Chapter 754

Ms. Sang's ex-fiancé died unexpectedly, and someone spread rumors to slander her, saying that she was resigned, so she never discussed marriage again.

Now 21 years old, the old girl lives at home and is rejected by her stepmother.

He also coveted her dowry, ordered people to destroy her innocence, and tried to force her to death, which was a big deal.

The king of Yongding County has verified this matter.

Aunt Zhou was very sympathetic to Miss Sang's experience, and she would ask Miss Sang to eat in their courtyard after cooking her specialty dishes.

Sang Yun is embarrassed to go.

Although in the princess mansion, except Mrs. Zhou and Hua Han, no one else knew what happened to her.

But she still has a hurdle in her heart. It's okay to face Mrs. Zhou, but she can't look up when she sees Hua Han, and she can't wait to hide.

How dare you go to eat in their yard.

It wasn't until Aunt Zhou said that Hua Han was out on a social occasion and was not at home, that Sang Yun took Chan'er to the side courtyard.

Hua Yuyi was busy making mosquito repellent after eating.

It's getting ready for summer, and he's going to make some mosquito repellent for use in the princess mansion and the princess mansion.

This place is no different than the medical clinics in the village and Ningzhou City. The place is large, there are many houses, and there are many mosquito repellents needed.

Physician Hua spent all his free time doing this.

Although Ah Bao brought his servants to help, he had to watch over the dosage and shade, and couldn't do without it.

Sang Yun went to see it and helped cut some medicine stems.

When Hua Han came back, he saw the dignified Miss Sang pulling the side knife, and he immediately ran over to take over: "Don't, don't, this is not what you women do."

Then he said to Ah Bao who was busy pounding the medicine: "What's the matter with you, how can you let Miss Sang come to cut the medicine."

Ah Bao raised his head and muttered, "It's Miss Sang who said to change hands."

He had been cutting the stalks for quite a while, and Miss Sang saw that he was a little tired, so she asked to do it differently. He refused, but Miss Sang insisted, and there was nothing he could do!

Sang Yun, who did not expect Hua Han to come back so early, blushed and quickly explained: "I was the one who wanted to try cutting the medicine, don't blame him."

Hua Han signaled her to stay away from the side knife: "This knife is very sharp, don't hurt yourself."

Sang Yun saw that he would not do the job of cutting the medicine for herself, so she could only respond, "Then I'll press the medicine powder."

Hua Han wanted to stop it, but Sang Yun had already walked quickly to press the medicine powder with Chan'er and other maids.

Physician Hua and Aunt Zhou were spreading the prepared mosquito repellent sticks to dry. After Hua Han cut the medicine for a while, he went to help his parents dry the sticks.

Aunt Zhou asked him to send Miss Sang back: "It's midnight, Miss Sang has been busy all day and still needs to help us make medicine. You send them back and let them rest early."

Hua Han was a little hesitant, he knew that Sang Yun was too embarrassed to face him, and would hide from him every time he saw him.

She must be embarrassed to let him take her back.

"Isn't it okay to let a woman take them back?" Hua Han scratched his head trying to avoid it.

Doctor Hua glared at him: "No matter what you say, you are an official lady, please respect her."

Warhamton lived, he didn't disrespect Miss Sang, but he was thinking of something else.

But my father said so, and he didn't have anything to explain, so he had to lift the lantern and say to send Miss Sang back to rest.

Sang Yun wanted to refuse him, but Hua Han was already waiting at the courtyard gate.

She had no choice but to stay next to Chan'er, nervously following Hua Han to the small courtyard where she lived.

But the more nervous you are, the more likely you are to go wrong. She was walking well, but for some reason, the sole of her foot sprained, and Sang Yun exclaimed, "Oh!"

Falling down unsteadily, Chan'er was also pulled down together, and she was pinned under him.

Hua Han, who was leading the way, immediately turned around and saw the master and servant fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, and hurried over to pull them up.

Chan'er pressed on Sang Yun, and was pulled up by Hua Han in a panic.

When pulling Sang Yun again, Sang Yun snorted in pain, standing on one foot, the ankle of the other foot was in pain.

"It should be sprained." Hua Han knew it when he saw the situation.

He handed the lantern to the uninjured Chan'er: "You light the way ahead."

"Then what about my young lady?" Chan'er took the lantern and asked foolishly.

Hua Han has already bent over and hugged Sang Yun: "Hold it, don't move."

(End of this chapter)

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