The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 169 Miaoyu's Anger

Chapter 169 Miaoyu's Anger

If the boring and monotonous queue training makes people numb, the quilt-folding training is almost crazy.

No one thinks that soldiers can be trained by folding quilts.On this point, the people left behind have the same point of view as Baoyu.In the future, when you go to the battlefield, you just go to make the quilt?Do you still have to use the quilt to smother the enemy to death?
Although everyone is full of complaints, no one dares to publicly question it.

Baoyu left and cleared out a black sheep.Xue Pan, Jia Rong and Jia Huan wanted to leave, but before they could move, they put them in a cage.

These guys are scared now.The only way not to suffer is to do what Jia Min told them to do.

When they were obedient, they discovered that the goddamn Fourth Min was actually not that hateful.In many cases, he is still a very kind person.

In terms of food, it is also very generous.He even gave some wine to drink when he was free at night.

Cleaning up and tidying up the house, these things used to be done by servant girls, but now I can do it very easily.Everyone does it like this, so there is no shame in it.

It was just the matter of making the quilt, which still drove them crazy, but it seemed to be improving little by little.

At first, the Jia family had a glimmer of hope for Baoyu.Because Baoyu made a promise before leaving.Said that as soon as he returned to the mansion, he would sue his ancestors and want to replace Jia Min.However, a day passed and nothing seemed to happen.

Gradually, people also realized how ridiculous it is to pin their hopes on Baoyu, an unreliable person.

So, I settled down and faced reality.

Jia Min handed over the training to Chen Yejun and Wei Ruolan, and headed towards Mantouan by himself.

When Miaoyu first arrived in the imperial capital with her master, she lived in the Muni courtyard.After the master passed away, he asked her to stay in the imperial capital, so she went to Tiekan Temple, the family temple of Jia's mansion.

Although Tiekan Temple is also a temple, it is a male temple.Normally, monks live here.Only because there were no monks here before, a few nuns came to live in.

Mantouan is a temple for women, and it is relatively close to Jia's mansion, so Miaoyu moved here.

Miaoyu was originally a monk and practiced, she was just practicing, not a monk.She herself has no intention of becoming a monk, so others basically don't regard her as a family member, and naturally they don't ask her for the rules of the family.

As a result, Miaoyu became a person who is not a monk, but a vulgar person.This is both her helplessness and her willfulness.

Last time, Miaoyu made a bet at Liansheng Casino and won a sum of money.Jia Min's visit this time is for Miaoyu's money.

The two haven't seen each other since they broke up in Yeduju last time.Jia Min still misses Miaoyu very much.

When we arrived at Mantou Nunnery, we didn't see any nuns, but we met Miaoyu's mother first.So the nanny led Jia Min to the living room.

Here is the place where Mantouan receives visitors daily.

Not long after Jia Min sat down, she saw a young girl walking from behind, walking rather hurriedly.A slight autumn wind blows, blowing up her belt, fluttering, giving a sense of elegance.

It was Miaoyu who came.

After entering the house, he couldn't speak, so he just stood at the door.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden? Didn't you know you'd know beforehand?"

Jia Min felt that he and Miaoyu were already very familiar, even holding hands, and when they talked, he stopped treating himself as an outsider.

"I'd like to know, but your place is now an iron wall, and no one can get in, so how can I tell you?"

Huh?Isn't this style of painting right?Seems angry?Oh, I see, it was Wang Xifeng who didn't go in last time, so the words must have come from her.

However, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Miaoyu, does it?
"Where can't I get in? Miss Bao and Brother Rong's daughter-in-law went in yesterday?"

"Hmph, I knew that it must be the young and beautiful person who can go in. You will only come out when others go in. You have always seen everyone before it is your turn to come here."

Sister Miaoyu, are you being unreasonable?What is young and beautiful, and where is it?

Oh, I see, could it be because Baochai and Qin Keqing went, and she got angry?
How angry are you?If people go to meet their own family members, can they not be allowed to see them?
Alas, this beauty is not good at this point, she has too much temper.You never know when you will offend them.

"Isn't this what you've been training recently, with a lot of things going on, and you can't go away. I'm just a little free now, so I came here. You just stand like this? You came all the way, and you don't give Shall I pour you a cup of tea?"

"If you want to drink tea, go to your sisters and sisters. They have everything there. I am a monk. What other things do I have?"

Why did you get involved with your sister?When did I meet them for tea?Besides, when did you become a monk?

"I drink tea because I am willing to come to you. Other sisters and sisters, where can I get the tea from you?"

"I'm alone, and I can't compare to those who have shares. They can get whatever they want."

Oh I got it.It was because the shares in the bus and carriage were given to those girls that she was angry.I thought she knew my admiration for Baobao and Keqing.

Miaoyu is not such a person, she must be jealous because of this matter.No wonder he was so angry.

Jia Min stood up, saw no one was outside the window, and approached Miaoyu.Miaoyu held her hands behind her back, and Jia Min went to hold her hand.Pulling his hand to the front, he saw Qianqianyu holding a teacup in his hand, which was the same cup that made tea for Jia Min before.

Seeing Jia Min holding hands tightly, Miaoyu felt a little shy.Guilty turned around and looked outside.

"You know how frivolous you are to me, and it's a shame to talk about it as soon as you come."

He talked a lot, but he stopped struggling.Two blushes also flew to the cheeks.

"You have also read poetry and books. Don't you know that sentence, hold your hand and grow old with you. Not only will I hold your hand today, but I will hold your hand for the rest of my life. At that time, it will become decent gone."

What Jia Min said was actually a private decision for life.When Miaoyu heard this, she felt even more shy and blushed even more.I just feel that my heart is overwhelmed, joy, anger, sorrow, joy, ups and downs come to my heart together.

"This can't be said casually."

Although the voice was not loud, Jia Min could hear it clearly.

That means, you are responsible for this sentence.

"Of course I didn't say it casually. It will be fulfilled in the future. Okay, let's pour tea now."

"I'm not pouring you tea."

Even though he said so, he followed Jia Min to sit down at the table and started making tea.The angry look was gone, and a cheerful smile appeared on his face.

Jia Min came here, one is for Miaoyu, and the other is to prepare for the meeting with Qin Keqing tomorrow.

Qin Keqing is a very measured person.It must be something important to ask Jia Min to meet at Mantouan.

The relationship between him and Qin Keqing is actually a very dangerous game.This kind of relationship is fundamentally different from the relationship between him and Miaoyu.

When Jia Min and Miaoyu meet, at most someone will make sarcastic remarks.However, one of the two is unmarried and the other is unmarried. Although it is somewhat impolite, it is not a big problem.Besides, Miaoyu is a monk, so she can't ask her from the eyes of a secular person.

However, when Jia Min meets Qin Keqing, he must be very careful.He had never been to Mantouan before, so he wanted to check it out in advance.See what kind of people are here, and what is the architectural pattern here.

In fact, this is suspected of using Miaoyu.If it's easy to talk about other things, it's not so authentic to use a woman who loves you to meet another woman.

However, since Qin Keqing said so, Jia Min would naturally not let this opportunity pass.Even if I feel a little guilty, I can't care so much.

Although Miaoyu is aloof, she is definitely not an idiot.If Jia Min and Qin Keqing came here tomorrow and had a long conversation together, Miaoyu might be suspicious.

Although Miaoyu looks cold on the surface, she is actually very proud in her heart.If Jia Min found out that she was here to meet other women, he would definitely not be happy.

If it was Baochai and Qin Keqing who had encountered such a thing, they might have endured it at the time and settled the score later.However, if it was Miaoyu, it is estimated that nine times out of ten she would turn her face on the spot.

Miaoyu is angry with Jia Min, not because of money.It's because Jia Min thought of other girls, even Daiyu and Shi Xiangyun, and they didn't come to her for such a long time, and it was inconvenient for her to find Jia Min, so she felt that Jia Min had left her out.

Jia Min spoke again like a reed, and said countless good things, which made Miaoyu completely calm down.

"You know that you have to see if it's worth it to be that good person one day. This mansion is just playing with you inside and out, and any tricky tasks have fallen on your head. In the end, there is no one left behind.”

"Oh, why don't I know this truth, but you also know that in this mansion, is there anyone who is in the middle? Everyone is counting on Baoyu to have something to do, but he went back yesterday, and now, We can only hope that the remaining ones will have some promise in the future."

"Your heart is good, but people don't necessarily appreciate it. A few days ago, when Second Mistress Lian came back, she spread all over the mansion, saying all kinds of bad things about you."

"She's like that. If she doesn't speak ill of anyone for a day, she won't be able to sleep at night."

After Jia Min said this, Miaoyu stared at him up and down.

"What's the matter, did I say something wrong?"

"You didn't say anything wrong. I'm just a little surprised. How did you know that Second Grandma Lian couldn't sleep at night?"

Oh my god, Miaoyu, don't think too much, Wang Xifeng and I are really innocent!
(End of this chapter)

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