Chapter 5 Go shopping
Grandpa Tang Yi is in charge of going to the vegetable market in the town to buy vegetable seeds, wheat seeds, rice seeds, and fresh vegetables.

The women in the family and Li Yong went to the major supermarkets in the city and started shopping like crazy. Their task was the most "difficult" and they were responsible for purchasing a large amount of daily necessities.

And Li Miaomiao stayed at home to take care of three-year-old Tang Tongtong. Although she couldn't go out, she was not idle. She took out her mobile phone and clicked on a certain treasure to start adding shopping carts frantically.

Considering that Li Miaomiao is still a student who has just entered university and does not have much savings, Li's father gave her a card with a deposit of 10, which has been bound to Alipay by Li Miaomiao. Finally, I can buy, buy, buy without any scruples.

She clicked on Taobao's search interface, thought for a while, and typed the words "survival in the wild".

A series of survival items such as first aid kits, self-defense knives, and solar lights appeared on the page.

Li Miaomiao picked and picked, selected more than a dozen first aid kits, more than [-] outdoor flashlights, more than [-] solar lamps, and [-] air mattresses, and added them to the shopping cart. Buy duplicate things, and avoid forgetting something that you didn't buy.

After thinking about it, she ordered more than [-] lighters, [-] self-defense knives, and [-] kitchen sets.

I didn’t dare to buy too many knives at one time for fear of being mistaken for something illegal, and the kitchen sets in this store include spatulas, kitchen knives, etc. Li Miaomiao decided to buy the set directly, which is convenient and time-saving Save effort.

Alas, Li Miaomiao sighed. The self-defense knives on the Internet are too short. They can only be used to defend against people and some small animals. They are not very useful against zombies. The zombies in the dream can only die if they destroy their brains. , and as long as zombies catch or bite humans, humans will become zombies.

So if you use such a short weapon to fight zombies, it is easy to be caught by zombies. I and my family are not special forces or other skilled people, but ordinary people who have no power to restrain chickens.

If Li Jiahai and others could hear her heart, they would definitely say: "No, everyone in our family can 'tie chickens' except you and three-year-old Tang Tongtong."

Speaking of it, Li Miaomiao's strength is indeed not great, just like the saying "a scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken".

Moreover, Li Miaomiao is also weak and often sick. Of course, there are no serious illnesses, but she often catches colds.

Therefore, if there is no space, Li Miaomiao is really not sure that she can protect herself and her family in the last days.

Thinking of her actual situation, Li Miaomiao couldn't help clasping her hands together, muttering, "Thank God for blessing, thank God for blessing, thank God Yuling..."

After thanking God and Immortal Yuling, Li Miaomiao suddenly thought of buying long sticks, so she placed an order online and bought more than [-] baseball bats, and bought more than [-] telescopic sticks from the online outdoor survival store. The longest stick is more than [-] centimeters. The material is alloy steel, and it is not very heavy. It is suitable for students and women.

Of course, the conditions are limited, and buying more can also be used by the men at home.

Li Miaomiao suddenly realized that her father and uncle were both engaged in small businesses outside, so they must have more knowledge than a student like her, so she called her father and told her that the chicken was going to be killed at home. Buy a few more and come back as spares.

I didn't directly say that I want a big knife because I was afraid that the phone calls would be monitored, and it would be bad to invite them to drink tea then.

Although she didn't say it directly, but with the tacit understanding between father and daughter for many years and her father's ingenuity, she believed that they would understand.

Sure enough, Li Jiahai figured out what Li Miaomiao meant after he hung up the phone, but he didn't tell Tang Ruiduan immediately, but waited for the owner of the motorcycle shop to fill up the two motorcycles, and then rode away with Tang Ruiduan After walking for a while, he stopped to discuss with Tang Ruiduan about buying a knife while there was no one around.

After listening to Tang Ruiduan, he thought about it carefully and said, "Leave the buying of knives to me. I just know a boss who specializes in selling knives. When the time comes, let him send it to the warehouse. But have you decided how many knives to buy?"

Li Jiahai thought for a while, not counting the three-year-old Tang Tongtong and the two elderly people, there were six people in the family, and each person was equipped with at least two knives, so he said, "If possible, buy 12 knives."

Tang Ruiduan nodded, planning to contact him later.

Li Jiahai saw a bicycle shop in front of him and remembered that Li Yong said he wanted bicycles, so he said to Tang Ruiduan, "Let's go buy some bicycles."

Tang Ruiduan nodded and said, "Okay."

Then the two went to the store in front together, chose two wear-resistant and crash-resistant mountain bikes, bought some replacement tires and pumps, and asked the boss to send someone to follow them to the warehouse where the number was rented .

The combined savings of the two families totaled 50, and 30 was given to Li Miaomiao and the women. They only had 20. They just bought the best mountain off-road motorcycles and mountain bikes, and some replaceable tires There are still about [-] yuan in hand for parts and pumping equipment.

And the knives that Tang Ruiduan wanted to buy were not cheap, and those knives couldn't be bought for a hundred thousand.

Li Jiahai told Tang Ruiduan to go back and buy other supplies first, and then contact the boss to buy a knife after the house was sold.

Tang Ruiduan nodded, that's all he could do.

Here the two are preparing to return.

And Li Miaomiao, who was at home over there, had almost spent [-] yuan, leaving only about [-] yuan.

After paying the payment, Li Miaomiao let out a long sigh of relief lying on the sofa at the grandma's house in Tangjia Village with the same address, "Oh, it's really tiring to spend money..."

Looking at the time, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and the little cousin who was put to sleep by her before hadn't woken up yet. After thinking about it, she felt that now was a good time to test Sun Nanni's thoughts about the end of the world.

Li Miaomiao picked up her phone and sent her a QQ message: Are you there?I have something to tell you.

In a certain room of a two-story western-style building in Taohua Village, which is dozens of kilometers away from Tangjia Village, Sun Nanni was lying on the bed and swiping her mobile phone. With a ding-dong sound, it was her best friend Li Miaomiao who sent her a message. .

Li Miaomiao: Are you there?I have something to tell you.

Sun Nanni: Where are you? I was swiping my phone just now. What can I do for you?Speak.

Li Miaomiao originally wanted to tell her directly that she had dreamed that the end of the world was coming, but when she thought about it, she had also told her that the weather was abnormal, there would be floods, fires, etc., could the end of the world be coming, etc. If she said that, she didn't believe it at all and just said that she was just reading too many novels and thinking wildly.

If you still tell her directly that the end of the world is coming, she will definitely not believe it, and you can't tell her in your own space, this is the bottom line.

Tell your family that apart from making them believe in the end of the world and hoarding supplies with you, there is another important reason,

(End of this chapter)

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