Chapter 106
Beisong Island is not far from Floating Void City, and the woman returned to the sect soon.

At this moment, in an elegant attic in North Songdo, Goddess Qingxue was chatting happily with Ye Fang.

"Goddess, Gusu Xian'er from Xianyin Pavilion outside asks to see you."

A woman walked in and said to Goddess Qingxue.

"Please come in quickly, Fangfang, let me introduce you to my best friend, she is called Gusu Xian'er, she is very good at playing the piano, and she is also very powerful." Qingxue said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you, sister Qingxue."

Ye Fang was also full of anticipation at this time, and soon Gusu Xian'er hurried into the attic.

"Xian'er, why are you in such a hurry, it doesn't match your quiet and elegant aura at all."

"This is the Saintess of the Star Temple, Ye Fang, who is also my friend."

Qingxue introduced on the side.

"Ye Fang met a girl from Gusu."

Ye Fang quickly stood up and said.

"Hello, my name is Gusu Xian'er, Miss Fangfang. I'm a little older than you. If you don't mind, just call me Sister Xian'er."

Gusu Xian'er said with a slight smile.

After saying this, her gaze fell on Goddess Qingxue. Today she has something important to ask.

"Then I will be called Sister Xian'er."

Ye Fang smiled slightly, then sat down.

After Gusu Xian'er sat down, she said directly via voice transmission: "Qingxue, I have something to ask you, is it convenient for you to go out with me?"

Qingxue glanced at Ye Fang and said with a smile, "Xian'er, if you have anything to say, just tell me, Fang Fang is not an outsider."

After hearing Qingxue's words, Xian'er thought for a while and said, "Qingxue, did you give your token to a young master, and that young master is accompanied by a beautiful girl."

"You know this so well?"

Hearing Xian'er's words, Qingxue was very surprised.

When I gave the token to Chen Xiao, it wasn't long before Xian'er knew about it.

Hearing Qingxue's words, Xian'er breathed a sigh of relief. What she was most afraid of was that if the token was fake, or her memory was wrong, then she would not be able to find Chen Xiao.

"Because they also went to the Xianyin Pavilion. In the Xianyin Pavilion, the son played a piece of music. This is a piece that only gods can play. Do you know what I mean?"

"Who is this young master? Qingxue, you know such an expert, and you didn't introduce him to me. You don't know that his mastery of the piano is invincible, and the sound of the piano contains the power of the great way!" .”

At this time, Xian'er expressed all the shock in her heart.

"Sister Xian'er, you are talking about a man and a woman? Then do you remember their looks?" Ye Fang who was sitting on the side suddenly realized that Xian'er was talking about Chen Xiao and Qing'er?
"Miss Fangfang, to tell you the truth, I suspect that this young man and the girl next to him are all out-of-world experts, because after they left, I found that I don't even remember their appearance."

"The reason why I still remember it now is because I recorded it with a pen halfway."

"I have asked other people, but those people don't know what's going on, they don't have this part of memory at all."

"Do you know what this means? My current cultivation is already at the level of the galaxy, and it is a terrible thing that my memory has been modified without knowing it."

"Even my master can't do this." At this time, Xian'er said that the scene just happened was still extremely shocking.


Hearing Xian'er's words, Ye Fang was secretly shocked.

"I said Xian'er, it must be spring, isn't it? There is such a method in this world?"

Goddess Qingxue said with a smile.

"Qingxue, what I said today is true. It is really unbelievable to know that the sound of this master's piano actually contains the power of the Great Dao."

"The other party's random playing can contain the power of the Dao. This is simply a fairy. I only came here for one purpose. I hope my sister can help me introduce it. My piano skills have not been mastered for so many years. An expert can tell at a glance, if I can get the guidance of an expert, then I will be able to enter the Qin Dao soon."

At this time, Gusu Xian'er's face was full of tension.

Hearing Gusu Xian'er's series of words, Qingxue was also shocked at this time.

She could tell with her sharp eyes that Chen Xiao did have a little bit of the power of the Dao, but when he was saving people, Qingxue thought Chen Xiao was a master of medicine.

Now listening to Gusu Xian'er's words, she realized that her judgment was still wrong.

"Is Xiu'er back?"

Qingxue asked the people around her.

"Goddess, Xiu'er just came back, she was going to come here, but she saw that Gusu Saintess is here, so she waited outside." The maid beside Qingxue said hastily.

Goddess Qingxue nodded: "Let Xiu'er come in."

The maid nodded, turned around and left quickly, and took Xiu'er into the attic after a while.

"Xiu'er, where is that young master now?" Goddess Qingxue asked hastily.

"Goddess, this young master is currently resting in the small courtyard we arranged, but he seems to be very picky, he doesn't even like the food in Tianxing Pavilion." Xiu'er didn't dare to hide anything, and said every word.

"In the courtyard?"

Gusu Xian'er became anxious immediately: "Qingxue, let's hurry up and meet the expert."

Ye Fang next to her became more and more convinced that the person they were talking about was the young master.

At this moment, I couldn't help but said: "Two sisters, is this the person you are talking about?"

Ye Fang took out a painting from her bosom and unfolded it in front of the two of them.

The moment Qingxue saw the painting, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then looked at Yefang in disbelief.

"Fangfang, at such a young age, you actually want to fall in love?"

"You even have a portrait of the young master in your arms." Qingxue couldn't help teasing and said.

"Sister Qingxue, you know how to laugh at me, but if the young master is willing, I will be very happy, but unfortunately the young master is a heavenly being, and it is beyond our reach." Ye Fang said a little disappointed.

Hearing Ye Fang's words, Qingxue and Gusu Xian'er were a little surprised.

"Fangfang, do you know this person?"

Seeing the two people staring at her, Ye Fang said with a smile, "Of course I know each other. Young Master came to the floating island with our people from the Star Temple."


"Is Ye Fang familiar with Young Master?"

Gusu Xian'er was extremely excited at this moment, she directly grabbed Ye Fang's hand and said.

"It's fairly familiar, the young master is very easy-going, and I have been to the young master's courtyard."

(End of this chapter)

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