The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 578 Repeating yesterday's story

Chapter 578 Repeating yesterday's story

It started snowing in the evening and has not stopped until now.The snowflakes float silently, invisible and intangible, only when they fall on the face, you can feel the slightest coolness.

Snow has a tendency to seem to get bigger and bigger.

The Taishan blocking battle of the Fourth Brigade of the Beihai Volunteer Army has been going on for two days.

The enemy army on the opposite side came from Songshan Fort and Ningyuan.

At the beginning, the subordinate army of the previous dynasty was poorly equipped and relatively weak in combat effectiveness.

For Jia Qiang, the pressure is not too great.

However, the subsequent changes made him somewhat unexpected.

First of all, the number of people has greatly increased.The second is that the opponent's offensive strength suddenly increased.

Although they were still the same group of people, they had some courage to die. A group of people died in front, and those behind rushed up.

Jia Qiang knew that the opponent must have been pressured beforehand, and that's why they attacked so recklessly.

The opponent's tactic is a war of attrition.Take advantage of your own numbers to fight crowd tactics.Drain your own ammo and energy.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jia Qiang began to ask Jia Lian for help.

Seeing what Jia Qiang said was serious, Jia Lian temporarily gave up his plan to attack Shengjing City, and led the rest of the troops to Taishan.

Facts have proved that this decision is very correct.

Not long after Jia Lian led the second and third regiments arrived, another large-scale attack by the enemy began.

This attack was not only unprecedented in scale, but also changed people.

It turned out that the San Francisco troops stationed at Shanhaiguan had arrived.

This group of people, both in terms of equipment and combat effectiveness, is much stronger than the previous enemy army.

It was only after taking a prisoner that it was the hussar battalion under King Dongping who had come this time, with a total of more than 5000 people.

The Hussars Battalion is the direct descendant of King Dongping, and even in the entire San Francisco army sequence, its combat effectiveness is also one of the best.

Most of the hussars battalion were cavalry. They set out from Yunnan, and they were invincible all the way, and they never encountered a decent opponent.

In almost every battle, as long as there is a collective charge, in the face of the powerful impact, those former troops almost collapsed, and then the knights played freely, slashing and killing as much as they wanted.

Of course they knew that the Beihai people had powerful firearms.Their eldest son Song Kuan also warned them repeatedly.

However, the power of the North Navy's firearms is still beyond their imagination.Especially cannons and machine guns are their nightmares.

For a whole day, the hussar battalion charged four times on a large scale, and did not move forward except for dropping more than 4000 corpses.

It is already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the two sides are temporarily in a state of truce.

In a house at the west end of Taishan Village, Jia Lian was calling a meeting.

Although the room was only lit with oil lamps and the lights were not on, the windows and doors were still tightly covered with quilts to prevent the light from leaking out.

The room was full, and almost all the officers above the company level gathered here.

Everyone is eating, one meal and one dish.Steamed buns, pork, cabbage vermicelli.There is a lot of meat in the dish, so the smell of meat is overflowing in the house.

This is the first and only meal of the day.

Jia Lian finished eating first and put down the bowl.

"This hussar battalion really has some skills, even we are not afraid."

"Second Master Lian, what can we do if we're not afraid, why don't we beat us like dogs."

Ni Er said while eating, because he was chewing a piece of meat, his speech was a little slurred.

"It's wishful thinking that he wants to pass by us. If we tell them to pass by, how can we have the face to go back to Beihai in the future?"

Jia Zhi also chimed in.

"Yes, if we lose and go back in the future, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Second Brother Lian if Second Aunt Lian asks?"

This time it was Jia Yun who spoke.

"Hey, brother Yun, you don't have to be sloppy with me. Your second aunt Lian doesn't have time to ask you these things. Why am I ashamed? Are you afraid of losing face with Xiaohong?"

Jia Lian didn't save face for Jia Yun.

"Hey, Second Uncle Lian, can't you save me some face?"

"If you want to save face, you have to earn it yourself. It is estimated that Shengjing will not be peaceful now. Chief Min has been sitting there, which proves that it is more important than ours. Therefore, our battle must be fought well. .”

As Jia Lian spoke, he paused and looked at the crowd.

"Now people from all walks of life are here. Our fourth brigade is from the Jia family and is the face of Chief Min. If everyone else fights well, but we can't fight well, we will have no face to see Chief Min in the future. Bei Hai doesn't even have the face to meet his ancestors."

"Second Uncle Lian, you don't need to talk about it, we all understand it. However, I have an idea."

Jia Qiang, who had been silent all this time, spoke now.

"Brother Qiang just speak up if you have any ideas, and let's discuss it together."

"I think the situation today is quite similar to the time we fought the Tatars in South Wendura last time. It was also night and it was snowing..."

"Brother Qiang, do you mean that we should set fire to his horses and let them scatter?"

Jia Lian immediately understood Jia Qiang's train of thought.

"Second Uncle Lian, I think it's okay. His horses escaped, and the cavalry became infantry. Then we used cavalry against his infantry to deal with him to our heart's content."

Jia Yun was the first to agree.

"Although this strategy is feasible, the Tatars were not on guard at the time, so the surprise attack was successful. Now that the hussar battalion is on guard, we have to think carefully."

"Second Uncle Lian, don't be afraid of his vigilance. We can take advantage of the fire and rob."

"Brother Qiang, your plan is..."

"We can use artillery and machine guns to disrupt their positions first, and then use flamethrowers to burn their horses. Once the horses are disordered, our cavalry will attack."

"That's okay, but it's dark at night, and I can't see the target clearly. I'm afraid it's not easy to shoot the target."

"We can wait until tomorrow morning when the sun is just light to attack. At that time, we will be able to see the target."

"Okay, let's discuss together and work out a battle plan."

While talking, I also finished my meal.So make a plan.

The company commanders dispersed, leaving the regimental and battalion commanders to discuss together, and then repeatedly deliberated and revised it. After an hour, the plan came out.Everyone went to sleep and prepared to act tomorrow morning.

The officers and soldiers of King Dongping's hussars battalion were basically from the south.

This time they rushed here from Shanhaiguan for reinforcements. Except for a few officers who brought tents, most of the soldiers could only camp in the open air.

Southerners are not used to the severe winter in the north. It is cold at night and snowy. Even though they have put on winter clothes, they are still shivering.

Here is a plain area, without mountains, there is no firewood.

Local people usually burn fires to keep warm, basically burning crop straw.

The original attached army, plus the hussar battalion, tens of thousands of people came at once, and the straw of the local people was almost exhausted.

Even the trees planted in front of and behind the houses were cut down and used to cook for the army, and to light bonfires for the soldiers who camped in the open air to keep warm.

In addition, the doors and windows of many common people's homes were demolished and set on fire.

As for the life and death of the local people, there was no time to take care of them, so they were driven out and left to fend for themselves.

In fact, they don't need to drive them away.Many ran off early on their own.

However, when they come back, they will find that their houses have been demolished and set on fire.

The winter nights are long and the days are short, until six o'clock in the morning, the sky is just slightly bright.

Ni Er took his own battalion and had been lurking for more than two hours two miles away from the Tianshun Army Hussars Battalion.

At this time, they were marching in a hurry, quickly approaching the camp of the hussar battalion.

In the distance, you can still see piles of bonfires in the camp.

The brighter the day, the colder the weather.Therefore, the bonfire at this time, not only did not decrease, but it was even more prosperous than at night.

Only in this way can the soldiers camping by the campfire feel some warmth.

After lurking in the wild for so long, although their winter clothes were brought from the North Sea, which were thicker than ordinary winter clothes, they were still terribly cold after being outside for a long time.

After a quick march, the joints on my body seemed to be moving, and my body gradually felt warm.

The sentinels of the hussar battalion were still very vigilant. They found Ni Er and the others at a distance of about 500 meters, and immediately rang the gong.

Ni Eryi waved his hand, and a soldier next to him lit the fireworks in his hand.Colorful fireworks shot into the air.

This is the bombardment signal agreed in advance.

Before the fireworks disappeared, the sky was filled with the whistling sound of shells, and then there were bursts of rumbling sounds. The bonfires in the camp were blown up and flying around. Soon, piles of bonfires became one piece, and the camp became It became a sea of ​​fire.

"Target, racecourse, rush in at all costs."

Ni Eryi took the lead and rushed out.

The guard soldiers on the side of the racecourse saw a team rushing towards them, but before they understood what was going on, they remembered the sound of gunshots and went to see Hades in a daze.

"The flamethrower strikes, and the others cover."

More than 20 soldiers, carrying spray guns, approached the racecourse from all directions.

This is all the fire-breathing soldiers of the fourth brigade, all attacking this time.Soon, the racecourse started to catch fire, and the horses inside began to stray together. As the horses ran, the fire snake also spread in the racecourse.There was a roar of horses in the racecourse.

"Quick retreat."

Ni Er rode wildly around the racecourse, shouting while running.

Bei Haijun hurriedly began to retreat, and ran out of the range of the racecourse in one breath.

Looking back, I saw a string of tongues of fire, like shooting stars, spreading from the racecourse to the surroundings, and the castration was very fierce.

If it wasn't for the quick retreat just now, people like myself would have been sucked into this sea of ​​flames now.

Nearly [-] out-of-control war horses and wild forces fleeing frantically, it is scary to think about it.

"Battle Commander Ni, this is the first time in my life I have seen such a style of play and such a big scene."

The guy who lit the fireworks just now couldn't help sighing.

"You, it's really rare and strange. This is nothing, it's just repeating the story of our army regiment yesterday."

After Ni Er finished speaking, he looked at this guy who was still surprised.

Alas, recruits are just not good enough, they need more experience.

(End of this chapter)

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