Chapter 510
On September 17, the 23th year of Yuanheng, Emperor Yuanheng passed away.

On September 24, the crown prince ascended the throne and changed his name to Tianyou, which is the first year of Tianyou.

Tianyou Tianzi issued an imperial edict on the second day after he ascended the throne, ordering Luo Qihua to re-enter the Cabinet Military Aircraft Department to replace the Lu University scholar who had been ill for a long time.Luo Qihua became the de facto chief bachelor of the Military Aircraft Department.

Minister of the household department, acting as the minister of the household department, and Luo Musheng, the former servant of the Hanlin Academy, took over the position of the minister of the household department.

Li Yuan, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, because of his meritorious service in recruiting and training new troops, he was added to the crown prince to protect his title.

Xiao Daozong of the Metropolitan Procuratorate reported that the King of Jin had conspired against him. He practiced private troops in Shanxi, concealed weapons, and made dragon robes privately. He was suspected of treason.

Jin Wang intended to rebel, and the crime was heinous, but thinking of the brotherhood, Tianyou couldn't bear to kill him, and gave Bai Ling a foot to make him commit suicide.

The King of Chu and the King of Jin have always been on good terms with each other. They knew about the rebellion of the King of Jin and did not raise any questions. They should have committed the same crime as the King of Jin. Thinking of their brotherhood, they planned to strip the title of the King of Chu and demote him to a commoner.In the restricted house, the Jiaozong mansion strictly controlled it.

One month later, King Dongping, King Nan'an, and King Xining jointly filed a memorial requesting the removal of the San Francisco. God Bless the Emperor forbade it, and comforted the three kings.

Ten days later, Xiao Daozong of the Metropolitan Procuratorate gave a report and received reports from Jiangxi Province. The Prince Tengjing camp stationed in Jiujiang had not fought for several years. He spent his military pay in Jiujiang, and some soldiers often went out to harass the local people.

Li Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Luo Musheng, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, said that the current taxation of the imperial court is tight, and the Beijing camp is stationed in Jiujiang, which costs a lot.The Beijing camp should be transferred back to the imperial capital, and the duty of defending the imperial capital should be resumed.

The Grand Master Luo of the Military Aircraft Department played a performance, saying that Wang Ziteng, the envoy of the Jingying Festival, is commendable for his loyalty and outstanding achievements. He should be promoted to the Military Aircraft Department and become a cabinet bachelor.

Prince Zhongshun, Yin Jiayucun of Shuntian Prefecture and others seconded the proposal, God Bless the Son of Heaven.When the Beijing camp was ordered to return to Beijing, Wang Ziteng immediately set off to return to the court and became a bachelor.

Yin Xiutonggui of the former Shuntian Mansion verified the corruption and exiled Bu Kui.

The king of Beijing is water-melted, doing nothing, laying his corpse on a vegetarian meal, stopping inspections and training military horses, remembering the merits of his ancestors, and ordering him to go home and reflect, and he is not allowed to leave the imperial capital without an edict.

Sun Tongren, the leader of Jinyi Army, was promoted to general and also served as the admiral of the Nine Sects after his meritorious service in North Wendura.

He Jialin, the former general of the Beijing Camp, was transferred to the prefect of Yulin.

Luo Fengshan, the former general of the Beijing camp, was transferred to the magistrate of Datong.

One month after the evacuation of the Beijing-based Jiujiang camp, banditry broke out again in Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Guangdong.

God Bless ordered San Francisco to send troops to suppress the bandits.Because of the huge cost of sending troops, the San Francisco requested the imperial court to allocate 100 million taels of salary.

After the court discussion of the Military Aircraft Department, God Bless the Son of Heaven to play, and allocated 100 million taels of silver.

Due to the floods in Zhili and the south of the Yangtze River, some of the flooded areas were originally exempted from some taxes.Due to the lack of annual revenue, we request that the original tax reduction and exemption policy for the flood-hit areas be stopped, and that taxes be collected as usual.

After the court discussion of the Military Aircraft Department, God Bless the Son of Heaven will play it.

In order to stabilize the northern frontier, Bu Kui was placed under the control of General Ningguta again.

The tribes in North Wendura owed tribute to the imperial court for 70 years, and they were ordered to hand it over within a time limit.If you fail to pay within the time limit, General Ning Guta will punish you.

After receiving the payment, San Francisco sent troops to Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Guangdong to start suppressing bandits.

In the twelfth lunar month of the first year of Tianyou, Dongping King Han Tiandou led an army of [-] troops into Guangdong and stationed in Guangzhou.

Gwangju is the capital of Guangdong, and it has been open for decades. The Shisanhang Commercial Bank, which was approved by the imperial court, has been operating here for decades. It is the main foreign trade center of the Daedeok Empire.

The tax money paid by the thirteen banks accounted for a quarter of the imperial court's annual revenue, second only to the Jiangnan area.

So far, San Francisco has controlled the first important source of income.

The new emperor ascended the throne, and all the ministers were diligent.There is no one who should go up, and no one will fall.

Even if some of them were not in good health, they came with their sick bodies, and no one asked for leave.

Anyone can settle this account.If you don't behave positively at this time, the emperor will think that it is intentional neglect, and it will be difficult in the future.

However, the taste of going to court seems to be uncomfortable.Because there is almost no good news in the discussion now.

The center of the discussion in the early court today is one word: "money".

The imperial court is very short of money now.

In the suppression of bandits in the south, money was spent like running water.Although a lot of money has been spent, the banditry seems to have not been eliminated, but has become more and more serious.

It turned out that it was only Guangdong and Guangxi, Hunan and Jiangxi were troubled by banditry, and now banditry has begun to spread to Hubei and Anhui.Yesterday the Ministry of War received a report that banditry also appeared in Fujian.

In Jiangsu and Zhejiang, bandits from the Red Lotus Sect also began to gather.

Today, there are more than 40 soldiers and horses in San Francisco, and more than 30 people have begun to attack and suppress bandits everywhere.

These banditry problems appeared very strangely, almost overnight, in various places at the same time, and the more the bandits were suppressed, the more serious the banditry problems would be.

The speed of spread is also very fast, and the area is also very wide.

The armies of the local governments are basically helpless against the local banditry.Only when the soldiers and horses of San Francisco arrive, can the situation be slightly controlled.

"All my loves, now you all know about the banditry, so tell me how to solve the problem of salary?"

Regarding the matter of money, Tianyou Tianzi also has a headache.

All the ministers looked at me and I looked at you, but they were unwilling to say anything.

"Hubu, tell me what to do?"

Tianyou began to order Luo Musheng, the Minister of the Ministry of household affairs.

"Reporting to the emperor, I thought about it day and night, and came up with two ideas."

"Oh, have an idea? Okay, okay, tell me quickly."

"First of all, the current imperial court's income is insufficient, and it costs a lot of money to suppress bandits everywhere. However, in the imperial capital and various places, there are many wealthy businessmen and wealthy families who have managed for many generations and accumulated huge wealth. , It should be effective. Under the cover of the nest, how can there be no eggs, and the skin will not survive? The emperor can order these families to offer their property to relieve their urgent needs."

What Luo Hanlin said caused the ministers to discuss in private.The Hall of Supreme Harmony suddenly buzzed.

"Well, this move is also a solution, dear friends, does anyone have any objections?"

Who has an objection?Many people have objections, but who can stand up against it at this time.

"All the lovers are people who know the general situation. This move is in line with the law of heaven and the will of the people. But, Luo Aiqing, how much of your idea are you going to come up with?"

"Going back to the emperor, although I have a poor family, I am still willing to contribute to the emperor. I plan to pawn off several ancestral houses and some land for 1 taels."

"Okay, Luo Aiqing is so high-spirited and honest, others will follow suit, just according to your number, 1 taels per family, that's it. Your second idea."

"Returning to the emperor, the second idea is that I heard that there are some noble families who have been burdened by the emperor's favor and do not want to repay the emperor's favor. , Living up to the grace of the saints, the people are very angry, they should be investigated and dealt with. Firstly, justice can be restored, and secondly, their illegal talents can be checked to make up for the lack of military expenditure.”

"Well, yes. The Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Shuntian Mansion, you all need to pay more attention to this matter. Dear friends, does anyone have any objections?"

This time, will anyone have any objections?
Who has an objection?Do you have an objection?What do you mean?Are you scared?Is there something you can't see?Are you afraid that people will check you?

Whoever dares to jump out to object at this time may be the first to take you under the knife.

"Your Majesty, I have objections."

Huh?There are still people who dare to come out to oppose, who is so courageous.

It turned out to be Yang Kui, the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

"Oh, Yang Aiqing, why do you object?"

"Returning to the emperor, there are wealthy businessmen and powerful families, some of whom are very rich. However, some families have long since declined, and they just barely maintain their livelihood and dignity. It is really difficult to ask them to hand over their money."

"Besides, this is an extraordinary time. If someone has committed a crime, he should investigate and deal with it. However, I am afraid that someone will take this opportunity to repel dissidents and avenge their own personal revenge. If there is any injustice, it will chill people's hearts. It is time to unite Virtue, the plan to face danger together, so afraid of shaking the foundation, the emperor must think deeply."

"Well, this, I have thought about it. This is an emergency measure, just for this one time, I think everyone is willing. Don't they give me this little face?"

"Your Majesty, there is no way around the issue of military pay. Now the thirteen banks in Gwangju account for a quarter of the imperial court's annual tax. Han Tiandou is now in Gwangju. The emperor can order him to transfer the tax money there Silver, for military expenses. There is no need to find another source of income."

"Your Majesty, I do not agree with Yang Yushi's opinion. There is some tax money in Guangzhou, but it is very little now. The money there has been used by the San Francisco to suppress the bandits, and it is still not enough for military expenditure. Yang Yushi's loyalty is commendable, But this discussion is empty talk.”

Luo Musheng stood up and opposed Yang Kui.

What he meant was that although Yang Kui was a censor, he didn't understand the economic affairs of the imperial court. To say this was just empty talk for laymen.

"Luo Musheng, don't lie to your majesty with sweet words. San Francisco repeatedly asked the court for money, and the court gave them so much money to suppress the bandits, but the banditry is getting more and more. How did the bandits be suppressed?"

"At the beginning, the prince set up a Beijing camp in Jiujiang, with only 10 troops. As soon as the troops arrived, the banditry was eradicated. For a few years, the place was peaceful. Why is it that now that the Beijing camp is withdrawn, there are bandits all over the place? San Francisco has [-] troops to suppress the bandits. However, the bandits are getting more and more suppressed. Isn’t such a weird thing suspicious? Please ask the emperor to see the inside story.”

The more Yang Kui spoke, the angrier he became, and in the end he almost burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, Yang Kui made no false guesses. He is bewitching the public with his demonic words. He is suspected of provoking the Holy Majesty and the San Francisco. He intends to drive a wedge between the monarch and his ministers. Moreover, he is old and unconscious. I would like to impeach Yang Kui."

Xiao Daozong had long disliked Yang Kui, how could he let this opportunity pass.

"Well, Yang Aiqing, how old are you this year?"

"Back to the emperor, I am sixty-five this year."

"Yang Aiqing has always been famous, and she has been loyal since the time of the first emperor. Although she speaks without words, I think you are insane and old. Let go of impeachment. Please beg for bones."


Yang Kui also wanted to say that Wu Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry by his side grabbed him.

"Quickly accept the decree and thank you. Are you really going to anger the emperor and be impeached? Don't you think about your family?"

"The minister took the decree to thank you, and the minister retired, long live my emperor."

Yang Kui knelt down to thank En and went out. After leaving the Forbidden City, he stopped on the Jinshui Bridge, looked back at the Forbidden City, and couldn't help shaking his head.

I have said everything that should be said, and I am worthy of the late emperor.San Francisco's wolf ambition is now known to almost everyone, why can't the emperor understand it?

What is he thinking?Don't you even want your own country?
(End of this chapter)

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