The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 324 What to do about impeachment

Chapter 324 What to do about impeachment

After defeating the four major tribes, the two sides reached a new covenant. From then on, Bu Kui could live in peace with the four major tribes.

This point is very important to Bu Kui.From then on, people can live here with peace of mind.

A peaceful and stable environment is also very beneficial to the development of Bukui's economy.Otherwise, this place may be trampled to the ground by prairie cavalry at any time, who would dare to come here to do business?

Therefore, in the past two days, people from all walks of life in Bukui have been in joy.

However, there are also people who are in distress.

A typical representative is Jiang Mingqian, the imperial envoy.

The main reason for his sorrow was naturally the memorial to impeach Jia Min that he sent out a few days ago.

If Jia Min loses this battle and impeaches Jia Min himself, even if he does not make meritorious service, at least he will not have much responsibility.

However, now that Jia Min has won, his impeachment papers are a big problem.

Jia Min received more than 60 taels of tribute silver, even if he kept half of it and handed it over to the emperor, there would still be more than 30 taels of silver.Since then, prefectures and counties have been established here, and a large number of officials can be placed here.

Coupled with Jia Min's achievements in the reform of exile affairs, this kind of credit, looking at the current imperial court, few people can do it.

It's too late for others to congratulate Jia Min, but he wants to impeach Jia Min. Isn't this just courting death?
If I go back in the future, it will definitely become a joke of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.Even the emperor would at least have to reprimand him.

With this bad record, his future career will be extremely bleak.

The problem wasn't just about impeachment. The matter of leaving Bu Kui, fleeing to Mazhuang, and finally hiding in the haystack was also a flaw.

Just about the memorial, I can also excuse that I miscalculated the situation.After all, in that case, it is possible to miss it.

However, when Jia Min led the soldiers to fight bloody battles on the front line, and even the female relatives of Jia Min's family were on the street to comfort people, he ran to hide in the Mazhuang.Before getting the exact news, he had to set off to return to the imperial capital.No matter how you say it, it is unreasonable.

A discerning person can tell at a glance that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, and timid before the battle.

With the previous impeachment papers and this one, I am completely finished.Even if he is not dismissed and investigated, what face do he have to gain a foothold in front of his colleagues?

At that time, it would be a great mercy for the emperor to ask for the bones and let him return to his hometown for the elderly.

Alas, I have been an official all my life and I am getting old, how could I make such a mistake?
But what would you do if you were someone else?

In that situation, who would think that Jia Min could win?

The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, including the emperor, didn't think Jia Min could win, and they all told him to play it safe and not to be overjoyed. Whoever comes here must do what I do?
"Master, have you figured out a way?"

"Shiweng, for the present plan, I have no choice but to talk to Huaiyuan."

"How? Talk about what? Go and tell him that I've already made up my mind to impeach you? If he asks, why did you impeach me? What should I say?"

"This matter is indeed difficult, but if Huaiyuan can't get his understanding, he will expose us to Mazhuang in a fit of anger, and catastrophe will be imminent. Even if we said that we went there to inspect You can't hide it from anyone."

"I'm also worried about this."

"So, now I have to ask Huaiyuan to admit his mistake, treat each other with sincerity, and ask for his understanding."

"Even if he forgives, it won't help the matter. The note has been sent out, and I can't get it back."

"I've already figured out a way. As long as I ask Huaiyuan for a good word, things may turn around. Huaiyuan is a generous person, so he must understand Shiweng's difficulties."

"What's your plan? As long as you can get Huaiyuan's understanding, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

"My lord has to act like this..."

Master Wang got up, saw that there was no one outside, came back and whispered an idea to Jiang Mingqian.

After hearing this, Jiang Mingqian sighed again.

"Well, that's all there is to it, I hope this plan will work."

On August 26, in order to thank Jia Min for his hospitality and to celebrate Bu Kui's new covenant with the four tribes.Imperial envoy Jiang Mingqian hosted a private banquet for Jia Min and his accompanying female family members.

This banquet is quite special.It was not held in the post house, nor in the tavern on Bukui Street, but in Shuiwanzi Guanzhuang, which is Bukui's experimental farm.

According to Mr. Wang, the reason why he chose to go there was to experience Bu Kui's country style.Moreover, it is very close to the Songhua River, so you can fish nearby and eat fresher food.

Although this reason is a bit reluctant, people are too lazy to guess more when the imperial envoy treats guests.

Although no one else was invited, only Chief Min and his family members were invited, and the people were also happy.After all, the imperial envoy's invitation to treat guests also indirectly gave them face.

The Imperial Envoy's treat is really a private banquet.

Roe deer meat, venison, sand half chicken, pheasant, hericium, bracken, celery, big ear hair and other mountain delicacies are all bought by themselves and processed here.

Only the fish was brought up by Du Qingshan who sent someone to bring him from the river.

The table is full of mountain delicacies and game, and the aroma is overwhelming.

Jiang Shilang took the main seat, followed by Baochai, Miaoyu, Ping'er, Shen Bingyi, and Qingwen.

After obtaining Jiang Shilang's consent, Jia Min also invited the deputy director of the experimental farm, Saivante and his wife, to the banquet.

Du Qingshan, the manager of the experimental farm, accompanied him and served the wine bureau.

The Servantes are kind, rigorous and dedicated.The reindeer breeding, mink domestication, tobacco multiplication and tobacco curing projects they are in charge of are progressing very fast and have achieved results that have exceeded Jia Min's expectations.

Inviting them here is not only an expression of respect for them, but also an affirmation of their work.

Regarding the charges against the two, Jia Min was actually rather skeptical.He had had an in-depth conversation with them, learned about their convictions and their exile, and had decided in his heart that they were wronged.

Calling them here is also to get to know Jiang Shilang, and hope that Jiang Shilang can provide some help when rehabilitating them in the future.

Because of the topic of Bu Kui's great victory, the atmosphere was very relaxed when talking.

Jiang Shilang first praised Baochai and others for their heroic feat of quarreling and fighting with Rose in the street that day, and then expressed his apology tactfully.He also praised Baochai for reprimanding him that day.

In the end, the girls praised her so much that they couldn't find it, and thought: But it was because I couldn't stand it at the time, so I just came forward. How could there be so much meaning?

However, the compliment from the imperial envoy still made them very happy.Qingwen said on the spot that if something like this happens again in the future, she will be the first to make a move.

The girls have now started to lead the army with the government army regiment, and Chen Yejun specially sent Li Gui to train them. Although they worked hard every day, they gritted their teeth and persevered.

After eating a meal for an hour and a half, the guests and hosts had a good time before breaking up.The girls were very curious about the Servantes couple, so they went to visit and chat with them.

Jia Min and Jiang Shilang walked out of Guanzhuang and went for a walk by the river.

It was late autumn at this time, and the sky was getting colder.In the fields in the distance, there are still farmers harvesting crops.It presents an idyllic scene.

Walking to the river, seeing no one around, Jiang Shilang suddenly knelt down for Jia Min.

Jia Min was taken aback, and hurriedly helped Jiang Shilang up.

"Why is Mr. Jiang doing this? Please stand up and talk, it's going to hurt Jia Min."

"I feel guilty for doing something wrong to Huaiyuan. Only in this way can I feel at ease."

"Master Jiang, why did you say that? How can I be sorry to be an official, so hurry up and speak up if you have something to say."

As he spoke, he forcibly pulled Jiang Shilang up.Jiang Shilang wanted to kneel again, so Jia Min had no choice but to let him sit down and sit down himself.

Jiang Shilang stopped kneeling and told what happened.

Even though Jia Min was used to seeing the situation, after hearing it, he was very surprised.

"Hey, why is Master Jiang so anxious? Even if you want to impeach me, why not wait a few days longer, or when you go back, there is still time."

"I'm really ashamed. At the beginning, I just wanted to get rid of myself, and later I was greedy for life and fear of death, so I was blind and misjudged the situation. After all, it was the old man who made such a big mistake for his own selfishness."

"Oh, forget it. Although the adults are a little anxious about this matter, it is understandable. Although I know that I am going to launch a war against the four major tribes, but outsiders are indeed no one is optimistic about it. It’s normal not to understand.”

"Now that a big mistake has been made, please ask Huaiyuan to help make it right. This old man will definitely remember his kindness and virtue."

"My lord wants me to help you, but if I can do it, I will help you."

"Actually, it's simple. As long as you and I jointly present the report and state the great victory, we can say that the impeachment script was discussed in advance by you and me, and that's fine."

I'll discuss with you beforehand to impeach myself.Am I sick?

"As for the reason, it is said that the two of us staged a bitter trick, the purpose is to confuse the four major tribes, and make them think that you are about to be dismissed and investigated, so you have a heart to underestimate the enemy, so you prepare in secret, It caught them off guard."

Sigh, it's such a bad idea, how much energy do I need to beat them?I also impeach myself, am I self-abuse?

"Master Jiang, it's okay for me to take this name. It's just that the traces of the axe and chisel are too obvious, and I'm afraid it won't fool the discerning people."

When Jia Min said this, he didn't mean to shirk.Just because of this reason, it is really hard to be convincing.

"I also know that this matter is a bit reluctant, but at this time you and I are relying on the prestige of Bu Kui's great victory. It's too late for the emperor and the civil and military officials to be happy. I don't think they will care about it, so we will investigate it carefully. We have won such a big victory. Naturally, How to say it makes sense."

I fought the battle, so what does it have to do with you?You are greedy for life and afraid of death and ran to the Mazhuang to hide. If I win one day later, you will slip away.

Alas, forget it, why bother with him, might as well just fulfill him once.See you in the future too.With this favor, when something finds him in the future, he will think it over.

"If Mr. Jiang thinks this matter is feasible, he will do it according to your idea. At that time, I will jointly sign it. If someone asks, the next official will agree to this matter."

"Then I would like to thank Huaiyuan. Such a great kindness and virtue must be remembered in my heart. In the future, I will be driven, and I will do like a dog."

"Master Jiang is serious. I also want to thank you for catching me. Otherwise, there would be no chance to make such a contribution."

"Hehe, Huaiyuan, back then I saw that your future achievements would be limitless, that's why I strongly recommended you to Li Shangshu. Looking back now, I can be said to be a hero with discerning eyes."

Seeing that Jia Min agreed to him, Jiang Shilang was in a good mood, and inadvertently revealed his hypocritical nature.

(End of this chapter)

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