Chapter 108 The Decree
Judging from Dai Quan's tone and expression, Jia Min felt something was wrong.

"how do I say this."

"Brother only knows that I came to you, but I don't know that I went to another place before I came to you."

"Oh, where did the father-in-law go?"

"I went to your mansion, and I went to announce the decree."

"Oh, when we get to the mansion, it has nothing to do with me."

"Brother, don't you want to know what the purpose is?"

In fact, Jia Min still wanted to know, and few people would have no curiosity about it.Although he didn't know the content of the imperial decree, he had a vague feeling that this was not a good thing.

If there is really something good going on, with Jia's mansion showing off, they should have sent someone here to report the news.

"Oh, it has nothing to do with me."

"I'm afraid it has something to do with my little brother. The emperor has issued an imperial decree to ask Rongguo Mansion to take over Niu Jizong's bus and carriage business. Operations will resume within half a month. Our family knows a little about your mansion. To put it bluntly, if If my brother doesn’t accept this business, your family will be in trouble.”

Even though it was expected that there would be no good news, Jia Min was still surprised when he heard that it was this project.

The next imperial decree, asking the Jia family to accept a business, seems a bit too unusual.

Like other dynasties in the history of Middle Earth, the Dade Dynasty basically adopted a policy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business.Official management and intervention in business has always been relatively strict.

This tradition actually started from the pre-Qin period.One of the most typical representatives is Shang Yang.

Shang Yang believes that whether it is business, art or technology, it is harmful to the country.If ordinary people can survive in these industries, they will not be willing to farm land or fight wars.

Therefore, if you want the country to be strong, you must tie the people to the land.Farming in peacetime, fighting in wartime.

This is actually somewhat similar to communism and first militaryism.

This kind of ideology, in Jia Min's view, is of course absurd.However, in history, it has been praised by many people.In fact, many dynasties adopted this policy.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that Emperor Yuanheng made such a decree.

The problem is that, knowing that this is a loss-making business, others can't continue and quit, why did they call Rongguo Mansion to take over?
It doesn't make sense logically.

Dai Quan was right, if Jia Min didn't take over this project, the Jia family would really have to wait and see.

Jia Min had already told Niu Jizong and the others a lot of ideas, and they still couldn't do it, let alone those people in Jia's mansion?

The guys in Jia's house are experts in civil wars and laymen in foreign wars.One by one is an expert in making money from the public funds of his own mansion. It is no good to tell them to go outside and start a business to make money in a serious manner.It is an expert to play tricks and talk about it, but it is an amateur to do business and practice.

Of course, Jia Min still has a way to start this business. He had planned to take over this project from Niu Jizong and the others before.

However, now that he is leaving, he doesn't want to be involved in this matter.Besides, even if he doesn't leave and takes over the project, it's not the same concept as he took over before.

Before taking over, it was his own business. Although the risk was borne by him, he had complete decision-making power and could conduct the business according to his own wishes.

Now take over, it belongs to Jia's business.The participation of these scumbag teammates will not achieve any good effect other than messing around.

It's a mess, and the responsibility is all on Jia Min.If the emperor really wants to investigate, he must be the first to push Jia Min out as a scapegoat.At this point, if you think about it with your heels, you know it is doomed.

Well done, because it is a business in the mansion, the credit is not as important as Jia Min.They will think that this is the right thing to do, or did they give Jia Min a chance.

"Let's talk about the princess's shareholding. How much money does she plan to earn a year?"

Jia Min felt that it didn't make much sense to talk about the Jia's bus and carriage now.

One is that he has nothing to do with the Jia family.The second is that in many cases where the premise is unclear, there is no way to talk about it.

"She doesn't have a big appetite. She has 8000 taels a year. Anyway, she's not earning dowry money, just pocket money."

"Okay, it will be 1 taels a year, counting from next month, and pay her 3000 taels every quarter for two consecutive seasons. The remaining 4000 taels will be paid in one lump sum for the third season."

"It's so good, I'll take my leave."

"I'll see off my father-in-law."

Seeing Jia Min being so forthright, Dai Quan felt a little embarrassed.

Princess Chang'an originally said that 5000 taels would be enough, but he deliberately doubled it to leave room for bargaining.Unexpectedly, Jia Min agreed without thinking.Not only agreed, but also arranged how to pay the money.It can be seen that he has a plan in mind, and he doesn't take the 1 taels seriously.

However, when he thought of the Guogong wine that time and the watermelon, apple and ganoderma lucidum this time, Dai Quan didn't feel any strange.

Alas, I don't know what the Jia family thinks, they can't keep such talents.Without waiting for others to snatch it, he was run away first.

1 taels of silver a year is certainly a large amount.Even for a member of the royal family like Princess Chang'an, it is not a small number.

However, it depends on whom.For Jia Min, this amount is nothing.

Although Princess Chang'an's investment is a dry stock, she doesn't pay any capital or people.However, Jia Min's business is still short of her capital?Jia Min couldn't wait for him not to show up.

As far as the prodigal Princess Chang'an is concerned, she is almost no different from those scumbag teammates in Jia's mansion.If someone is out, it can't do any good except for messing around inside.

Of course, Princess Chang'an didn't get the 1 taels of silver for nothing.Even if her current plan is to take it for nothing, Jia Min will not just let her go so cheaply.

What he took a fancy to was naturally the value of the Princess Chang'an brand.

The emperor's favorite Princess Chang'an is my business partner, who else among you would dare to cause trouble?Don't you want to mess around?
Jia Min readily agreed to the amount of 1 taels of silver and clarified the delivery method of the profits, but he did not explain what kind of business he was investing in.

This is the ecstasy array he set up.

No matter how much she earns, Princess Chang'an's 1 taels a year is fixed.

So, what kind of business is Princess Chang'an's shares in?
On all of Jia Min's business!
As long as it is my business, there will be shares in Princess Chang'an, which is my partnership with Princess Chang'an.If I have ten businesses, then Princess Chang'an's dividend is 1000 taels for each business.

Of course, if my ten businesses earn 100 million taels a year, Princess Changan’s dividend will still be 1 taels, and the remaining 99 taels will all belong to me, Jia Min.

Where can I find a golden signboard like Princess Chang'an delivered to my door?Let alone 1 taels, even 10 taels are worth it.

The key issue is that even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

At noon in Yedu Residence, everything was quiet and peaceful.The female relatives had lunch, some had a nap, some were reading in their own rooms, and some were chatting together.This way of life is also their normal life in the mansion.

Jia Min was reading in the study for a while, when Jia Lian came in.

"Brother Min, my ancestors sent someone here and asked me to go back. The girls here will be taken care of by Brother Min. Even if there was any misunderstanding before, the girls and Brother Min still have nothing to do with each other. Please also ask Brother Min to work hard. a bit."

"Second brother Lian is far away. If there is any urgent matter, just go back. Leave the girls to me, and I will protect them thoroughly and will not neglect you."

Jia Min knew that looking for Jia Lian to go back at this time must be related to the emperor's imperial decree.It is estimated that he was asked to go back to study countermeasures.

The current Rongguo Mansion and Ningguo Mansion can be said to have withered talents.

Jia Zheng basically didn't care about the external affairs, he just went to work every day and was his salaryman, and when the time came, he would hand over his small salary back.

Jia Amnesty spends his time outside all day long. Although he does some business, he also earns some private money by sucking blood from the mansion.

Needless to say, Baoyu and Jiahuan are just spending money.The invincibles are already thankful, let alone asking them to make money.

In the Ningguo Mansion, Jia Jing was born as a Jinshi, and he used to have a salary.However, now he is devoted to cultivating the Tao and wants to be a master of the world.

Jia Zhen is a person who only knows how to have fun all day long, and Jia Rong is basically the same.Although there are some businesses, it is similar to the situation in Rongguo Mansion.

Under such superior conditions of the two prefectures, both prefectures can't earn much money. What else can they earn when they encounter the big pit of buses and carriages?

He didn't dare to resist the order, so he returned the business.Just relying on those people, if you study again, what tricks can you come up with?Research comes, research goes, it's just a question of how much money to lose.

In fact, the current top priority of the Jia family is not to study how to make money and how to lose money.Rather, some issues outside of this project.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the background of the emperor's decree.

Why did the emperor suddenly issue such an imperial decree? Who is behind the scenes?

Second, what is the purpose of the man behind the scenes?Is it simply to restore this image project, or to use it to attack the Jia family?Is it purely for commercial purposes, or is there a political purpose?Why did you choose Jia Fu instead of others?

Third, the operation resumed within half a month. The time is obviously very short, and there is no time to start such a big project.The immediate priority is to delay the resumption of operations.

Fourth, what role did Niu Jizong and the others play in it?If the Jia family takes over, how will they take over?Do you want to take over from Niu Jizong's foundation, or start from scratch?

It will take half a month to resume operations, and it is too late to even customize the carriage.The only way is to take over Niu Jizong's carriage.

From this point alone, it exposed the traces of Niu Jizong's pushers behind them.

The way is obvious, they want to dump their facilities to the Rongguo Mansion.You have to pick it up, and you have to pick it up if you don’t pick it up. You are determined!

 Thanks to a5244a, disappearing DE phantom, want to cry at night, seeing people with lights, leading auntie, little bee lxf, book friend 161218185921470 and other book friends for their support, I won’t list them here, but thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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