Black Technology Library

Chapter 118 Started Quietly

Chapter 118 Started Quietly (Please Subscribe!)

"It's natural, I've been prepared for a long time. Let's start." Zhu Cheng nodded, and then three big frames appeared in front of him, but these questions were very strange.

These questions are more like psychological test questions than the knowledge he learned in reading, which is very unusual.

"If this answer is not correct, points will be deducted?" Zhu Cheng has black lines all over his head, what the hell are these questions!Is this something to answer? !There are a lot of subjective questions, and there is no trace of them at all if they are played at will.

"This is the first hurdle, which determines your future direction. You can choose only with your heart. Mental activity is an extremely complex and changeable process. Even a superstring computer cannot calculate a person's mental activity. This is a non-scoring The content is just an analysis of the Enneagram. It depends on your future development direction." Tretus floated back and forth, and laughed again after a while.

"It's really the first time I've seen K0 civilization. This kind of civilization can break through the barriers of civilization and reach the level of K1 civilization, which is very rare! The survival of K0 civilization must be hoped that wars will not break out, and super-large natural disasters will not happen. Disasters, no large-scale diseases, and it is also required that the resources of the home planet are not too short."

Tretus lingered around Zhu Cheng, but Zhu Cheng couldn't refute. How many people died during World War II?Super-large natural disasters are still plagued by humans confined to the earth, and large-scale diseases, he just extinguished a wave of general-purpose M1 virus.However, due to the shortage of resources, although the annual oil exploration and production volume is about the same, as the easy-to-exploitation oil is getting less and less, new energy is subject to the control of capital and is struggling.

His super photolytic enzyme is an example. Broad-spectrum photocatalytic hydrogen production technology is a solution, but what about the treatment?A red-headed document allowed him to walk out of the scientific research institute and embark on his own path to change the world. As Tretters said, the K0 civilization in this state will definitely end if it is said to be destroyed.

Regarding the administrator of the K0 civilization and the black technology library, he felt that he had to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

"How vast is the universe, and how many K0 civilizations are there? No matter how low the probability is! I will lead the earth and rush out of the planet! Break the barriers of civilization!"

The barrier of civilization is a very illusory concept. Zhu Cheng naturally knows what Treites means. No matter how difficult the process is, he will be as steadfast as eradicating cancer.

"It seems that you have read the book "History of the Galaxy" thoroughly, and the mastery seems to be pretty good. A race loses its mother clan, and the final result is to become a wanderer."

A gleam of light suddenly flickered in Tritus' eyes. This young man has a strong obsession, and he can see the indomitable momentum. What he said was not a joke.

"If you can lead your race and civilization to K1 civilization, I will give you another surprise! Young people, it is a good thing to have dreams, but there are too many obstacles on the way to chasing dreams. In the process, getting lost The consequence of the original intention is the death of the people.”

He decided to draw a big cake for Zhu Cheng, so that he can look forward to it. In the process of civilization improvement, there are all kinds of people. These people can easily lead people to go astray. Let me remind you at the right time. It depends on the development of the situation.

"it is good."

This kind of reminder reminded him of Zhang Youlin's reminder to him when he was studying in Zhang Youlin's laboratory at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.He is not disgusted, because Trieste is always far beyond his civilization, wasting precious time, chatting with him here, just because he is special.Like an ant breaking into a herd of elephants, the elephants generally ignore it.

"let's start."

Zhu Cheng came back to his senses and looked at the nine personality analysis questions. This question was not included in the score. He got an affirmative answer and did it very easily. There are 36 questions in total. How does it feel to do multiple-choice questions all by feeling?Zhu Cheng felt that this was the most exhilarating time to do the test paper!
"You are not rational. On the contrary, you are a little irritable, but you can restrain yourself very well. You are a perfectionist, good at improving your own shortcomings, defending principles, and being the spokesperson of order."

This was the answer given by the computer, which made Zhu Cheng scratch his head in embarrassment. He still felt a little embarrassed to praise people in person like this.

"Very happy? There's more below, take a look." Tritus laughed for a while. He was also tricked by this kind of test questions before, so how could he not know what the hell it is!It is easier to count on the library system to say good things than to count on the destruction of the universe.

"A healthy personality allows one to live out one's true self, achieve psychological balance, give full play to one's potential, and be able to contribute to society. But once oppressed, basic desires cannot be satisfied, basic fears emerge, and self-inflated phenomena appear, it is easy to Leading to emotional outbursts, spiel and luxury.”

This was the explanation given by the library, and the formulaic answer made Zhu Cheng think about his own life.When he lowered his head to think, he was patted on the shoulder by Trieste.

Zhu Cheng came to his senses, looking at this obviously transparent old man with soul, he was a little puzzled, how this obviously energy figure was photographed.

"Are you reflecting? Are you thinking? Do you feel that you have made mistakes in your past life?! These things are like chicken soup for the soul! Believe it or not! Everything is changing randomly, and the character of intelligent creatures Dominated by instinct, assisted by thinking and rationality, and restrained by emotions! Adaptability is the truth! Believe in this future and live so aggrieved."

Tritus' words made Zhu Cheng realize that this test is just a reference, who can explain the future changes?People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, just as Teretus said, adapting to changing circumstances is the main theme of life.

"Then what is the meaning of this thing?"

"It's just to set the direction for yourself. Order represents a natural hostility to chaos."


Zhu Cheng suddenly stopped the steps of continuing to work on the question, realizing that this librarian was a bit too much!Has anyone ever seen that the invigilator can tell the test examiner the intention of the test at will?He asked this question.It made Tritus laugh out loud.

"This test site is only you, and only you! The library monitoring system is more generous to K0 civilization than you can imagine! Because there are too many K0 civilizations! There are too many possibilities for their future! This is great for the growth of the library! Definitely good for the goals of the library system!"

The growth of the library system and the goals of the library system?Zhu Cheng finally smiled, he never believed that there was anyone or anything who gave selflessly!Since the K0 civilization is beneficial to these civilizations whose technology has gone a long way.

"For example, is the fire source race similar to Transformers? Is it the fire source? Expand the collection of the library exhibition room, expand the library's borrowing room books? Is this the purpose?"

Zhu Cheng asked suddenly, he hoped that he could ask Gates about the ultimate purpose of this library like he asked Gates about a certain meeting!

Obviously let him down, this Trieste didn't know how many years he had lived.For this kind of mental trickery, there is no help at all.

"The idea is too narrow. I don't know what the civilization of the library system is. But if his ultimate goal is to increase the collection in the exhibition room, he only needs to conquer it. It is a waste of effort to build a library. Time? Its ultimate goal...haha..."

Tritus's smile was distressed, and he laughed loudly one after the other, one wanton and the other helpless.It was the library system that forbade him to name his goals, laughing instead.

"Is that the establishment of a proving ground?"

Zhu Cheng thought of another possibility, Tritus ignored him this time, but filled in a persecution paranoia in his Enneagram analysis results.

"The proving ground, after the conquest, don't you want to build and build the proving ground? You think too narrowly. Although the original intention of the library system is not pure good, it is not evil either." Tritus concluded.

Seeing that Teretus had no words, the main city knew that if he asked again, he would not be able to find out why, so he simply gave up asking questions and started thinking wildly. After a short time, he was attracted by the scene in front of him and stopped thinking about it.

If you ask Zhu Cheng what is he most afraid of?He will definitely say proudly that he is the least afraid of exams, and his excellent grades from childhood to adulthood have established his confidence in this.But if you ask Zhu Cheng what he is most afraid of, it is also an exam, and those papers are his honor and his nightmare.Are good students not afraid of exams?Afraid!They face more expectations and more pressure!
Zhu Cheng was frightened by the scene in front of him, a sea of ​​test papers appeared in front of him like a vast ocean!This is not bad!One after another test papers were flying in the sky, and Zhu Cheng suddenly felt that he should not only bring his own dry food for the upgrade exam, but also prepare more. There are so many questions, how could he finish writing them all? !

He licked his dry lips and took a step back, a little frightened by the flying test papers.Then he took a strong step forward, the reason why he came to Tian Luo Xing was to take the exam!
There is nothing to be afraid of!Isn't it just a test paper!How many test papers did he do from elementary school to doctoral student? !Is he still afraid of this thing? !

A test paper was randomly selected to investigate the topic of "Blue Brain Project [-]". Zhu Cheng first read through the topic, and then reviewed the topic carefully, and began to write. The workload, if there are so many test papers, all with a pen, he feels that he can't write even if his hands are broken.

"What is the development purpose of the Blue Brain Project? What is the future direction? Write down the main components of the new brain solution, and briefly describe the mechanism of action. 1 point for this question."

This question is a good one. At the beginning, Zhu Cheng did a lot of research on the new brain solution, which was the basis for the development of Venus.

(End of this chapter)

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