The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 219 Chuanlu Interception

Chapter 219 Chuanlu interception ([-])

November 29 of the Bingzi year is the last day of the winter month.Because this month is a small month, there are only 29 days.

Today is the day when the palace examination results are released, and the place where the results are released is on West Chang'an Avenue.

At the same time as the list was published, the emperor also summoned the Xinke Jinshi and announced the name and ranking of the Xinke Jinshi in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

In popular terms, this ceremony is called the Hall of Supreme Harmony roll call, and in professional terms, it is called Jindian Chuanlu.

Jia Min had already received his official uniform at the Ministry of War yesterday, and he had to wear his official uniform when he went to the palace today.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony roll call started at Chenshi, but the new scholars had to wait in front of Tiananmen Square in advance, so Jia Min set off from Yeduju at Yinshizheng.

Although Jia Min didn't want to ask someone to accompany him, Feng Ziying, Chen Yejun, Wei Ruolan, and Lin Dajiang followed him resolutely.

Although they knew about Jia Min's abilities, they were still worried about Jia Min's safety because of the assassination of Jia Min in the group arena.

At least, they will send Jia Min to the city gate, and then come back to organize a day of normal training.

Light snow fell from the sky, and silent snowflakes fell quietly.

It is winter now, the days are short and the nights are long. Although it is Yin time, it is still dark.

Several people were walking on horseback when they heard someone shouting behind them.In an instant, a carriage chased after him.

When he got closer, it turned out that it was Ping'er and Qingwen who were chasing him.

Yesterday the two said they would go with Jia Min, but Jia Min refused.Unexpectedly, the two still came after them.

Jia Min persuaded them to go back, but they refused to leave.Jia Min had no choice but to take them with him.

There were no pedestrians on the road, and we soon arrived at the city gate.It was still dark at this time, and under normal circumstances, the gates of the city would not be open.

However, Wei Ruolan came here yesterday to say hello in advance, and there was a verbal agreement with the admiral of the Nine Gates before, so the soldiers guarding the gate are already waiting for them here.

Seeing a group of people coming, he opened the city gate and let them in.

Seeing that Ping'er and Qingwen were also here, they were afraid that it would be unsafe for them to wait outside after Jia Min entered the palace, so Feng Ziying and the others didn't go back, so they walked towards the city together.

It was true to be worried about Ping'er and Qingwen, but it was also true to want to go with Jia Min and share Jia Min's happiness.They were very willing to see the moment Jia Min walked into the palace with their own eyes.

The road was very quiet, there were no pedestrians on the street, and there were no lights in the houses on the side of the road.

Walking around a corner, Jia Min suddenly felt ominous.

At this moment, there was a bang not far away.The sound is very soft, if it is noisy during the day, it is very likely that you will not be able to hear it.However, in the dead of night, the sound is more obvious.

The people here are all connoisseurs, and they immediately think of the string-controlling sound when the bow and arrow are fired.

"Someone shoots an arrow, get off your horse!"

Jia Min yelled and jumped off his horse.At this moment, a swishing sound was heard, and the arrow had already been shot.

"Ping'er, Qingwen get down quickly."

As soon as Jia Min spoke, a scream came from the car.

"Chen Yejun and Lin Dajiang attack with me. You two are guarding the carriage here. Feng Ziying enters the carriage to check the situation."

As Jia Min said, he rushed towards the house at the corner, followed closely by Chen Yejun and Lin Dajiang.

Maybe it's because they haven't noticed that Jia Min and the others have already attacked, and there are arrows shooting towards the carriage from the house.

Jia Min quickly approached the house, followed by Chen Yejun and Lin Dajiang.

"You two go around and block the doors and windows, and I will rush in from the front."

Guessing that the two of them had already reached their positions, Jia Min seemed to want to rush in through the window.However, the arrows were stopped inside, and I remembered the sound of the door, and someone shouted "quick retreat!".

Without any hesitation, Jia Min took a few steps back and rushed towards the window. When he got there, he jumped up and smashed open the window with his shoulder.

As soon as I entered the room and rolled on the ground, I saw several figures running to the back.

Jia Minyang threw the knife, and there was a scream, and a figure fell to the ground.

At this moment, the sound of fighting came from behind.

It turned out that Chen Yejun and Lin Dajiang outflanked the past.

Jia Min rushed over and kicked one person down.Chen Yejun and Lin Dajiang also knocked down one person each.

"Two more escaped."

Lin Dajiang is going to chase.

"Stop chasing them, Chen Yejun is here to control these guys, follow me back to the carriage."

Just as Jia Min and Lin Dajiang walked back, they heard the sound of fighting coming from the carriage.

The two returned quickly, and saw five or six figures had already formed a ball there.It turned out that Feng Ziying and Wei Ruolan, who were staying here, fought with someone.

Seeing that two more people had returned, they shouted "The wind is tight, what a joke!" and were about to retreat.

Jia Min and the others were willing to let them go, and knocked down the three of them in one go.However, a few people still took advantage of the chaos and ran away.

"Well, is anyone hurt?"

Jia Min asked eagerly.

"We're fine, Ping'er was hit by an arrow."

As soon as he heard that Ping'er had been hit by an arrow, Jia Min's brain thumped, he got into the carriage and lit the fire.

Seeing Qingwen hugging Ping'er, she was already in tears.

Ping'er closed his eyes tightly, with two arrows stuck in his shoulders, he had already passed out.

Jia Min put his hand under Ping'er's nose and found that he was still breathing, so he felt relieved.

Although he was hit by two arrows, they were both on the shoulder, not a vital point, so his life was probably saved.

Jia Min got out of the car, and Chen Yejun also escorted someone over.

"Those few are dead, and this one is the only one left alive. Is there anyone alive here?"

"Here's another one."

Wei Ruolan picked up a guy from the ground.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us?"

Lin Dajiang asked sharply, but the two guys didn't say anything.

"You don't need to ask. Ziying, go to the Yamen to report to the officials. Chen Yejun, Wei Ruolan, Lin Dajiang, escort Ping'er and Qingwen back to Yedu Residence, and call the doctor for treatment immediately. Take these two people back to Yedu Ju. Wait for me to go back and interrogate."

After Jia Min gave his orders, he was about to leave.

"Officer Min."

Feng Ziying called Jia Min to stop.

"It's okay. Their target is me. They probably don't want me to appear in the hall. At that time, my Jinshi status will be gone."

"Let's go with you."

"It's more convenient for me to be alone. They want to stop me, but they don't have the ability. Obey the order and go."

Everyone knew that it was useless to talk about it, and Jia Min's arrangement was the best choice at this time, so they split up and Jia Min went forward alone.

Ping'er was injured, which made Jia Min feel very heartbroken, and made him even more angry.

Thinking of how Ping'er followed him to Yeduju, Jia Min felt a surge of tenderness in his heart.

This little girl who loves to flirt with him always takes care of herself so carefully and thinks of herself in everything.Even if he redeemed her, he was unwilling to leave, and was still willing to stay by his side.

This time, Jia Min was unwilling to ask her and Qingwen to go with her, but in the end she agreed to take the two of them.

Jia Min understood that Ping'er and Qingwen just wanted to see for themselves what he looks like today.One is to share his happiness, and the other is to wait for the opportunity in the future, so that they can show off their experiences today to others.

Although it is a little vanity, but also proud of Jia Min.Therefore, Jia Min is also willing to fulfill their innocent wish.

It's just two teenage girls, it's really nothing to think about it.Even a little cute.

Jia Min is not afraid of others plotting against him, but hurting Ping'er this time is absolutely intolerable.

Although Jia Min's relationship with the people in Jia's mansion has basically been handled smoothly, in Jia Min's heart, those people in the mansion are still different from people like Ping'er and Jiao Li.

Only people like Ping'er are his closest friends.They are like his family.In his heart, the status is very important.

Almost without thinking too much, just relying on intuition, Jia Min concluded that the person who attacked him this time must be related to Niu Jizong and Ma Shangde.

From the bus and horse carriage, to the false accusation in the township examination, to the assassination of the general examination, they have always been behind the scenes.

Now, the list is about to be released, and the road from Yeduju to the palace is their last chance to stop him.

Once they fail to enter the palace on time and are not present at the Hall of Supreme Harmony roll call, this year's Jinshi qualifications will be cancelled, and in this way, their goal has been achieved.

The person who attacked just now was different from the martial artist who plotted against him during the group arena.This is directly to his own life.

Moreover, the methods of attacking are relatively professional. After a little experience, you will know that they all have rich actual combat experience.Based on this alone, it is not comparable to those martial artists who have not experienced actual combat.

Who will be the person with actual combat experience?
There are nothing more than three kinds of people, one is soldiers, the other is bandits, and the third is rivers and lakes.

The first case can basically be ruled out.

Even if he offended some people, he would not use officers, soldiers or other official armed forces to deal with him.

Not to mention that he is a Jinshi of the new science, the son of the Jia family, even if he is a scholar, there is no force that would do this.Once things are revealed, no one can afford it.

I have no contact with bandits or people in the rivers and lakes, let alone any enmity.Even if they want to attack themselves, they have to weigh some of their identities, so under normal circumstances, they will not attack themselves.

As for whether they have obtained Jinshi status, it has nothing to do with them.

So, could this be an accidental highway robbery?Obviously not.

First, the goal is wrong.

My group just came out of the house temporarily, without warning in advance.He didn't take any belongings with him.I was wearing an official uniform, and several others were also wearing military uniforms and carrying weapons.Ordinary robbers, even if they met, would not dare to list themselves as robbery targets.

The second is that the time is wrong.

How could it be so coincidental to block the road and rob here in the early morning?They are all sleeping at this time, who will come out with a lot of belongings?

Again, the location is wrong.

If it's a robbery, it's easier to start outside the city, and it's easier to escape after you succeed. Why would you choose such a place in the city?Moreover, the scene was very close to the city gate, and there were many soldiers stationed at the city gate. If they wanted to ask for help, the soldiers there would be there soon.

The only explanation is that this group of people were hired.

After confirming this point, the black hands behind it became clear.

(End of this chapter)

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