Chapter 128 Blind Date
The Fan family was once prominent in the previous dynasty, but it declined later, and they abandoned literature and devoted themselves to military affairs, which is rare among big families.Their father was very loyal and brave, and even married his only younger sister to the Marquis of Zhen Guo who came to seek refuge with King Kang at that time.However, the Fan family passed away early, and the eldest son was taught badly by the wife of Zhen Guohou's successor over the years.Because of the war, the Fan family now has only two brothers left in the family. They are not in the capital and do not know about the affairs of the Marquis of Zhenguo's mansion, and the two cousins ​​who do not have obvious official positions can't persuade the prince of Marquis of Zhenguo.

After the accident, Fan Dalang was deprived of his official position because of his in-law relationship.But he is brave and resourceful in battle, even Wu Yinggong knows him and appreciates him somewhat.Since Wu Yinggong helped to speak and not to hold him accountable, he was assigned to work under Cheng Dashan.Mrs. Sun knew that the new lieutenants were a little embarrassed, and they never came to the banquet at home, and they didn't know the situation at home.She had heard that Fan Dalang was married, but she didn't know that he had a younger brother, and his younger brother was capable of both civil and martial arts, who happened to be 15 years old and was a perfect match for Zhuhua.

After Sun asked Qin San to talk to Fan Dalang, the two families made an appointment to go to the temple, and they went to the Daxiangguo Temple where Jinhua had been.

It was only in the morning that Zhuhua was temporarily notified by Sun to go on a blind date. Sun received the answer from Fan's family late, and forgot to notify Zhuhua for a while, thinking that Zhuhua was at home for the past few days and had nothing to do and didn't care.Zhuhua is at home, that's right, she is drawing pictures at home, she feels that she can't think of a underwear that can match the idol's strong aura. A pair of dark circles appeared.So when Sun woke her up from the bed and asked her to go on a blind date, her heart was broken.

"Does it have to be today?" Zhuhua asked with a bitter face.

"We have an appointment. What's the matter, are you sick?"

"It's not sick."

"It's fine if you're not sick. Get up and put on your clothes and go out. You're too lazy these days. There's a whole lot of things at home waiting for you to take care of. Even if you're done, there are still other things to do."

"Mom, I think I'm tired and ugly, how about another day?"

"Are you ugly? I look the same as before. Don't rely on your work to become ugly. Don't think I don't know. You don't sleep at night because of family affairs. Besides, you are ugly now It's okay, you will be even uglier when you have children in the future. If the other party doesn't dislike you now, they won't dislike you in the future. "

"Didn't it mean that the eighteenth female university will become more and more beautiful, maybe I will become more beautiful in the future?"

"I see it hanging."

Zhuhua was silent for a long while, and immediately grabbed the pillow and said, "No, I've been hit so badly that I can't get out of bed."

"Don't you want me to wake you up!" Mrs. Sun said impatiently, swinging her fist.

Zhuhua immediately got up from the bed with her eyes narrowed, and said with a forced smile, "Wake up, I'm already awake, I'll change clothes and get ready to go out right away. Mother, drink a cup of tea outside and wait for a while."

"That's right."

When Mrs. Sun arrived at the Daxiangguo Temple with Zhuhua, who was intensely afraid of light all night, Mrs. Fan was already waiting in the guest room with her uncle.Sister-in-law Fan was originally the daughter of a certain cottage owner, she was born bright and charming, and she was also known as a fire phoenix on the road back then.Later, after marrying Fan Dalang, she restrained her temper and devoted herself to caring for her husband and raising her children at home.Fan Dalang is five years older than Fan Erlang, and Sister-in-law Fan is two years older than Fan Dalang. Mother Fan died young, and Sister-in-law Fan has always played the role of mother in the family, and Fan Erlang has always respected her.

Even if this marriage was held when the Fan family was not implicated by the Marquis of Zhen Guo, it would be good. Fan Erlang was not dissatisfied, but he secretly inquired about Cheng's house, and knew that Cheng's house was not a family that valued family status. , even this third young lady seems to have been sick since she was a child, if she is married, the Fan family's current family situation does not know whether they can afford to support her?

Just as he was thinking, footsteps came from outside, he looked curiously at the door, and sure enough, he saw a slender-eyed girl with a bad complexion.Zhuhua outside squinted her eyes and tried her best to cheer up and walk in, she was really sleepy.Unexpectedly, as soon as she stepped into the door, an unknown object rushed over. She looked down and saw that it was a child.

"Qiwa, come back quickly!" Sister-in-law Fan said in a low voice.

This child named Qiwa was obviously not afraid of his mother, perhaps because he knew that his mother would not get angry in front of others, so he hugged Zhuhua's thigh and looked up at her curiously, "Are you my aunt?"

Zhuhua lowered her head to look at him, saw that it was a white and fat little baby, she bent down and picked him up naturally, squinted her eyes and said to him: "I don't know if I will be your aunt, look at it For the sake of being so pretty, how about you call me pretty sister?"

"But you are not beautiful, my aunt Qing is prettier than you."

The Aunt Qing that Qiwa talked about was Sister Fan's personal maid, she was born more beautiful than Sister Fan, and married a guard in the army, but the guard later changed his mind and wanted to take a concubine, so she asked her to come down. She still returned to Fan's mansion to work beside Mrs. Fan, and she is planning to get married again recently.

"You call me pretty sister and I'll give you sweets."

Qiwa immediately called out obediently, "Beautiful sister."

Zhuhua loves to eat sweets very much recently, and she always carries a pack with her. She made it herself and comforted herself by adding fruit candies that are not so high in sugar content and are safe to eat more.This candy is also loved by everyone in the house, and some people even ask for a reward, and they want the fruit candy she made without asking for money. Zhuhua is also thinking about opening a workshop to earn a little money.

After Qiwa got the candy, she stuffed it into her mouth immediately, and called out "beautiful sister" six times at the same time, saying: "I have six older brothers in my family, and I called them for them just now."

"Okay, they're all good boys, I'll give you a bag, I won't have any more." Zhuhua said with a smile.

Mrs. Sun who was standing in front of her waited helplessly for them to finish speaking, and then said to Mrs. Fan, "My youngest daughter still has a childlike heart, so you can laugh at me."

"No way, I haven't met such an interesting girl for many years." Auntie Fan said with a smile, she had a good impression of Zhuhua.

Zhuhua knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, so she smiled embarrassedly.She felt that the aftermath of staying up all night appeared, and she couldn't control her temper. It's not because of her temper that I look down on her.

Mrs. Sun chatted with Mrs. Fan for a few words, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became. They forgot to let the two young people go out for a stroll. It was Qiwa who interrupted them by arguing about going out to play, which brought them back to their senses.

"I heard that there are some chrysanthemums growing well in the back mountain, Erlang, take Third Miss Cheng to have a look."

"Yes, Zhuhua, haven't you always wanted to see chrysanthemums?"

Zhuhua nodded with a smile, and followed Fan Erlang out the door, taking Qiwa who was attached to her by the way.Walking behind Fan Erlang, Zhuhua felt that this man was tall and tall, with broad shoulders, good figure and gentle temper, he would be a good marriage partner.She was thinking like this, but she didn't know that Fan Erlang was thinking, seeing her pale face, she really has a serious illness, even if she will bring a lot of dowry when she gets married in the future, there will be a day when she will run out of medical expenses.

Thinking about it this way, Fan Erlang was not too satisfied with Zhuhua.Furthermore, the family already has a hot-tempered sister-in-law, so his wife still has to choose a chaste one.Zhuhua helps the housekeeper at home. At first glance, she is capable, but at worst, she is too strong. Even her own sister is suppressed by her. If she married and confronted her sister-in-law, how could there be peace in this family?
"Beautiful sister, how's my uncle?" Qiwa held Zhuhua's hand, not forgetting to say nice things about Fan Erlang to Zhuhua.

He was arguing to go out in the morning, but Mrs. Fan had no choice but to agree, so she told him not to talk indiscriminately with him, but to say good things about Fan Erlang. He remembered this and was trying to do it right now.

"Qiwa, don't talk nonsense." Fan Erlang turned around in embarrassment and said, smiling apologetically at Zhuhua.

The appearance is okay, and she is a bit shy, not bad, Zhuhua said in her heart.

"Uncle, I didn't talk nonsense, I know how you are."

"Really, why don't you tell me about your uncle?" Zhuhua asked intentionally.

"I can write and do martial arts, and I can buy toys for me. There are many people around my house who want to be my aunt, and I didn't agree to any of them."

Zhuhua laughed secretly when she heard this, glanced at Fan Erlang who was blushing, and said, "Really, why didn't you agree?"

"They don't look good, and they don't have any sugar." The little adult Qiwa said in a serious manner.

"I still need candy." Zhuhua echoed his example, raised her head and smiled at Fan Erlang, and said, "Your nephew is interesting. He just said that there are six older brothers in the family, but is it true?"

Fan Erlang nodded.

"That family is very lively." Zhuhua said with emotion.

Fan Erlang thought that she disliked her elder brother's big family being a burden, and he felt a little displeased, so the two barely exchanged a few words and went to the back mountain.There are actually several clusters of chrysanthemums on the mountain, and some of them have failed to bloom.Zhuhua felt tired, so she sat at the foot of the mountain and did not go up the mountain, but Fan Erlang insisted on carrying Qiwa to walk around the mountain.At this moment, Zhuhua also understood that Fan Erlang probably didn't like her.Alas, there are many blind people in the world, they are already so pitiful, how could she care about them.

On the way back, Zhuhua talked to Qiwa as usual.When the blind date was over, she also bid farewell to Fan's family amicably, and it was not until she got into the carriage and walked away that she said to Mrs. Sun: "Mother, I don't think this marriage will work out."

"Why? I think this Fan Erlang is pretty good."

"He didn't see me."

"Apart from your poor complexion today, are you not bad in anything else?"

"There are fates between people, maybe the woman he likes is not like me?"

"His sister-in-law also likes you very much." Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Fan chatted very well, and it was like seeing each other so late.

"I didn't spend my whole life with his sister-in-law."

Mrs. Sun knew what she said was right, but felt that she was thinking too much, so she said, "Let's wait and see."

After a few days, there was no news of another invitation from Fan's residence, and Sun knew that the marriage was really unsuccessful.She was also sullen for a while, but after thinking about what Zhuhua said that day, it was true, maybe the two of them had no fate, and the anger disappeared after thinking about it.Zhuhua figured it out faster than she did. She didn't even remember what Fan Erlang looked like after she came back that day and stayed up all night, but she remembered Qiwa.

When she finally drew up the blueprint and asked people to make things out, an unexpected visitor came to the shop.

Zhuhua's shop is not very eye-catching, even if there are many regular customers, it is far from being overwhelmed by customers, and she never thought that anyone would miss it.Others just calculated the materials she used and the price at which she sold them, and they felt that her shop was a huge profit, and if she opened a famous shop and opened it all over the Kang Dynasty, it would be a lot of money.Why didn't Zhuhua know this? There were some big cloth houses who approached her to open branches, including Sun Ji cloth house, which Cheng's family visited the most, but Zhuhua didn't agree.She just doesn't want to be too noticeable, she just wants to do it quietly for a few years first.

But she didn't have this heart, but others had it for her.I have to say that some people only see benefits when they calculate, and Princess Hengyang is such a person.The husband of the eldest princess of Hengyang is a horse merchant. Because of the disaster in the Northland the year before last, he lost a large sum of money and had to reduce his family's expenses.The eldest princess of Hengyang is the one who likes to pay attention to publicity the most. If she is asked to be frugal all of a sudden, she naturally refuses.It's just that even if she refused, when she couldn't come up with the money, there was nothing she could do if she refused. At this time, she wanted to find a way to make money.

She has several shops in her hand, all of which are set up for rent collection, and she wonders whether to take one of them back and start some kind of business on her own.At this time, someone mentioned Zhuhua's shop, she thought she was just the daughter of a third-rank general, and her family didn't have much foundation, so instead of talking about a partnership with Zhuhua, she might as well buy her shop.

The person who was sent to the Zhuhua shop to talk about it was a manager under her, who was also arrogant, so he kept the price of buying the shop so low that it was a bit reluctant to buy the shop alone.Zhuhua didn't go out to deal with it by herself, and it was the first time Qiuyun encountered such a thing, but her attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and she was not afraid of her just because the other party was the eldest princess.

It's not for nothing that she is in front of the shopkeeper. She knows exactly who can't be offended in Beijing.As far as the eldest princesses are concerned, there are only two staying in the capital, the eldest princess Hengyang and the eldest princess Yiyang. Comparing the two, it is clear that the eldest princess Yiyang is more admired by the emperor than the eldest princess Hengyang.However, if there is a quarrel, it is really hard to say which is more important between a third-rank general and a princess.

Knowing this, Zhuhua also ran into difficulties, and happened to have prepared a gift for Mrs. Wu, so she packed up some other things and delivered them to her door herself.

Although Wu Guogong didn't go to Zhuhua's shop anymore, her maids did.Zhuhua and Yinxi and Zishu who were beside Wu Yinggong both recognized them, when they brought the gift over, they heard that she had delivered it in person, and asked someone to greet her outside first.When she saw the things she gave, Yinxi went to tell Wu Xiangxiang, and after getting the answer, she welcomed Zhuhua in.

(End of this chapter)

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