Chapter 411

Luoyan Lake is the largest lake on the North Wendura grassland, and the whole lake is in the shape of a gourd.The length is hundreds of miles, the narrowest point is more than 20 miles, and the widest point is more than 40 miles.

There are many islands in the middle of Luoyan Lake, and the one where Jia Min and Chang An are located is actually only a small one, called Dayu Island.It got its name because it looks like a big fish.

There are at least five or six islands in the center of the lake that are bigger than Dayu Island.Badger Island is the largest one.

The biggest difference between Badger Island and other islands is not that it is the largest, but the difference in terrain.

There are two peaks protruding from the island, and there are rocks on the mountains.Because of the rich vegetation, there are also many products in the mountains, and there are many birds and animals.

Although there are no large and ferocious beasts such as tigers, bears, leopards, and wolves, there are quite a few such things as badgers, raccoons, otters, minks, marmots, pheasants, hares, and flying dragons.

Among them, there are the most badgers, so it is called Badger Island.

There are no fixed residents on Dayu Island, but there are dozens of families on Badger Island.Basically they make a living by fishing and hunting and gathering in the mountains.

The reason why Badger Island is famous is not because of the products here, but because there is a temple here: Shuangfeng Temple.

Shuangfeng Temple was built by a wandering monk and has a history of more than 100 years.

It is said to be a temple, but it is actually very small.There is only one main hall and two supporting halls.The remaining buildings are the Zhaitang, the hut, and the Sutra Pavilion.

Because it is alone on the island in the middle of the lake, and the transportation is inconvenient, there are very few believers here.

In fact, in the North Wendura Grassland, even if it is not located on the island in the middle of the lake, the incense of the temple will not be strong.

Because there are not many people who believe in Buddhism here, the vast majority of people believe in shamanism.

Shamanism is a very primitive religion. It has no main god, that is, there is no supreme god who dominates everything.

In many cases, it has become similar to a folklore.

However, among the upper-level rulers of North Wendura, there are still some Buddhists.

Therefore, part of the support of Shuangfeng Temple comes from some tribal leaders, elders and some wealthy people.

Other support needs to be self-sufficient.

It mainly comes from the monastery's forty or fifty acres of land.In addition, it is the labor income of the dozen or so servants in the monastery, including the income from collecting medicinal materials.

Originally, fishing and hunting were also a rich source of income, but because of killing animals, monasteries could not do it.

The abbot of the monastery is Master Jueneng, who has a disciple named Chang Jin.The real clergy, just the two of them.

Jueneng has a 17-year-old daughter named Tana.It was born before Jue Neng became a monk.Because his mother passed away and he had no one to rely on, Jueneng took his daughter with him.

Although the monks pay attention to all four things being empty, they are not ruthless and unrighteous, abandoning their daughter and leaving her alone and helpless, which also violates the teaching of compassion.

However, Jueneng has recently taken in a new apprentice, and he is currently practicing with Dai Fa.

This apprentice is a Han native.He was a prisoner of war in the North Vendura War.His name is Jia Baoyu.

Jia Baoyu is Jueneng's apprentice as well as his son-in-law.He betrothed his daughter Tana to Jia Baoyu.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when walking the deep Prajna Paramita for a long time, sees that the five aggregates are all empty, and overcomes all hardships. Relic, the color is not different from the empty, the empty is not different from the color, the color is empty, the empty is the color, and the thought is recognized. The same is true. Son, it is the empty form of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing."

Baoyu sat on the futon, meditating in his heart.

This "Heart Sutra", he can almost recite it backwards now.

In Shuangfeng Temple, except for some scriptures, there are no other books.In an environment with no friends or acquaintances, scriptures are his only reliance to relieve his loneliness.

"That's why there is no color in the air, no thoughts, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, fragrance, vision, even unconsciousness, ignorance, and even death without old age. Exhaustion. There is no suffering, no wisdom and no gain, because there is no gain. Bodhisattva, according to Prajna Paramita, there is no hindrance to the heart, no hindrance, no terror, far away from upside-down dreams, and Nirvana. III All Buddhas, according to Prajna Paramita, have attained anuttara-samyak-sambodhi."

As he read it, he made a sound.However, Baoyu himself didn't seem to realize it.

From the perspective of others at this time, it seems that he has entered a state of concentration.

In fact, it makes sense to look at it this way.At this time, Baoyu seems to be in a dream.

"Heart Sutra" can expel demons, purify the heart, and let people find their original self.

But where is my id now?
Am I that Jia Baoyu from Rongguo Mansion?Am I the one who killed the loyal servant Mingyan just to save my own life?
Am I the younger brother of Concubine Jia, the nephew of Prince Teng, the governor of the capital?

So.How did I become a slave to the Tartars?

Who am I?How did I come here?
In the past, in my dreams, I often dreamed that I was with a monk with a scarlet head and a Taoist priest, wandering around. Could it be that Yunyou has come here now?
"It is known that Prajna Paramita is a great god mantra, a great Ming mantra, a supreme mantra, an infinite mantra, which can eliminate all suffering, and is true and true. Therefore, to say the Prajna Paramita mantra, that is, to say the mantra: uncovering the truth, uncovering the truth, Paradise reveals the truth, Parasangha reveals the truth, and Bodhi Sapoha."

"Baoyu, Baoyu."

A female voice remembered.

Baoyu woke up from the artistic conception of "Heart Sutra".

Who is calling me?Is it Daiyu?How did Daiyu come here?

Baoyu stood up from the futon and looked around, but found no one.

He remembered that Master Jueneng had gone out yesterday, and it seemed that he had gone to the headman's house of the Votel tribe.

Master Chang Jin took his servants to hunt pasture. Shuangfeng Temple has four horses, so it still needs a lot of pasture in winter.

As soon as Baoyu thought of the leader of the Votel tribe, he thought of Jia Rong, Jia Huan, and Mingyan.

I remembered the day when I was caught by the Voters.

How could Third Brother Huan be so cruel and kill Brother Rong?How could I be so cruel and kill Mingyan?

Did I do such a thing?
Where did Big Brother Xue go?Had he already escaped?If he escapes, will someone come and rescue us?

Who will come?Is it the second brother Lian or the fourth brother Min?
Will fourth brother Min come?Would he still be angry if he didn't listen to him back then and just wanted to gain military merit?
Alas, what kind of military exploits are you earning?What's the use of being an official?It's just a false name.

A pair of stinky skins, don't bring it with you when you are born, don't take it with you after death, emptiness is form, form is emptiness, colorless in the air, no thoughts, thoughts, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, fragrance, and touch.

"Baoyu, Baoyu."

A woman came and walked in gradually.She has a puffy stomach and is pregnant, so she has some inconvenience in moving.

However, there was a happy smile on his face.

Baoyu came back to his senses.

This is his wife Tana.

For Tana, Baoyu has complicated feelings.

Sometimes, he felt that Tana was Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who came here to save suffering.

After being caught that day, he was sent to the headman's mansion as a slave.

Every day, he either removes the mud from the mud, cuts grass and shears sheep, or picks up water and cow dung.

In short, it is endless work and work.

What I eat every day is fried yellow rice, or corn mush. I can't eat enough for a meal. In the middle of the night, I often wake up hungry.

Every night, I was locked in the cellar, with more than [-] people crowded together, and it was difficult to turn over.If you get up to relieve yourself, you won't even have a place to sleep when you go back.

Countless mosquitoes seem to bite endlessly, and there are almost no good spots all over the body, which is painful and itchy.Make life worse than death.

When working, as long as the movement is a little slower, the leather whip will be on the upper body.

Thinking about it now, Baoyu doesn't even know how he survived those days.

Just when he felt that he could no longer support him, Master Jueneng took Tana to the headman's mansion.

That day Tana was watching them unpacking, not knowing what was going on, so she smiled at Baoyu.

At that time, Baoyu thought of Daiyu.It seems that Tana is the incarnation of Daiyu.

But then he understood that it wasn't Daiyu, it was just a strange girl.

After a while, the housekeeper came and saw Baoyu with a smile all over his face.

The butler is usually unsmiling.As long as he smiled at any slave, that would suffer.

Either be beaten half to death, or punished to do more hard labor.

Now, he smiled at Baoyu, and Baoyu felt that he was about to face disaster again.

The steward led Baoyu into a room, gave him a new set of clothes, a pair of new shoes, and told him to wash his face and comb his hair for the first time.

Then he was led to the headman's house.

Baoyu didn't know what they were going to do by themselves.However, he can't decide everything by himself. He can only do what others tell him to do.

Otherwise, they will be whipped, or hung up and beaten, or tied with ropes and dragged on the grassland by horses.

The headman gave Baoyu two ways, one is to continue to be a slave with him, the other is to marry a girl as his wife.

This girl is Tana.

It turned out that it was Tana who fell in love with him and asked her father Jueneng, and Jueneng asked Baoyu from the leader to be her son-in-law.

Without thinking, Baoyu agreed to marry Tana.How could he let go of such an opportunity to escape from slavery?

Baoyu didn't know why Tana fell in love with him, but it was true that he followed Juaneng and Tana to Badger Island and escaped the fate of being a slave.

Here, he married Tana and began a life that seemed heavenly compared to slaves.

He no longer has to do those hard labors, and no one beats or scolds him anymore. Although it can't compare with the life in Rongguo Mansion, he is also the master here.

When the people on Badger Island saw him, they would also call him a master.

All of this was brought to him by Tana.

"Baoyu, it's getting cold, add a leather coat."

Tana put a lambskin coat on Baoyu's body.

"Tana, is Brother Chang Jin back?"

"Not yet, they need to get more dried vegetables, pickle them in a few days, and save them for winter."

"Why not pickle it now?"

"There's no vat left, but don't worry, the lake will freeze in a few days, so go to Dayu Island and push the vat there over the ice, then you can pickle vegetables."

"Why does Dayu Island still have our tank?"

"My father used to have a practice house there, and there was everything there."

"There's still a house there? I'm going to have a look someday."

"If you want to see it, I will take you there in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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