The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 144 How to Divide the Money

Chapter 144 How to Divide the Money

Jia Min asked Chen Yejun to bring Fenghua and Xueyue to settle accounts publicly in front of everyone, with two purposes.

The first one is to show off your own strength and let the people in the house see what the team I lead looks like.By the way, he slapped the people in the mansion on the face slightly to make them vigilant.

The second purpose is to make the accounts public and achieve financial transparency.The purpose is to let the people in the mansion know the basic situation of this project, so as to avoid someone messing with it when I am not around in the future.

Asking Chen Yejun to come forward to preside over this matter, one is to announce to the people in the house that Feng Ziying and others are shareholders, and the other is to take this opportunity to let the people in the house see their strength.Clear the obstacles for Feng Ziying, Chen Yejun and Wei Ruolan to lead this project in the future.

The so-called Chen Yejun reimbursement is actually a process of profit calculation.

Chen Yejun listed the costs one by one, almost in detail.What's rare is that all these data are in his head, and it doesn't even use a piece of paper, so he just said it out of his mouth.

Every time an item was reported, Fenghua and Xueyue always calculated the number first, and at this time, Wu Xindeng and the accountant were still crackling with the abacus.

After the first round of calculations, Wu Xindeng and Mr. Accountant reported the numbers, which coincided exactly with those of Fenghua and Xueyue.

Soon, the room became silent.

At this moment, Qin Keqing was completely relieved, a warm current rose in her heart, and a sense of pride spontaneously emerged.

This is Uncle Min's man.The two little girls, Fenghua and Xueyue, a few months ago, were not well-known little girls in the mansion.It is because of following Uncle Min that it has only been a few months, and it has become what it is now.

At first, they thought it was their luck that Fourth Uncle Min redeemed them, but now it seems that they are indeed capable.After all, even Wu Xindeng and Mr. Accountant are not rivals.

The so-called strong generals have no weak soldiers, this is referring to Fourth Uncle Min.

Thinking of Uncle Min in my heart, I feel sweet.Looking at Jia Rong again, I feel a little sad.

Although Miaoyu is good at pretending to be aloof, she doesn't have that much scheming.Apart from being a little surprised by Fenghua and Xueyue's performance, I didn't think about anything else.

However, Baochai thought of more.

Although Chen Yejun had never dealt with him before, he had heard of it before.It's just a character similar to Baoyu and Lian's second brother. Now he talks freely and confidently, which is exactly the demeanor of fourth brother Min.

Looking at the two little maids, Fenghua and Xueyue, if they don't know the details, how would they know that they used to be the humble little maids in the mansion.

Both of them are like this, so Ping'er, Jiao Li, Nan'er, and Ning'er must be stronger than them.

That’s right, now Fourth Brother Min, Feng Ziying, Chen Yejun, and Wei Ruolan are all in the city, and Jiao Li, Ning’er, and Nan’er are dispatching more than 100 vehicles in Xiawazi and other places. .Such a big business is managed by these few people.Even the housekeepers and shopkeepers in my family for decades can't do it.

I heard that Fourth Brother Min taught Ping'er and the others how to read, so I thought it was just a few words.The last time I went to Yeduju, I saw that Jiaoli and Hepinger had to study for a few nights, and I thought they were just playing for fun. Now it seems that it is not that simple.This is all true.

According to Ping'er, what they learn is called mental arithmetic, which is really better than abacus.It seems that in the future, we should find an opportunity to learn from Fourth Brother Min.In this way, there will be an excuse to get close to Fourth Brother Min.

Thinking of this, Baochai felt a little guilty, and her face became hot.As if I had done something bad, I panicked.I looked around secretly, and felt at ease when I saw that no one was paying attention to me.

Looking at Baoyu again, he looked blank.If Baoyu was handed over the matter of the bus and carriage, what would he be able to do?

Baochai didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Although Baoyu was at a loss at this time, he was not confused.

Sister Lin, I didn't provoke him, so why don't you want to share a car with me today?Originally they were childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, so why did they become born when they got older?

Look at that Qingwen, now she is always making out with Ping'er.Na Pinger even ignored me.These are all water-like characters, why did they all learn from him as soon as they arrived at Fourth Min's place?
It's no wonder that they are all ordinary people like Min Lao Si, who stinks of copper all over his body, who abducted them and ruined them.

Yes, it must be so.Min Laosi even dared to reprimand his ancestors, let alone maids like Ping'er and Qingwen.No, if there is a chance in the future, we must rescue them from the sea of ​​suffering.

Investment in infrastructure such as housing, land, vehicles and horses, plus daily operating expenses, is the cost.After half an hour of calculation, I finally figured it out.A total of 100 taels of silver.

There was also an episode in the middle.When calculating the modification cost of the carriage, Fenghua and Xueyue reported the same figure.Wu Xindeng and Mr. Accountant reported a number respectively.

After recalculation, it turned out that Wu Xindeng and Mr. Accountant made a mistake.

When calculating costs, people also heard a new word called "depreciation", and even the accountant did not understand the meaning of this word.Only after Chen Yejun explained it several times did people understand it somewhat.

In fact, when Chen Yejun first heard this word from Jia Min, he was similar to these people now.Therefore, he explained more patiently and did not laugh at others.

It took almost half an hour to calculate the profit.

Although I have basically read the entire process of bus operation just now, until now, people don't know where the money they make comes from.

Previously, the accountant in the mansion had also done calculations, but no matter how they were calculated, they would lose money.

Now Chen Yejun is called to do the math, and he can earn more than 2 taels of silver a year.

Although people don't want to believe this fact that they are looking forward to very much, but after a sum of money, it is really hard to find any faults.

To be able to make money, it is natural to have more income and less expenditure.

In addition to the fares, the extra income includes advertising fees, house rental fees, charter fees for custom-made cars, ceremonial fleet fees, and so on.

The reduced expenditure, in addition to the money for horse feed, is the most typical reduction in the cost of the cart.

The wages of these more than 100 people, the money for food and clothing, is a huge expense.Not counting the money embezzled by them.

In fact, there is another invisible income, that is, the income from the bus card.

However, for those who use public transportation cards, they are calculated according to the standard of at least one round trip per person per day.In fact, very few people are able to travel once a day.

Only in this one, it has already made more money.Moreover, the longer the card period, the more profitable it is.Quarterly cards make more money than monthly cards, and annual cards make more money than quarterly cards.

Chen Yejun also discovered an interesting phenomenon from the practice of applying for the card in the past few days, that is, owning a bus card has become a status symbol.

When he told Jia Min about this as an anecdote, Jia Min immediately discovered a new business opportunity, so he asked Ping'er and others to deliberately emphasize the identity and gift attributes of public cards when selling cards.Think of a transit card as a gift.

As a result, people who originally only planned to buy one card often change their minds temporarily and buy several cards at once to give gifts.

At the same time, anyone who buys a card will give a beautiful locket as a gift, which makes the card buyer feel that it is a great advantage.

Those who buy the card have paid the full amount.This money provides a large amount of working capital for the bus and carriage project.If these funds are invested in other businesses, or deposited in a bank account, profits can also be generated.

Therefore, during this period of time, although a large amount of money was invested in it, Jia Min did not take a tael of silver from the treasury in the mansion at all.

Jia's mother's rule that the use of 100 taels of silver must be approved by her has no chance to work.

So, after the accounts were settled, Mother Jia immediately called Lai Da to her side and told him to cancel the rule immediately.In the future, Brother Ming will use the money again, and he can use as much as he wants.There is no need to ask her again.

He also specially told Lai Da to tell the people in the accounting room to keep their mouths tight, and no matter who asked, they would say that there had never been such a rule.

Lai Da agreed with his mouth, but he had another calculation in his heart: Brother Huanmin can use as much as he wants, and there is still a few coins in the mansion, can he be used by Fourth Master Min?I don't need to ask you for instructions anymore?Fourth Master Min still needs to ask you for instructions, I am afraid that if you need money in the future, everyone in the house will ask Fourth Master Min for instructions.

The accounts are settled, the bus and carriage can make money, and the crisis is resolved.

Not only did Jia's mansion not be dragged down, but it increased a source of income.Not only will life be easier in the future, but it will also increase his dignity in the outside world.Those who want to see a joke are completely disappointed.

This naturally made people breathe a sigh of relief.Then get excited again.

However, not everyone is so excited.

Some people are really happy, and some people regret it.

Jia Mu was the first to be happy.

The big rock that had been pressing on her heart for a long time finally fell to the ground.Now, she can finally face her ancestors.

Yingchun, Tanchun, and Xichun are also happy, and they don't need to reduce their monthly bills in the future.Clothes and cosmetics will also be distributed as usual.

Aunt Xue and Baochai were also happy that the Jia family had survived this crisis, and they could live here with peace of mind.

Qin Keqing was also happy, not only for Fourth Uncle Min, but also for herself.Because Fourth Uncle Min sent her a letter yesterday, saying that he had given Uncle Min 2 taels of silver back then, and Uncle Min took out 1 taels and bought her shares.

Now that the bus carriage makes money, she can make money too.

Jia Lian and Jia Qiang were also happy, because they had a drink with Jia Min in time and successfully invested in the shares.

However, they still have some regrets, regretting that they have invested less.If you put in more at the beginning, you can earn more.

Of course, they are not the most regretful.Those who regret the most are Jia Amnesty, Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Wang.

When Jia Min called them to buy shares, none of them believed it.Instead, he thought that Jia Min wanted to take this opportunity to scam money and abscond.

Now, Chen Yejun said that Jia Minkai will announce how the shares will be divided in the future.So, how will Jia Min divide it?

In anticipation, they were a little worried.I hope Jia Min will come back soon to reveal the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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