Black Technology Library

Chapter 150 Capture

Chapter 150 Capture
Zhu Cheng’s worry did not make any mistakes, and the discussion on Career World Science Center in the academic circle reached a peak!
Various disciplines clashed on invisible fronts, but Zhu Cheng didn't pay attention at all. The science center had to produce results that shocked them one after another, and finally, under various factors, could finally win over talents into his hands.

His days in the Gemini building at Cree's headquarters are getting more and more carefree. Answering Lilia's questions when he has nothing to do, doing experiments in the private laboratory, looking at the base of Panlong Mountain, and looking forward to the future are his favorite things to do.

And now he is still studying quantum, the birth of quantum began on December 1900, 12, when Planck put forward the hypothesis of energy quantum.

When the astronomer Herschel discovered the thermal effect of infrared radiation, when he measured the thermal effect of each part of the solar spectrum with a sensitive thermometer in the laboratory, he occasionally touched the experimental table, where the light could not be seen, It was found that the temperature was actually higher than other places!

He believed that there was invisible radiation beyond the visible red light.This is infrared.

For this reason, on the basis of experimental findings, people have begun theoretical research, and there are more and more researches on radiation.A strange device appeared.Known as a black body, this black body can absorb all incident electromagnetic waves.

A scientist named Wien obtained a Wien empirical formula through research on black bodies. Unfortunately, this empirical formula only deviates in long waves and is applicable in short waves.

The subsequent Rayleighkins empirical formula is applicable to long waves, but as the incident frequency increases and the wavelength decreases, the radiation will be infinite!

This is the famous ultraviolet catastrophe, especially the reason for the collapse of classical physics ruled by Newtonian mechanics, Maxwell's electrodynamics, thermodynamics and statistical physics at that time.

Planck used mathematical tools and interpolation method to obtain Planck's formula. Of course, he would never admit that it was so troublesome to use the two sets of formulas at that time. With his powerful mathematical talent and tools, he obtained his own formula.

When he was in school before, his mentor, Joli, tried to persuade him.Let him give up physics and study purely mathematics.Due to his strong interest in the nature of the universe, he was not obedient.

"Under the great brilliance of Newtonian mechanics, Maxwell's electrodynamics, thermodynamics, and statistical physics, there is nothing fundamentally new to be discovered in this academic field." These are the original words of Professor Jolly.

When he integrated Wien's empirical formula and Sharpkins' empirical formula, he was taken aback. He got a constant, which contained the possibility of hitting Newton and reaching Maxwell!

For an old-fashioned person, using mathematical tools to play with empirical formulas is already a bold and reckless thing.Let him challenge the mountain of classical mechanics again, he really can't do it.

But he has spent nearly 6 years on this formula!He hastily wrote a letter to his friend Wood, which truly recorded his reluctance to discover quantum.

"Simply put, I can describe this whole procedure as an all-or-nothing move, since I am peaceful in nature and against dubious ventures, yet I have struggled for six years with the problem of the balance between radiation and matter , without any successful results. I understand that this problem is of fundamental importance in physics, and I also know the formula describing the energy distribution in the black body radiation spectrum, so it is necessary at all costs to find Its a theoretical interpretation, however high that cost."

He wrote the letter and was fully dressed: tuxedo, cap, black umbrella.Take the academic report, tidy up on the table, and go out the door.After delivering the letter to the mailbox, I tidied up my attire.In the sporadic light rain, strolling on the bluestone path in Bad Honnef, Germany.

His goal was the German Institute of Physics on the Rhine River. He didn't know whether it was the thin clothes or the challenge to the traditional and classical Newtonian mechanics that made him tremble.Pushing open the wooden door of the Institute of Physics, the annual conference is being held here, gathering more than 3000 people to discuss the latest frontiers of physics.

He himself didn't know when he stood on the podium.Cleared his throat vigorously.Get ready to start your speech.And Planck was the director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Berlin at the time!
Originally, this position should belong to Hertz, but Hertz stayed in that beautiful Karlsruhe and did not take up the post, so Planck was actually picking up the leak.He took this position, which was full of controversy.

And now the speech he is going to deliver is even more challenging the authority!

"A new scientific truth triumphs not by convincing its opponents and seeing the light of truth. It is by the death of those opponents and the growth of a new generation familiar with it."

He did not explain the power of his constant, but simply put out a formula for everyone to verify. The black body problem that has plagued physics for a long time gradually disappeared in his speech, but a new hypothesis is shaking the classic The foundation of physics: Newtonian mechanics, Maxwell's electrodynamics.

"The premise of this formula is that an assumption must be given. When energy is emitted and absorbed, it is not continuous, but divided into pieces."

As soon as this assumption came out, the world was in an uproar!He subverted people's most fundamental understanding of the world, and the once-popular classical mechanics was riddled with holes in front of this sentence!The edifice of physics crumbles in the face of this assumption!

The energy is not continuous, is it so powerful?Because he set a minimum currency unit for the gradual change of energy!Just as a penny is the smallest currency unit in China, and a cent is the smallest currency unit of the US dollar, energy has the smallest currency unit.

The continuity of matter is the universal consciousness of human beings since the birth.There is a point B on the way from A to C for the car. In the general sense, the car must pass through point B, but according to Planck's remarks, the car did not pass, but completed the distance.Energy is not a gradual change, but a leap forward.

"Ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

"Hurry up and get down from the position of director of the physics institute! You will only teach bad students like this! Misleading students! Delaying the future of students!"

"You don't understand physics at all! You don't understand the greatness of Newton and Maxwell at all! How can there be dark clouds in this clear physics sky!"

"Any attempt to challenge scientific truth is ridiculous!"


The curses echoed in Planck's ears, but he suddenly thought of Bruno in Rome's Campo de' Fiori, who was burned at the stake for promoting the heliocentric theory!He thought of Galileo kneeling in the hall of Santa Maria and signing his confession!

Does classical physics have to judge Planck like theology?
The next development was beyond Planck's expectations. Because of his contribution to black body radiation, he was selected as the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. Loved and loved by the people, before the person died, the portrait was printed on two mark gold coins and postage stamps.

"I'm just a sad martyr. I'm conservative. I'm never aggressive. I live in fear of an accidental mathematical interpolation that merges two formulas. But it's an insight. I have to publish it." .”

When Zhu Cheng closed the scroll and closed the materials, he also heaved a long sigh. The road of science is never smooth.Every achievement, every unconventional conception, will always arouse secular resistance.This area that God forgot to smear was discovered by Planck, but he devoted the rest of his life to explaining his assumptions and constants with classical mechanics.Discover the quantum hypothesis, but work to overthrow it!
During World War II, German scientists who were deeply persecuted fled one after another. Only he chose to stay in Germany to protect the persecuted scientists.A great character!

He supported Einstein and made Einstein become the godfather of science from a third-class technician in the patent office.Tolerance, generosity, broad-mindedness, conservatism, and blind patriotism are his pronouns.The pioneer and disruptor of an era.

Zhu Cheng read the history and looked at his private laboratory. What he was going to do was very similar to Planck.He wants to promote the development of technology and subvert everyone's cognition.

The frozen atom experiment started again, in the six laser beams, the temperature of the increasingly frozen target finally reached a limit, 24μk, which is four millionths of a million more than absolute zero.

At this temperature, the atomic activity is close to 0, exuding absolute quantum characteristics, showing its unique quantum charm in the microscopic world, but because of the mutual influence of electromagnetic forces, it cannot achieve the effect of complete quantization. The process requires the further capture of single atoms to succeed, and this step is even more difficult.

There are many methods of his capture work, and through the books in the library, he knows that he is getting closer and closer to capturing single atoms.

"The Science Center will be completed soon, don't you want to go and have a look?" Liu Yiming called Zhu Cheng, which forced Zhu Cheng to stop his experiment.He has a whole set of plans for the future of the World Science Center.His expectations for the World Science Center surpassed all others!
"President Zhong of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came to the mountain city by plane and asked to meet you." Liu Yiming mentioned another matter. This is not good news. If it is policy support, then Zhu Cheng welcomes it very much!He also hoped so, if it was a mess, he would be insensitive.

"When Teacher Zhang notified me, he told me that it was an extremely important topic to discuss. This issue is related to the direction of scientific research. Dean Zhong hopes that science will continue to advance more than anyone else!"

Liu Yiming added something to make Zhu Chengxin relax a bit, but what kind of issues are worth coming to discuss in person.

ps: The function images of Planck's mathematical formula, Wien's empirical formula, Rayleigh-Jins empirical formula and Planck's head gold coin were uploaded to the group for sharing. The textual research on Planck comes from the scientific autobiography of M. Planck.Group: Readers in the library 133708894.There is no fee for this section.

(End of this chapter)

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