The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 221 Chapter 0221 Chuanlu interception

Chapter 221 Chapter 0221

While walking, Jia Min chatted with Lao Yaozi, but none of them answered him, so he had to talk to himself.

"Old Yaozi, why did you become a bandit? Is it really that good to be in this line of work? Don't you guys drink in big bowls, eat meat in big chunks, and divide money in big scales?"

"You wander around in the mountains all day long. The mountains are green and the water is green. The air is good and there is no pollution. You eat all natural food and you are in good health."

"Where is your leader Lu Bawang now? You can talk if you want to, and don't if you don't want to. I know you value loyalty. I am also very particular, and I can't break your loyalty, so I don't ask too much. Yes, wait until you are in the government, and you can talk slowly."

"Do you know who bought you? Oh, I guess Lu Bawang won't tell you. Forget it, I won't ask you. Look at you, you have done an errand, and you don't even have to work for anyone. I don’t know, you really failed when you were a bandit.”

"Do you have any other accomplices? You should report to them and tell them not to come. You have seen my ability. They came and died for nothing."

"Oh, you can't report the letter now. You also said that you are loyal. It's this time, and you don't report a letter to your brothers, telling them to come and die for nothing..."

There were gradually pedestrians on the street, and when they saw the strange situation of Jia Min and his group, they all looked sideways.But seeing Jia Min wearing an official uniform, no one stepped forward to meddle in other people's affairs.

Gradually, we arrived at Dongdan.If you walk quickly, you can reach the gate of the Forbidden City in two quarters of an hour.

At the intersection leading to Chang'an Avenue, there was a man standing in the middle of the road.It was the glove man who used to be with Niu Jizong and others.

Of course, this time I was still wearing a pair of gloves.It's winter, so it's not strange to wear gloves this time.

Two feet away, Jia Min stopped.

"You said that you wear a glove all day long, are you tired?"

Jia Min said with a smile.

"Jia Min, don't force me to take out my hand. If I make a move, I will die."

The glove man's face was livid, and he looked cool.

"Why don't you come here?"

"As long as you don't go there and stay here for two hours, I will let you go."

"Where are Niu Jizong and the others, aren't they here?"

"It's a small matter, no one else needs to do it."

"You can't stop me, I don't want to kill you, you go."

Jia Min really didn't want to kill him.

"The reward of cannibalism is the matter of loyalty."

The glove man is unmoved.

"Do you know who they are? Bandits from Wulong Mountain. They have the same purpose as you. Let me tell you, the matter of Niu Jizong and Marshangde is too much to play with. You can't afford to go through this muddy water." .Did they really think that there is no kingly law in the world?"

"Just to prevent me from getting a Jinshi background, the price they paid is a bit too high. Since I dare to come out alone, I am not afraid of this. You are not my opponent, let's go, don't put yourself in for nothing ,unworthy."

Still indifferent.

"Well, it seems that it is useless to tell you again. One last word of advice, there is a price to be paid for pretending to be aggressive. You guys, stay here honestly, don't think about taking the opportunity to slip away, don't you It’s called unpredictable.”

"You go first."

The glove man said coldly.

"You don't need a weapon, and I don't need a weapon, so that you won't be dissatisfied if you lose. But let me tell you in advance, if you lose, I will send you to an official."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The glove man forgot the promise he made just now, and made the first move.

Jia Min has always suspected that the glove man is not just wearing gloves, it is very likely that there will be some secrets in the gloves, such as hidden weapons or something.

Therefore, when fighting against him, try to avoid touching his gloves directly.

The glove man still has some skills, and he also has some strength on the offensive. It seems that the name of Iron Palm Opener is still reasonable.

However, his moves are a bit too rigid.

These moves, in the eyes of ordinary people or martial arts people, seem to be dazzling, but in many cases, the practicality is much worse.In Jia Min's eyes, most of the time, it's just a show.

Competition is one thing, actual combat is another.The reputation of the king of soldiers is accumulated by the ability to kill people. As long as you can kill people, whatever method works, what method is simple, and whatever method is used, where will I tell you about those moves, and wait there obediently for you to do the moves? Enough, send it to your door and wait to be beaten?

Jia Min didn't use his hands, he just used his feet to spar with the gloved man.

Old Yaozi and the others had been beaten by Jia Min until they had a nervous breakdown, and they resigned to their fate in a flash.Seeing someone come to intercept Jia Min now, his mind came alive.

At this time, seeing the two of them fighting each other, they thought that the time had come, they gave each other a wink, and ran away.

Jia Min has long been on guard against their move, how can they take advantage of them?
After forcing the gloved man back three times in a row, he caught up with the old kite in a few steps, grabbed his collar, and slammed him back.Then he jumped high and kicked the other two guys to the ground with one kick.

After they landed, they were not polite, and with one in each hand, they threw them onto the branch of the tree.

The old kite still wanted to get up, but Jia Min went over and stomped him on the ground.The glove man attacked, and Jia Min fought with him while stepping on the old kite.

Pedestrians on the road stopped when they saw the fight here, but no one dared to move forward, they just watched from a distance.

Seeing more and more people watching, Jia Min became impatient.At this time, the sky was already bright, and he didn't have much time, so he moved his foot and kicked the old Yaozi's neck, and the old Yaozi passed out immediately.

Now, Jia Min decided to start to deal with the glove man severely.

I have told him everything that should be said, but I am still so ignorant of flattery, so there is no need to be polite to him anymore.

Outside the Forbidden City, beside the Jinshui Bridge, under the Huabiao Pillar, this year's new scholars have arrived one after another.

Minister of War Li Yuan and his two deputies, Cheng Shilang and Niu Shilang, had already arrived.Two Yuanwailang and two scribes are responsible for counting the new subjects.

Because today's occasion is very important, the Xinke Jinshi all came earlier, and some even arrived at the beginning of Mao.

On the other side of the Jinshui Bridge, the princes, nobles, civil and military officials who participated in today's Golden Palace Biography, are gathering together at this time, talking about something with each other.

Ma Qingshan has searched several times, but he still hasn't seen Jia Min.

In fact, he also knew that it was useless to find him.Because the roll call has already been done twice, and Jia Min hasn't arrived yet.However, he couldn't help but look for it.

Jia Min was repeatedly plotted against in the group arena, and in the end he humiliated Ma Shangde to his heart's content. In addition, he also heard some legends about the grievances between Jia Min and Ma Shangde, so he was concerned about the relationship between Ma Shangde and Jia Min. With a rough assessment.

Seeing that Jia Min hadn't arrived yet, he paid attention to Ma Shangde.

Marchande came neither early nor late, and seemed to be in good spirits, with a smug look.When we see anyone, we don't care whether we know each other or not, we just smile and say hello.

Wearing a brand-new official uniform, it fits very well, but it is a good-looking talent that sets off Ma Shangde.Although it was snowing, it couldn't hide his proud look.

The scribe called the roll for the third time, but Jia Min still hadn't arrived.

All the other 106 people came, except Jia Min.

As a result, people began to talk about it, even if they were strangers, many people began to accuse Jia Min of being ignorant of current affairs.

Although it is said that Chenshi entered the palace, and it is not yet Chenshi, but as a new scholar, he can't come according to the time.

Li Yuan's complexion was a bit unfriendly, revealing a sullen look.However, Niu Shilang and Cheng Shilang looked relaxed.

At the entrance of Dongdan Street, Feng Ziying has arrived here with some soldiers.

After he broke up with Jia Min, he went to the Yamen to report the case.The nearest one is the Yamen of Shuntian Prefecture. After going there, there is only an old watchman at the gate of the Yamen.After talking for a long time, the watchman came in slowly, and came out to say that the elders were not there and told Feng Ziying to come back at dawn.

Feng Ziying had no choice but to go to the Zhongcheng Bingma Division of the Wucheng Bingma Division. After inquiring, it happened that the deputy commander Qiu Liang was on duty at night.When Qiu Liangting heard that it was Feng Ziying, he hurriedly got up to meet him. When he heard that it was Jia Min who was attacked, he quickly summoned more than ten people and came all the way.

Hurry up and catch up, and finally catch up.

At this time, the fight between Jia Min and the glove man is coming to an end.The glove man's hands had already been taken out of the glove.Although Iron Palm Open Stele Hand had some strength, it couldn't withstand Jia Min's iron fists.After being beaten by Jia Min, he almost lost the power to fight back, let alone fight back.

Seeing Feng Ziying coming, Jia Min kicked the gloved man down, and the soldiers rushed forward, and the gloved man was captured without a fight.

After briefly explaining to Qiu Liang, the soldiers took Lao Yaozi and the others together, and walked towards the Forbidden City together.

At this time, among the Xinke Scholars waiting by the Jinshui Bridge, Ma Qingshan and Sun Yuanfei were most anxious.

Just when they were extremely anxious, they saw a group of people coming from the west.When they got closer, people recognized from the clothes that this was the man from Wucheng Bingmasi.It seems that there are still a few prisoners in custody.

Looking again, I saw Jia Min among them.Ma Qingshan and Sun Yuanfei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Marchangde again at this time, he saw his dead-like face and his surprised mouth that seemed to fit a steamed bun.

Li Yuan's expression softened a bit, while the expressions of Niu Shilang and Cheng Shilang became very depressed, completely different from the beaming look just now.

Although Jia Min came, his appearance was a bit awkward.The three-branch nine-leaf crown is deformed, and the original appearance can barely be seen.

On a new official uniform, there are blood spots everywhere.There was a large amount of blood on the shoulder.

With this appearance, if he goes to see the Holy One, if he is not happy, he can be punished for his misdemeanor, so Li Yuan became angry again.It wasn't until Qiu Liang said something to him that his face softened.

At this moment, Dai Quan, the great eunuch, came out, ready to have an audience with Jinshi Xuanxin Kewu.Seeing Jia Min's appearance, he was also taken aback.It wasn't until Li Yuan explained it to him that he understood.

Walking up to Jia Min, he patted Jia Min on the shoulder.

"Hey, little brother, I thought you could win the first prize. This time, I'm afraid the cooked duck is going to fly. Come on, come in with me."

(End of this chapter)

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