The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 11 Heroes Save America

Chapter 11 Heroes Save America
Jia's mother didn't want to see him, and Jia Min was also very happy. He made up his mind to save the day and night, so he spared himself, and no one said anything to him.

The next day, he sent Meng'er to Wang Xifeng to say hello, saying that he was going to go around the city these days, so he followed his elder brother Jiao Li and the boy Meng'er out of the mansion.

Jiao Li is the grandson of Jiao Er, Jiao Da's younger brother. He is 27 years old this year. He used to work as a shopkeeper in the village in the north of the city.Because this is a fat job, and he is not a direct descendant of the housekeeper Lai Da, he was replaced by Lai Da.During this period of time, he has been idle at home, and when Jia Min came, he was recommended by Lai Da to Wang Xifeng as Jia Min's long-term follower.

From this action, it can be seen that Lai Da didn't take Jia Min seriously at all.

The hostesses of Jia's mansion usually go out on horseback.Some good-looking people have their own mounts, even Jia Huan has one.However, Jia Min was not equipped.

Jiao Li went to the manager to ask, and replied that there was no arrangement from above, so he had no choice but to return in despair.

As usual, Jia Min didn't care, so they hired three horses.

The money was naturally paid by Jia Min.Before the singer's mother died, she left him 200 taels of silver.Jia Lian and Zhou Rui planned to embezzle this money, but seeing that he came back to life, they had to spit it out again.

Jia Min doesn't have the time to think about fighting with the people in the house all day long, and he doesn't want to do such internal friction.

The experience of serving as a soldier in his previous life gave him a belief that he must trust his teammates. On the battlefield, he can safely leave his back to his teammates.Although it is not possible to do this in Jia's mansion, at present, as long as self-protection is enough.As long as they don't hurt themselves further, there's no need to fight to the death.

After all, it is a family, there is no immediate crisis, we can fight, although they are some pig teammates, but at the critical moment, we still have to be consistent with the outside world.Throughout the ages, no matter where you go, this is the law.

The current task is to understand the details of this world as soon as possible. No matter how big Jia's mansion is, it is only a small part of this world. Moreover, the information obtained from the mansion is only the way the people of Jia's mansion see the world.

In fact, the world is not necessarily what they say and think, only the first-hand information obtained from their own perspective is reliable.

The second task is to solve Qin Keqing's problem.

This problem is indeed difficult, but it is not impossible to solve.Of course there are consequences, the question is whether you are willing to bear the price.

Before Jia Rong came back yesterday, Jia Min left Qin Keqing's place.Although he was somewhat reluctant to part with this delicate beauty, he still had no foundation in Jia's mansion, and he didn't want to bring more criticism because of being alone with Qin Keqing.

After returning, he put things aside again, and finally came to an important conclusion: Qin Keqing is definitely not a simple person.

First of all, the old lady admired her very much.

Who is the old lady?The eldest lady in the heyday of the historian family, when she married into the Jia family, the Jia family was also in its heyday.That is a character who can stretch and bend, who can enjoy both glory and hardship. He has experienced countless people, and he is used to the situation. How can he have a bad eye for people?

What's more, everyone in Jia's mansion likes Qin Keqing, even someone like Wang Xifeng can become her best friend, which shows that this person has a high emotional intelligence.

Second, she is a clear-headed character.When entrusting Wang Xifeng with a dream, he suggested that Wang Xifeng buy some land on the ancestral tomb of Jia's mansion for future troubles.This shows that she foresaw the hidden dangers in Jia's house.

Not only that, but also said that the land on these ancestral tombs will not be copied even if the house is raided in the future. This is obviously taking advantage of a loophole in the law.This shows that she is a person with executive power, not an empty talker.

It is really hard to find someone with this vision in Jia's mansion.

Third, in just one day, she decided to ask Jia Min for help. This seemed abnormal, but it happened to reflect her precise vision of people.

It's not because of how outstanding Jia Min is, but because she has grasped Jia Min's weakness, taking advantage of Jia Min's current conflict with other people in the house, and using Jia Min.

What's more, once things get worse, like Jia Rong, she will unceremoniously push Jia Min to take the blame.

Because sacrificing Jia Min is the least difficult and least expensive.Even if Jia Min succeeds, the price he has to pay is the smallest.

Regardless of money or anything else, even if Jia Min is greedy for her beauty, he can repay Jia Min's favor by playing a little ambiguous.

Otherwise, if the pervert Jia Zhen is rejected at the front door, and the pervert Jia Min is allowed in at the back door, it is also unethical, so it is better to just accept Jia Zhen.

The girls of the later generations always think that the stupid men in the world should do everything for them. This is a common problem of women, and the more beautiful the woman, the more so.Qin Keqing has no reason to be an exception.

From this point of view, she is a very scheming and ruthless person who dares to strike.

That being the case, why did Jia Zhen be forced into such a mess?
First of all, there is no talent, no power.

Her natal family has no power, no backer in Jia's house, and her seniority is low. Her husband Jia Rong is in an absolute disadvantage in front of Jia Zhen and has no hill of her own.

The second and most important reason is that Jia Zhen is a person who does not follow the rules.Little people don't follow the rules, no matter how bad they are, they can't go bad. When encountering a big person like Jia Zhen who doesn't follow the rules, Qin Keqing has nothing to do.

If Qin Keqing had a backer like Wang Xifeng, coupled with her scheming and emotional intelligence, she would not be in this situation long ago.

Although Wang Xifeng has some abilities, her EQ is not as good as that of Daiyu and Qingwen.Almost everyone offended everyone, and at the last critical moment, no one came out to stand for them.

In terms of emotional intelligence and ability to handle affairs, among all the beauties in the Red Chamber, only Baochai can compare with her.

Even after seeing through Qin Keqing's intentions, Jia Min decided to help her.

Taking this opportunity to play with Qin Damei is one reason, the key is his heroic chivalry to save the beauty.

In any case, it is a heartbreaking thing for such a charming beauty to be destroyed by Jia Zhen.

A man always needs to be a little bloody, and even more so, to have a heart.

Even if she knew she was using her, she had to do what she had to do.

Under Jiao Li's leadership, Jia Min first came to Luoma City in the south of the city.This is the largest livestock trading market in the imperial capital.Because of its many years of history, the market name "Luoma City" has also become a place name.

Jia Min bought three horses for 28 taels of silver.He didn't know anything about the market, so he left everything to Gioli.

Next, we mainly look at pigs.Sows, boars, piglets, etc., Jia Min asked in detail.

This is his main purpose here, because when he makes wine in the future, pig raising is an extension project of the industrial chain.

Leaving the mule and horse market, walking all the way, seeing people coming and going, either on foot, or on horseback, or in an ox-horse-donkey cart, or in a sedan chair, or in a rickshaw, the way of travel on the road is probably the same There are several kinds.

This reminded Jia Min of the bustling traffic in the city in his previous life.

In Jia's mansion, the men ride horses when traveling, the girls usually ride in carriages, and the wives ride in sedan chairs. This is a private car.

These rented horses and carts on the street are taxis.If you make an appointment in advance with the car dealer, it is a customized car.

There is a gap here, that is, there is no public transportation that is common in later generations and used on fixed routes.

There is no such fixed shuttle bus for short distances within cities and long distances between cities and villages.

It is not that there is no market demand, but that this market has not been cultivated. People need to travel, information needs to be transmitted, and goods need to be circulated. There is always demand.

Although there is a post station system, it is only used by the government to deliver documents.Others cannot be used.

In the book Red Chamber, one of the reasons for the confiscation of Zhen’s family in Jinling was that they attacked and smashed the inn, and the Zhen’s family was an imperial merchant, so it was probably related to the logistics problem.

This is a business opportunity.It's just that if you really want to do it, you still need to spend some effort.However, it doesn't matter, there will be plenty of time to plan this matter in the future.

After eating casually in a restaurant at noon, Jia Min specifically asked what kind of wine was available, but it turned out that there were only low-alcohol rice wine and no high-alcohol wine, which gave him confidence in his future wine making.

After eating, I went to buy some pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and then I went to buy some books.Basically, it can be divided into two categories, one is enlightenment reading materials, which are nothing more than "Thousand Characters", "Hundred Surnames", "Children's Learning Qionglin" and the like.

The other category is the Four Books and Five Classics.This is a compulsory course for the imperial examination. In future exams, the questions will basically come from here.These books need to be memorized fluently.

In the blink of an eye, it was the six o'clock of Shen Shi.

Timekeeping in this era is still based on hours.An hour is 2 hours, a quarter is 15 minutes, an hour is 8 quarters, a total of 120 minutes.Shen Shi six quarters, which is 04:30 in the afternoon.

After finding a "Yuelai Inn" to stay, Jia Min sent Jiao Li and Meng'er back, and they will look for him here again in the morning.

Jiao Li didn't talk much, and although he didn't want to follow Jia Min, he was more decent and upright in his actions.It can be regarded as doing my best.

Meng'er was in charge of the monitoring task, and was eager to go back to report the situation to Jia Lian, so when Jia Min spoke, he took the opportunity to slip away.

After dinner in the evening, I read a book in the guest room for a while, and took out my pocket watch to see that it was already eight o'clock.So he blew out the lamp and jumped out of the window.

The pocket watch was a gift from Mr. Zheng, and it is still a rare thing in this era. Being so generous shows that Mr. Zheng still has him in his heart.

Including Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang, Jia She, Jia Lian, Li Wan, etc., although they also gave him some rewards, but not many.It's just because of etiquette, I have to give it.

Jia Mu received two taels of silver, and the rest were one tael.Jia Min didn't expect to make a fortune from it, and he didn't care about the amount.

The walking route was secretly surveyed during the day.As a special warfare elite, his sensitivity to the environment, terrain, and landforms is naturally much stronger than others.

Because the city gates will be closed at night, if you want to go out of the city now, you have to sneak across the city wall.

During the day, Jia Min observed the city wall and was confident that he could climb over it with bare hands without using any tools.

Today's Dade Dynasty, Haiqingheyan, the world is peaceful, the defense of the city wall at night is very slack.

It is also possible to live outside the city, and there are many inns in the suburbs.However, Jia Min still chose to live in the city.

Although it was a little inconvenient, if something happened in the future, because he lived in the city, he could minimize his suspicions.

Now, he is going to the northern suburbs outside the city, that is, Qinjiazhuang in the direction of Luoma City.

There are two purposes, one is to scout the route, and the other is to meet the beautiful Qin Keqing.Of course, this time it was not an affair, but to discuss with Qin Keqing how to deal with Jia Zhen.

Yesterday, the two made an appointment. Today, Qin Keqing returned to her mother's house and came out to meet him at Haishi in the evening.

Now, Jia Min is ready to formally deal with Jia Zhen.

Even though she was going to do something serious and knew that Qin Keqing was using her, Jia Min was still vaguely looking forward to it, feeling a little ambiguous.

On a quiet night, together with a beautiful woman who makes me fall in love, how can I not feel ambiguous when I think about how to deal with my rival in love?

Jia Min remembered that poem.

"The willow head on the moon, after about dusk."

(End of this chapter)

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