Black Technology Library

Chapter 162 Declaring War!

Chapter 162 Declaring War!

The United States is going to declare war on the countries of the Middle East!This is the general trend of international public opinion!Acting President Julian also stood in front of the White House and loudly read his declaration of war.

"July 2017, 7 will be a day of shame for our country. The United States of America was attacked by terrorists in a premeditated and organized manner. Prior to this, the peacekeeping operations of the United States in the Middle East brought peace and medicine to the region. , equipment, and basic living materials.”

As soon as Julian opened his mouth, those who knew the inside story of peacekeeping felt that this was too disobedient.

For example, Zhang Qingyu knew the inside story. In various peacekeeping areas, the so-called medicines and daily necessities were just a way to transport arms.

The most famous one is the half-car milk, nine-ton weight, and 7.62 stems when opened, which has long been spread in all peacekeeping areas.For Zhang Qingyu, who has experienced this kind of war, these people are very capital, and their lives depend on their acting skills.

Julian's speech is still going on. This is a declaration of war, targeting a wide range of countries, including all Middle Eastern countries.


"We should remember this loss! This is the worst casualty report since the founding of the People's Republic of China, except for the Civil War! This is a terrorist attack! They used biological and chemical weapons and caused serious casualties to the United States!"

The number of casualties in New York has not been counted, but the scene in the video also frightened this senior politician. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as shocking!Broken limbs, unfinished wreckage, overturned cars, red-stained streets, and rivers of blood.Julian let go of his grief and continued his speech.

"We should keep in mind the nature of this attack! This is the harm caused by the proliferation of terrorism! The enemy is now! Our people, territory and interests are in an extremely dangerous state! We must not slack off in the slightest!"

"No matter how long it takes to defeat the enemies of this premeditated attack! Justice for the American people is in hand! We have the strength to win total victory! I solemnly swear here! Keep the American people safe and ensure that we will not be subject to malicious I believe this sentence expresses the will of Congress and the people!"

"We should unite! Nation unite! Take on this challenge! Take on this crisis! Unleash all anger!"

"We should believe that our army and our people have an extremely firm determination! There is a will to win! Therefore, victory will definitely belong to us. May God bless the American soldiers who are fighting on the battlefield!"

"As the acting commander-in-chief of the land and sea, I declare that all means may be used to protect our country from violation! On behalf of the National Assembly, I declare! Due to the terrorist attacks on our country by the countries of the Middle East in the early hours of Thursday, July 2017, 7, the United States and the countries of the Middle East Enter a state of war!"

"God bless you!"

He bowed deeply, and the audience present burst into applause!Most of the people attending the meeting were family members who died in the attack.For this impassioned speech, they empathize with each other and share the same hatred.My palms are red and I don't know it.His face flushed.

Zhu Cheng naturally saw these speeches. In fact, this declaration of war has only one purpose, which is to divert domestic conflicts!Transfer the contradictions between the state government and the National Assembly; transfer the contradictions of racial discrimination; transfer the class contradictions of skin color differences; transfer the contradictions between the bourgeoisie and the exploiting class.deflect grief from the attack; deflect their suspicion of the government;
And revenge is undoubtedly the best weapon to adjust all contradictions!It's just that the target of this revenge points to the Middle East!He opened the notepad and made a summary of the battle.

"This is senior politicians and capitalists. If you enter their circle, you will naturally be unable to fight them. It is precisely because of bypassing them that Cree can now achieve staged victory. Using asymmetric means, unequal forces and unconventional The battle carried out by the method has won this asymmetrical war! The next step is to expand the results of the battle!"

"What they are afraid of is the terrible power of biochemical weapons. Direction: expand the virus family in summer dusk, and find more means to maintain balance."

Under the threat of nuclear weapons, this war can only go so far!You must find a way to break this undefeated golden body!He shook his head and looked at the topped World Science and Technology Center building. The World Science and Technology Center, which was about to be completed, brought him more possibilities.

Shui Zheng packed his bags and started war against the United States again. As everyone expected, the countries in the Middle East who were lying innocent this time must pay for this world turmoil!This is the will of the world!When Zhu Cheng reached an agreement with the World Science Council behind Gates, this will has been formed!

As for the source of the virus, Shui Zheng guessed too many possibilities, he naturally thought of the mountain city, and the previous gossip claimed that smallpox had appeared again in the mountain city.And this kind of news, in conjunction with the country's promotion of smallpox vaccines and unknown vaccines, further confirms that Cree is behind all this.

He guessed it, and more people guessed it, but as long as the lid of the pot is not lifted, no one knows what is stewing in the pot.Cree is still synonymous with saving the world.He packed his bags and was naturally preparing to hit the scene of the war again and bring the frontline reports.

And for this expedition, he is going to slap the American news media in the face again.A brief interview before the expedition made him a national star again.

"Everyone knows that I have retired! In fact, when I came back from Iraq for the first time, I made a lot of money! The rest of my life has been a profitable process. Today the United States declared war again! Well, they always fight with this, With that anxious eye."

"The news in the United States is very interesting. They use Hollywood actors and screenwriters to write news. In the election last year, everyone saw how interesting the news in the United States is. All the traditional media are accusing Trump, while several emerging media It's all about unmasking Hillary, who is clearly incompetent. Doing a TV broadcast with a mask on is a total disappointment."

"This is my eighth time to report on the battlefield. I don't like the title of war reporter. I'm just a reporter. Very pure. I have a natural temptation to go directly to the scene! May God bless me, I can come back alive, continue profit."

He waved his hand as a farewell to the domestic audience. He had to arrive before the ban on flying in the Middle East.

"Should I send a few teams of Ron to protect this water sign? That's a battlefield, and he's an old man."

Liu Yiming was a little worried about the safety of this Shuizheng. When Shuizheng was targeting Cree in the capital last time, he did an exclusive interview with Cree on behalf of the country, allowing them to win a small win over Kerui.This is one of the allies.Liu Yiming's request was not too much.

"In this case, the modified version of Ron will fall into the eyes of the country." Zhu Cheng thought for a while. Based on his current ability, the country should not take action against Kerui because of this little technology.

"Send three teams of Ron to covertly protect. Firearms are allowed. Super photolytic enzymes, hydrogen-oxygen separation devices, and... the universal M1 virus are allowed."

The Middle East did not ask him for the M1 virus vaccine. If there is any large-scale attack by mutant beasts, it will just prove that the countries in the Middle East are spreading the 'Summer Evening' virus.

Naturally, his purpose is to continue to blame the countries in the Middle East, and the short video can only make people dubious.Only strong evidence can confirm this reputation!
He looked at the holographic map of Zhiyan, which has a strong reference value for the strategic deployment of the US military in the Middle East. In his plan, the US territory will eventually fall back to Kerui's hands!
The three aircraft carrier battle groups "Kitty Hawk", "Constellation", and "Lincoln" were assembled in the Persian Gulf, while the two "Roosevelt" and "Truman" were in the Mediterranean. This time, the battle against the Middle East was arranged. About 110 battleships.

Nearly 1100 fighter planes were used, and the air power of about 5.4 soldiers and logistics teams, of which 756 were attacked by fighter jets, bombers, attack planes, and special operations planes.There are more than 140 combat support aircraft for early warning, reconnaissance, command, and electronic warfare, and 169 logistics support aircraft such as tankers and transport aircraft.

How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer!Zhu Cheng shook his head again and again, this is just an armed tour of the United States, to show the world their incomparable and proud hegemony!In addition to the 6 aircraft carrier battle groups they sent, there are still 5 aircraft carrier battle groups wandering in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean!

This is their power to dominate the world!
"It's so majestic!" Zhu Cheng smiled, this is an opportunity!When the eyes of the whole world were looking at the performance of the American emperor on armed tour, he set his sights on the mainland of the United States. The ultimate goal of this poisoning is finally coming!
"Winger, this time the heavy responsibility of fighting the 'sunset and dusk' will fall on your head again. America! Flower more! Every state must have our treatment team! Let Gates cooperate with you and strive to get enough Stronghold. Use ideological weapons to erode the United States again!"

"It's all about your work!"

Zhu Cheng intends to use the medical team to educate Americans ideologically. Capital also controls people's thoughts. When he unleashes the beast of thought, it will truly shake the foundation of the United States!
The death of millions of people; the loss of hundreds of industrial parks; the death of a few committee members; the resignation of the president; none of these are enough to shake the foundation of the United States. behavior is fully exposed.

The embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the ant's nest!
"What ideas do you want me to spread?" The winger asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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