is also thanks to the fact that H city is a big grain province, and dialect took them to occupy several granaries before.

Otherwise, this reward is not good.

The three hurried to the garbage station at the back of the forest, which had already become a battlefield.

Garbage flew everywhere, and it was hard to tell whether it was the flames of the zombies or the flames of the supernatural beings crawling on the ground like snakes, igniting countless garbage, and spreading at a slow speed.

There were still many corpses poured into the flames, some zombies and some human beings. The black corpse oil was roasted by the flames. The smell of corpses and garbage merged together, and the whole site was filled with an unspeakable smell.

Dialect covered his nose as soon as he got here, this, this... too stinks, right?

After that, he will be smoked...

No one knows that his sense of smell has been particularly sensitive since he was a child, and it became even more sensitive after he became a supernatural being in the last days...

Dialect rolled his eyes when he smelled the pungent smell.

At this time, Strict, who was paying close attention to the dialect security, noticed something was wrong with him, "Base Chief, Base Chief, what's wrong with you?!"

His voice was not low, but at this time almost everyone was fighting with the zombies. Shouts, cries, cursing, and beast-like roars of the zombies were mixed together, and it was hard to tell who was bigger and who was younger.

So the sound of strictness was not heard by others, and even the black man who was cowering when he came did not know when he disappeared. He probably went to the field to kill zombies.

The dialect was already very uncomfortable, but now listening to the loud voice from Yan Yan, he felt his head buzzing.

He waved his free other hand, signaling that he was fine.

Seeing the scene of people fighting on the field, he suddenly felt his blood boil, so he summoned a thunder ball with his bare hands, spotted a pile of zombies and threw it over.

As soon as the flashing thunderball reached the pile of zombies, accompanied by crackling and crackling noises, those zombies all trembled and fell to the ground.

The hand of dialect is very conspicuous in a scene where there are basically vines, sparks, water arrows, and golden cones.

With the sound of thunder, everyone knew that it was their base chief who had arrived.

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "The head of the base is here! He's here to save us! Come on everyone, fuck him!"

"Yes, fight with these zombies!"

"Ahh - I killed these zombies!"

For a while, the morale of the people on the field soared.

Looking at the dialect eyes of these people who were encouraged by their arrival became much softer, and at the same time, their hearts were full of pride.

Sure enough, the head of the base himself is still very important in the hearts of the masses.

"Well done."

He glanced at the strictness aside.

Strictly praised, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said, "It's all what I should do."

That's right, it was him who howled in the crowd just now.

As a qualified subordinate, you must not only have high strength, but also have a super thick skin.

At some point, you have to go all out to help your boss win people's hearts.

He is very strict about this point.

Fang Yan didn't sit idle after hitting that thunderball, but started preparing to summon enough lightning, he wanted to kill this group of damned zombies!
It's just that this time it will consume more abilities and take longer.

During this period, he needs someone to escort him. Looking at Yan Yan who has been guarding him all the time, he said in a deep dialect voice: "Jing, I want to summon lightning. Protect me during this period."

"Roger that!"

Yan Yan replied loudly while kicking down a zombie.

After speaking, he took the machete in his hand and chopped off the head of the zombie on the ground.

The black blood splashed quickly, and a drop accidentally landed on his right cheek.

Strictly raised his hand and wiped it off calmly. How could he not drop a few drops of blood on his body during a war?

He's used to it.

A wave of water hit him, and Yan Yan immediately turned back tactically. He looked up and watched the transparent water wave pass over his chest, and his head finally fell to the ground behind him.

"Hmph, sample!"

Yan Yan stood up quickly, then raised his knife, and looked at the water zombie provocatively.

"Come on, come on, come on, you can't hit me."

Yan Yan sneered aloud, and wondered if the female zombie understood Yan Yan's ridicule, so she ran towards Yan Yan quickly.

The speed of this zombie is pretty good, and it took a few seconds to reach the strict front.

Rigorously had been prepared, and dealt a fatal blow to the female zombie at the moment when she was about to fly over - the golden cone!
Strictly a third-level power user of the gold system, who is good at using the gold awl to stab the brains of zombies, and almost always kills them with a single blow.

Just like the gold awl just now, the sharp part was directly inserted into the forehead of the female zombie, and penetrated into it, the female zombie was pierced through the head and fell to the ground.

Just before the female zombie was strictly dealt with, a large dark cloud had gathered in the sky, and there was a faint flash of thunder.

Strictly looking at the dialect, the latter's eyes were wide open, looking straight at the dark cloud in the sky, with one hand raised high, and there were still strands of thunder and lightning wrapped around it.

After another minute or so, it seemed that the thunder and lightning were full of energy, and there was a high-pitched voice in dialect:
"Give me—go!"

boom boom --

A huge thunder resounded throughout the world, and then everyone saw a few thunderbolts with the thickness of an adult's thigh appearing in the dark cloud, shining with dazzling light.

Under the command of the dialect, they slashed at the zombies in the field...

(End of this chapter)

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