Chapter 132 Tit for Tat ([-])

Even if Niu Jizong and the others didn't come, Jia Min would not let them go today. How could he let them go when he was sent to the gun?
"Let me tell you the truth, Brother Niu. In the beginning, I really planned to take over all your assets. Because Jia's family and your family are family friends, and you and I are also good brothers. As for the price, Mr. It's negotiable."

You Jia Laosi, don't pretend to be a good person here.What price is negotiable?Is there such a bargain as you?Don’t you know how much silver we invested at the beginning, but we only gave 5000 taels? Doesn’t this force us to jump into the river?

Our asking price is 7 taels, but it can be negotiated.We can't beat you in business, but we can definitely beat you when we bargain? 7 taels is not enough, but 5 taels can also be considered.

Niu Jizong was full of anger, but he didn't dare to speak out easily.Now the Admiral of the Nine Gates and the Governor of Shuntian House are kneeling there, he doesn't want to accidentally fall into Jia Min's tricks.

"Accordingly, I'll give you 5000 taels of silver for your assets. It's all for the sake of Shijiao. In fact, your things are not worth the money at all."

"Why is it not worth the money? At the beginning, it was all real money."

Liu Fang spoke.He felt that he could no longer be silent.If Jia Min was asked to continue talking like this, their things might have to be hung upside down.

"I say so, of course it makes sense. First of all, let's talk about your car. One is that the carriage is too narrow and the car is too small. As a bus carriage, it can't hold a few people. It's okay when it's low, and it's okay when it's high." When there are a few more people, it will be impossible to sit down.”

"What is a peak? What is a trough? Don't always stick to words."

Oh my God, you guys are so brave to do a bus project without even knowing the peaks and valleys of traffic flow.

"This matter is a long story. We can discuss it together when we have a chance in the future. Now, let's continue to talk about your carriage."

"Your carriage, when it was made to order, was congenitally deficient. It didn't even have a canopy, and it didn't even have a seat. Look at my carriage again. It has a canopy, which can protect you from the rain in summer and the cold in winter. You can also light a stove for warmth. There are seats, people can sit. There are car ladders, the elderly and children can go up by themselves without holding or pulling."

"What about your car? It's so high. If no one is pulling it, you have to climb up. You don't even have a chair, and you can't stand upright. You have to sit on the car board, and the car is full of dirt. , sitting in a dirt car, you have to drench when it rains, and blow when the wind blows. Who wants to build a car like this? It’s no different from the truck that pulls goods. You still charge people’s money, who wants to spend it Wasting money in your car?"

"Besides, your axle is so thin, it will break if you don't move it, and the passengers will be thrown halfway. Would you like to do it?"

It is said that you, Liu Fang, are a little Zhuge, you have that brain, put in some effort in management, don't always think about some bad ways all day long.

Forget it, I can't talk to him in detail anymore, if I talk too much, the business know-how will be exposed.These people have no concept of intellectual property rights at all. When they have a good idea, they plagiarize it without any hesitation.

"After talking about the car, let's talk about your horse. Your horses were all bought from outside the Great Wall. After you bought them, you didn't train them properly, so you asked them to be harnessed to pull carts. How can they pull well?"

"The horses outside the Great Wall are used to being wild in the wilderness. Even if they are domesticated, they can be ridden well, but pulling a cart is another matter. Driving in the countryside is different from that in the city. I am used to it in the countryside, but when I come to the city, the horse is easily startled. You have only been working for a few days, and the horse has been startled three times, and more than ten people have been injured. If someone dies, the matter will be even worse. You say, just you Such a horse, do I dare? Don’t say that this business is not profitable, even if it is profitable, there are several car crashes, and whether the money earned is enough to compensate others is two things.”

This time Liu Fang didn't say anything.Even Qiu Liang nodded secretly.

Niu Jizong and his carriage had indeed had several car accidents, injuring more than a dozen people. Qiu Liang had participated in the handling of the incident.

"Let's talk about your car boss, just find anyone to drive the car, and some get in the car when they're drunk, is that okay?"

Jia Min stopped talking and didn't say much.In fact, what he meant in his heart was: horses provide power to the car. In your car, the engine is not working well, the drive system and control system are not working well, and the car will lose control if it does not move.Drivers drive without a license without training and testing, and often drink and drive.

First of all, from the perspective of safety, it is not enough.It is true that people travel to reach their destination, but the experience of riding a car is also very important.Sitting in your car is tantamount to playing with your life. If you spend money and pay for it, who would be willing to be your car?

After these words, Liu Fang was secretly shocked.He never expected that Jia Min would point out so many faults just by saying it casually.I can't help feeling a little regretful in my heart, I pushed Jia Min out too early.He should get out all the truths in his heart, and then run him out.

Until now, Liu Fang still has this logic of thinking, and it is really hopeless.

However, for Liu Fang, it was not surprising.He has always been very confident in his resourcefulness, and others have also labeled him "Little Zhuge".Seeing Jia Min's business talent, he couldn't help being jealous.Afraid that Jia Min would be with them, he would be compared to him.

"Besides, which of your houses at the station, if there is a station, there are still some uses, and the price is higher than other houses, which is understandable. However, I have now built a parking lot in Xiawazi. I go out in the morning every day and go back at night. It's not a waste of time, and it saves money, why buy those houses of yours?"

"Besides, there is another thing. What you did was very inappropriate. You actually wanted to take advantage of the fire and build so many new houses. Those houses were built in a hurry. They can neither live in nor load. Maybe when It just collapsed, even if it was given to me for nothing, I wouldn’t want it, let alone you are asking for sky-high prices? It sounds good, you want to make money, but it’s extortion. I can go Tell you, do you know?."

"Let me tell you the truth, your houses are of no use to me at all. The carriages and horses are only somewhat useful. However, they can only be used to pull goods on long-distance carriages. This horse You can buy them anywhere, so why should I have to buy them from you?"

Jia Min not only said that Niu Jizong's things were useless, but also that horses and carts were useful, so he was setting them up.

In fact, those things are useful and valuable.It's about not scaring them away completely, leaving them with a glimmer of hope, and then waiting to kill them hard.

"You think that the emperor only gave me half a month, so I have to take those things from you, but why didn't you read what the imperial decree said, two adults, yo! Two adults , Why are you still kneeling after so long? Get up quickly and see what the imperial decree says."

All that needs to be said has been said, now, it is time to give Liu Changfeng and Xiu Tonggui a step down.

The situation has developed in the direction I expected. Now, I can talk to them about specific things.

The so-called specific things are the massacre meeting.Next, not only will Niu Jizong be slaughtered, but Liu Changfeng and Xiu Tonggui will also be brutally slaughtered.

The two got up from the ground, and the servants brought them chairs and tea, and just sat down, before they could say anything, Jia Min started talking again.

The two were suppressed by Jia Min with the imperial decree for a long time, and they had been listening to Jia Min's talk, and they had scolded Jia Min thousands of times in their hearts.So we read the imperial decree together, and the more we read, the more confused we became.

For a while, I felt that Jia Min's words were very reasonable, and that's what the imperial decree said.After a while, I felt that Jia Min was far-fetched and misinterpreted the imperial decree.However, if you want to say how he misinterpreted it, you really can't find any reason.

As soon as Jia Min returned to Rongguo Mansion, he asked for the imperial decree, carefully studied and savored it, and then came up with a series of actions to take advantage of the imperial decree's loopholes. How could he leave anything for them?

"Before, Lord Admiral and Lord Fu Yin also mentioned to me that I should take over the assets from you as soon as possible. Because of the face of the two adults, I neither agreed nor refused. Do you know why? "

Hmph, the two of you made deductions and wanted to plot against Jia's house. Now, it's time to start liquidating you.

Jia Min is going to tie the two forces together, and give them the title of collusion between government and businessmen, and jointly plot against Jia's family.

"Ordinarily, an official is an official, a business is a business, and there are two ways for the official and the business. The matter of my negotiating assets with you is purely a business matter, and the two adults should not get involved. I know the details. I think the two adults are doing it for Complete the emperor's errands as soon as possible to fulfill our two families. If you don't know the details, you may think that you have given benefits to the two adults, so why did they accept you?"

"We didn't do the two adults any favors."

Niu Jizong came out to defend.In fact, they gave benefits, but how can they admit it at this time?

"Of course I know that there is no benefit. But, does anyone else know? You are rushing to build a house, and the government didn't come out to stop it. Someone told me that the two adults are with you, but ask me to give a stern sentence." I reprimanded you. The two adults are both honest and upright people, how can they do such a thing?"

"Brother Min is right, why would we do that kind of thing? It's all rumors, slander, and speculation."

Liu Changfeng stood up and hurriedly confessed, changing the name of Jia Min.

Jia Min sneered inwardly: Just confessing your love, do you think it's all right?Where is such a good thing, the next artillery fire will kill you.

 Thanks to Linyun Layman, Xianyouweng, Lengshui appraisal completed, I want to cry at night, 00 Lingxiao 00, Little Bee lxf, book friend 161201094114073 and other book friends for their support.There are other book friends, so I won't list them one by one.

  A "book friend group of vicissitudes everywhere" has been established, and those who are willing can join the group.Suggestions, exchanges and complaints are all available.Group number: 585276639
(End of this chapter)

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