Chapter 40 Tomorrow's Plan
Li Jiahai: "I'll go with you."

Although Li Miaomiao has a flashlight, what if she trips or something?It's not that this kind of situation has never happened before, so he was relieved to follow along.

Li Miaomiao took out two flashlights from the space, one for Li Jiahai and one for Wu Yuemei to turn it on to coax Tang Tongtong.A little light is a little light.

Then the father and daughter went to the utility room to look for candles and lighters. Originally, Li Jiahai and Tang Ruiduan both carried lighters with them to smoke.

No, I don't know where I lost the lighter I had with me, so I can only look for it in the utility room.

The two entered the utility room, which was full of piles, such as buckets, washbasins, shelves, and cardboard boxes full of things.

The two decided to search separately, and Li Miaomiao quickly found the candle, but the lighter was still missing.

After a few more minutes, Li Jiahai finally found a packaged lighter in the corner of the cardboard box, he turned his head and said to Li Miaomiao: "We found it, let's go out."

Li Miaomiao let out an "oh" and was about to turn around and go back when her foot was tripped by the basin next to her. After staggering, she regained her footing, smiled at Shang Li Jiahai's eyes that said "it's true", and stepped forward as if nothing had happened. Guobain walked out.

Li Jiahai shook his head helplessly from behind.This girl is always so careless, and she can't change it.

Li Miaomiao didn't know that her father was complaining about her in his heart, and took the found candle to the living room, and waited for Li Jiahai to come out to light the candle with a lighter.

After lighting two candles in a row, the whole living room was lit up.

Tang Tongtong saw that the living room was getting brighter, and her frightened little face regained its previous expression, and she curiously stretched out her little hand to touch the candle, but Zhao Yun quickly stopped her.

The originally bright eyes dimmed again, looking rather pitiful.

However, Zhao Yun, who knew her "true face" well, was unmoved, "Don't pretend, you can't touch this candle with fire, and children can't play with fire. Playing with fire will hurt~"

Tang Tongtong understood, but it didn't stop her from pursing her mouth and looking at Wu Yuemei with tears in her eyes, asking for help, "Tongtong wants to play with fire~"

Wu Yuemei, who always spoiled her, didn't agree to her this time either, but said: "No. Tongtong is still young, so she can't play with fire."

Being rejected twice in a row, Tang Tongtong's young heart was greatly hurt, and she was about to cry when she opened her mouth. Li Miaomiao quickly stuffed her with a lollipop, and coaxed her: "Be good, Tongtong, let's not play." Huo, come, eat lollipop~”

She carefully peeled off the coat of the lollipop, and Tang Tongtong laughed happily while eating the candy, revealing a mouthful of small white teeth.

After solving this little trouble, Li Miaomiao turned to worry about another problem, "How are we going to wash up tonight?"

Everyone is silent, this is indeed a question worth thinking about.

A few minutes later, Tang Ruixian said, "It's too late to go to the well. I'll put a few buckets of water, so everyone can use it. It's just that I can only wash in cold water."

Everyone else nodded, that's all for now.

Speaking of doing it, Tang Ruixian and Li Jiahai went to find a few clean buckets together, and then Tang Ruixian used his supernatural ability to release the water.

After putting five buckets of water in a row, Tang Ruixian stopped.

Looking at the bucket in front of her, she frowned: "There are 10 of us, this water is not enough."

The weather is so hot, everyone must take a bath.

Li Jiahai thought for a while and felt that it was really not enough, so he said: "Let's put these buckets first, and use them in turn. When the five buckets of water are used up, you can come in and refill the water. It just so happens that you can take a break and wait for the supernatural power." recover."

Tang Ruixian: "That's the only way to go. I'll drink more water later."

The water she was talking about was spiritual spring water. Everyone knew that Li Miaomiao replaced all the drinking water at home with spiritual spring water.

The two left the bathroom together and came to the living room.

Tang Ruixian said to Li Miaomiao: "I put five buckets of water, one bucket for each person, you go take a bath first. I'll put it back when it's used up."

Li Miaomiao nodded, it's okay to take a cold shower in this weather.

She got up and went upstairs to get her clothes and towels and went to the bathroom.

During the time when Li Miaomiao was washing, the other people did not sit still, but talked about tomorrow's plan.

Faced with a sudden water and power cut, they have to think about what to do during the day tomorrow.

Tang Ruiduan looked at everyone and said first: "I remember that there are some solar photovoltaic panels at home. I will not go out to collect supplies tomorrow. I will stay at home and install these photovoltaic panels. By the way, I will check whether the circuit can be used."

There are so many people collecting materials, one more is not too much, and one less is not too much. Compared with collecting materials to solve the problem of electricity consumption at home, it is obviously more important.

Tang Yi thought for a while and expressed his agreement, "You are the only one who knows about circuits at home, so you can stay and do these things tomorrow. Electricity is indeed a problem. You can't rely on burning candles at night, and there are not so many Candles can be used."

Tang Ruixian glanced at Li Jiahai, thought for a while and said, "Dad, Mom, Li Jiahai and I will stay at home tomorrow, and we will study the problem of water use together. We can't carry or release water every time in the future, that would be too troublesome." .”

Li Jiahai's water pipe business before the end of the world, coupled with his own water system abilities, believes that he will be able to research a solution to the water problem.

Before Tang Yi could speak, Wu Yuemei said disapprovingly: "You are all going to get electricity and water. Wouldn't it be less work to collect supplies tomorrow?"

Only then did Mr. Qiu speak: "Tomorrow, I'll follow you to collect supplies. My fire power is pretty good, and I'm even more merciless when fighting zombies."

I think he was also at the forefront on the battlefield back then. Fighting zombies is similar to fighting enemies back then.

After hearing this, Wu Yuemei thought about it. With her, Li Yong, Li Miaomiao, and Gu's family tomorrow, everyone's abilities are not weak, and Qiu Ping's fire element is even more unstoppable against zombies.

Thinking about it this way, the lineup seemed to be pretty good, so she no longer objected to them staying at home to get water and electricity.

Both Tang Ruixian and Li Jiahai heaved a sigh of relief.

Just at this moment, Li Miaomiao came out of the shower.

After listening to what Li Yong told her, she said: "There is something I forgot to tell you. Tomorrow I plan to go to the urban area to collect supplies, and let Uncle Zhang Yi and the others drive a truck to follow you to collect supplies at the factory. .”

The whole family was very surprised, Tang Ruixian disagreed and said: "Are you going to the city alone? No, it's too dangerous, I don't agree."

 Temporary news: This round of PK is over, and then there will be a better recommendation position on the 11th. I said before that the saved manuscript is gone, so only one chapter will be updated today and tomorrow.The author has to save energy for the future recommendation of crazy codewords~ I have to thank all readers for their strong support, so that I can pass the PK smoothly.The author has nothing to thank for it. I try my best to ensure that there are no scumbag updates, and I try my best to save tens of thousands of code words as soon as possible, so that I can add updates occasionally (^o^)

(End of this chapter)

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