Marvel's I Am Wolverine

Chapter 5, Inheritance

Chapter 5, Inheritance

Jimmy didn't know why he fell asleep so quickly, maybe it was because he was really tired.

But this is quite normal. A day ago, Jimmy was still an author on the street.

Now he became a Wolverine all of a sudden, and he was wading through mountains and rivers and fighting brown bears, and he fell asleep at this time, which is really normal.

In his drowsiness, Jimmy seemed to see a book...

This book is purple all over.

On the cover, there are also four large characters of royal secrets.

With a thought, the big purple book was slowly opened.

There are dense characters exposed inside, and there are also pictures of human bodies in various poses.


When he got here, Jimmy understood that this should be his golden finger.

Looking at this big book, Jimmy also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

As an author who hits the street, Jimmy knows all kinds of cheats of traversers.

And the most satisfying thing is this kind of thing similar to inheritance.

This is not the cheat that can improve the strength the fastest, the cheat that can improve the strength the fastest is the system.

However, such things as strength can be cultivated bit by bit by yourself, so you can use them with confidence and comfort.

As for the slow growth of strength, Jimmy is not afraid of this at all.

After all, I am still more than 100 years away from the first battle.

In the past 100 years, if he still can't become the Supreme Martial Emperor, then he deserves to be killed!
Jimmy doesn't know if he is the protagonist in a certain book, and he is not sure whether he has the aura of the protagonist.

But if it is, then Jimmy wants to say a word from the bottom of his heart, praise the author!
Bringing back his wandering thoughts, Jimmy began to study the book carefully.

Nian Qi absorbs the power between heaven and earth to improve one's body, which has reached the state of steel and iron...


The time wasn't very long, and the battle in the cave was over.

After all, the brown bear had its main artery punctured, so it couldn't survive for too long.

Therefore, the one who came out alive was obviously Victor.

Victor looked very bad at this moment.

He who was already embarrassed by yesterday's tiger looked even more embarrassed now.

Especially the brownish hair, after being soaked in blood, the messy hair looked extremely united.

The wind at the end of autumn is not small, but this wind can't blow away the hair that is so united...

Said it was walking, but it was more like crawling out. Victor came out and saw Jimmy lying asleep on the edge of the cave.

"This rubbish..."

Victor muttered dissatisfiedly, but after feeling the cool wind outside, and looking at the ragged pajamas on Jimmy, after thinking about it, Victor still picked up Jimmy and sent him to the cave. in.

At this time, the bloody brown bear was still lying in the cave.

The whole cave was filled with a bloody smell.

Put Jimmy on the place where the brown bear slept before, a protruding, relatively flat stone platform, covered with some weeds.

It can be seen that this brown bear is also a particular person...A particular bear?

Putting Jimmy on it, Victor touched his nose with a grim expression.

Although Victor's sense of smell is not as good as Jimmy's, it is also much better than many ordinary people.

The smell of blood here is really too strong.

Looking at the brown bear, Victor swallowed with some difficulty.

Now Victor really wants to deal with the brown bear and have a good meal, but at present, Victor alone has no way to deal with the brown bear.

Glancing at Jimmy who was sleeping peacefully, Victor still didn't wake him up.

At present, in fact, Victor is still not very clear about Jimmy's details.

Of course, from the two who grew up together, Victor still has some understanding of Jimmy.

However, Jimmy has just awakened his ability for less than three days, and Victor has no idea what kind of ability Jimmy has.

"This damn smell..."

In the end, Victor still couldn't bear the smell in the cave.

Victor decided that he should go out for a while.

After walking out of the cave, Victor quietly leaned against the edge of the cave.

In fact, Victor really wants to take a bath now.

His body is really too sticky. I think when he was in the manor, Victor was a well-known handsome guy.

As for the night?Victor could see clearly even at night!
For awakening abilities and beasts, night vision is only a basic operation.

However, Victor did not go, even though Victor was suffering, Victor still stayed at the entrance of the cave.

Victor had told Jimmy the night he took Jimmy into the mountains.

"We are brothers, we have to support each other, and we are inseparable."

Now, Victor is implementing this with his own actions.

Victor knew that Jimmy was his own brother.

This is what my alcoholic father said when he was dying...


About an hour after Victor went out, Jimmy woke up.

Now Jimmy has a general understanding of his heritage.

This is a professional inheritance from DNF called fighters.

Extreme Martial Emperor.

Although it is not written on the cover, this point has already been shown in the general outline.

The current Jimmy can see very limited things.

Probably can only read the content of level [-] and below.

However, Jimmy knew that even this little thing was enough for him to study for two or three years.

This reality is different from the game.

The skills in the game are listed, and you only need to use skill points to use them.

However, in reality, all skills need to be practiced a little bit by themselves.

Even passive skills have to be cultivated by yourself, such as steel and iron...

Moreover, when there is no exposure to professional skills, that is, what Jimmy sees now is all professional.

There are a lot of pages, but they are all the most basic things.

The only skill that has become a system is the skill learned secretly - Thunder Kick.

Others are also very important, but if the single round is complete, it is the thunder foot.

The three skills learned by stealing, the professional skills of three different professions: poison bottle throwing, neck bending, and thunder kick.

Especially the Thunder Kick, as far as Jimmy knows, there is no Nianqi attack with attributes in the skill system of Emperor Jiwu.

However, all of this must start with the mind.

What Jimmy needs to do now is to cultivate mind energy, and as the basis of everything, there is the most detailed explanation on how to cultivate mind energy in the royal secret book.

Now Jimmy just needs to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors.

 Brothers, first of all, I want to say that these two days are very busy, the exam week, so the update will be very unstable. After the exam, I have to take ten days of classes and practice driving when I get home.

  To be honest, it was clearly arranged.

  However, none of this is a problem. Even if the update is unstable, we will find time to make it up.

  Everyone's recommendation votes are the greatest support for the author!


(End of this chapter)

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