Devour from the sky

Chapter 65 The Holy Land Elder Was Shocked

Chapter 65 The Holy Land Elder Was Shocked
"Why is there a second condition?" When Duan De heard this, he almost vomited blood.

Su Chen said with a smile, "You said before that this battle armor was only lent to me, not for me. Of course I have to ask for the second condition."

"What is that?" Duan De gritted his teeth and asked,
Su Chen said with a smile, "I thought that blue lantern was pretty good before, so give it to me as a reward for saving your life."

"What?" Duan De shook his head immediately after hearing this, "Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible."

"You are taking advantage of the fire."

Su Chen sighed, "Brother Fat, why are you so smart and confused all your life. I know that blue lantern is very important to you, but it is because of this that he can save your life,"

"Is your life worthless?"

"Boy, stop fooling me." Duan De gritted his teeth.

Su Chen continued to smile, "Then think about it, are you going to stay here? Or go out with me,"

"You have indeed lost a treasure now, but if you go out, there will be an ancient tomb like a sea of ​​stars waiting for you to dig."

"You don't lose a forest for a tree, do you?"

"Hurry up, fat brother, I'll give you three seconds to think, we have to go,"

Duan De's eyes flickered, he gritted his teeth, "Good boy, I'll give it to you, but if you can't take me out, Daoist, I'll slap you to death."

There was a fierce gleam in his eyes,

Su Chen waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'll keep you out,"

"Clear the light for me,"


Duan De reluctantly took out the green lantern and gave it to Su Chen.

After Su Chen took it, he carefully put it away,

At the same time, he took over the old war robe from Duan De, and he put it on.

After he put it on, he felt the power of the barren valley around him suddenly weaken a lot.

"Wow, it's really a treasure," Su Chen was delighted.

Duan De took out another broken umbrella and put it on top of his head, then he said, "Boy, can you go?"

"it is good."

Su Chen took a deep breath, and he began to release the power of devouring, covering him and Duan De,

The two walked forward.

Duan De was surprised, just a broken umbrella can make him walk a few steps, but now?
He walked ten steps in a row, and nothing happened.

At the rear, when those people saw this scene, they all exclaimed,

"My lord, take me away too,"

"My lord, please."

They kept shouting.

But it's no use at all,

Neither Su Chen nor Duan De paid any attention to it.

Those in the rear are desperate,
Among them was a man in gray clothes, his eyes were flickering, he didn't know what he was thinking,
However, his eyes were fixed on Su Chen, and he wanted to remember this person firmly.

Although Su Chen and the others entered the ancient forbidden land, not many entered, and they were only at the edge.

As long as you run a few more steps, you can come out,
But not now,
Because outside, people from the ancient family and the holy land also came in, and they fought against the wild beasts in the ancient forbidden land on the edge,

The battlefield is extremely terrifying,
Su Chen originally wanted to go around, but he found it impossible, because more and more masters attacked,

With a bang, Su Chen was sent flying by a force,
Like a meteorite, he flew into the distance and landed on the ground.
A big hole was smashed,
Su Chen kept coughing, his face was pale,

Fortunately, there is this ancient battle robe, otherwise, with just one blow, he would have died 100 times.

"Don't pretend to be dead, my battle robe is very powerful, you still can't die,"

Duan De gritted his teeth angrily,
Su Chen said, "I have no strength, I have to absorb some strength,"


Duan De stopped and stopped all the way, he kept devouring the power in the ancient forbidden land.

Next, he walked outside again,

However, three times, he was beaten out,
There were more cracks on the body, and even a fingernail-sized fragment fell from the top,
Duan De was in so much pain that he was about to cry.

"Fuck, why is it damaged so badly?"

"Boy, can you do it?"

Su Chen frowned, and he said, "Can you blame me? Can't you see that those guys in front of you are blocking the road?"

"Now there are two ways"

"One, let's wait until they finish fighting"

"The second one is to detour,"

Su Chen and Duan De looked at each other, and then said, "The second one."

"No way, the two of them are too special, they can live here for such a long time,"

Absolutely beyond expectations,

If the Jiang family and people from Yaoguang Holy Land arrive and find the two of them, not only will they not help them, but they will catch them instead.

sliced ​​them to study,

All the treasures on them belong to each other.

It's impossible to kill him,

So the two decided unanimously to take a detour.

But detours are also troublesome.Because of the increased unknown dangers,
But I can't care so much anymore.
Su Chen found that a strong man in the distance had already started to stare at them,
In front, the elders who were fighting with those savage beasts, their eyes fell like magic lamps,

They were surprised, how could it be possible?

There are two people still alive!

still able to walk,
How did they get in?
These old people are crazy,

"who are you?"

They roared in the air, shaking the sky and the earth, and the void shattered.

Duan De's face turned green, damn it, he was really discovered, hurry up,

Su Chen also looked dignified, and he speeded up.

Hiding in a forest, Su Chen stopped, his forehead was covered with cold sweat,

He has run out of strength, he must reabsorb,

Su Chen stood there and continued to absorb strength, he told Duan De to shake his body every incense stick.

As for why, Su Chen didn't say,

"If you want to get out alive, you have to do as I tell you,"

"Fuck, I see."

Duan De nodded,

Su Chen started to use the devouring system to devour the surrounding forces,
He entered again, into that terrifying illusion.

Not long after, his brows were tightly wrinkled, his face was pale, as if he had encountered something terrible,

This time, Duan De observed carefully,
He wanted to see what kind of secret Su Chen possessed,
When he saw Su Chen's frightened expression, he was also shocked to a chill,
It is said that the power of this barren and forbidden land is very terrifying. Legend has it that there is a cursed power that is hard to resist.

Could it be that this kid is cursed?
he does not know,

He wanted to make a move, but thinking that Su Chen would only make a move when he said a stick of incense, he endured it,
he began to wait,
It didn't take long for his face to become extremely ugly. Without the strength of Su Chen's shot, his broken umbrella would not last long.

Duan De felt that his divine power was disappearing, and his divine spring was about to be closed.
"Damn, this place is too scary,"

Duan De was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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