The best Daming golden turtle son-in-law

Chapter 120 I actually covered it with my mouth...

Chapter 120 I actually covered it with my mouth...

The seventh day of August is coming soon, and this day is the township examination, and Yang Ling is going to take the Juren examination!

The Juren Examination, also known as the rural examination, was held every three years in the provincial capitals (including the capital) in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was held in autumn and August, so it was also called Qiu Wei.The chief examiner is appointed by the emperor.After the exam, the primary and secondary rankings are released. The person selected for the primary ranking is called Juren, and No.1 is called Jieyuan.

Juren is not an official.But it has the qualifications of the examination, but enjoys certain political treatment.Juren is also a manifestation of identity. In that era, the imperial examination was the most orthodox way to become an official. It is also more precious because there are too many people and the number of places is too limited.

The township examination was held in the provincial capital, but Yongping Prefecture just experienced a major earthquake last year, so the township examination that was originally scheduled to be held in the state capital was broken, and moved to the capital, where the township examination was held in Changping County, and then Candidates who pass the examination can also directly participate in the general examination and then the palace examination in the coming year, and there is hope for becoming an official!

In the Ming Dynasty, civilians had no choice but to take the imperial examination if they wanted to become officials.There are too many people who criticize the imperial examinations, but they still have to be carried out.

Yongping Prefecture belonged to Northern Zhili during the Hongzhi period, with one prefecture, nine counties, and a population of 30. It has always been a very cultural place, and there are not a few people who have passed the imperial examination to become officials.And the main examiner of Yang Ling's township examination was an old pedant who made Yang Ling very afraid, and he could only recite ancient prose like a yo-yo!

But, now that I have come, I am prepared to take the exam again, and I have to tremble in pain when I passed the provincial exam for the Juren Examination. This day is finally approaching, and there are only a few days left. As soon as August is over, Yang Ling will be dismissed. Xue Yingying arranged for her to enter a small room, where Xiao Xueer served tea and water, and asked him to study stereotypes all day long!

This feeling, like Yang Ling's mother, Mrs. Jia, has returned to her side, which made Yang Ling start to resist!

But resistance is useless!

"Sanggong, if you know how to be a human being, you have to be elated. There are countless ways for others to despise you. The most important way is to despise your academic qualifications... Try to take the exam, so that you will be willing to do whatever you want in the future!"


"But what? You don't want to be the master of the prince, a master with a good name, not just teach him how to draw?"


"But what? Don't you want to chase the princess? Don't think I don't know. Your greatest ideal in life is to catch up with the top and elegant princess. In your eyes, I am a money-making machine, but I admit it, I know It’s not the material for you to be the main house. I will always give you the position of the main house, but you have to climb up step by step! If you don’t pass the exam, your life will always be in the vegetable market and making women’s underwear wandering around..."

"you listen to me!"

"Msister, let's face each other twice. Our Tianyi Building is facing the Yueyue Building. The boss on the opposite side is Princess Ning. She has provoked us many times. Be prepared for danger in times of peace. We can't just be a little gentleman or a scholar. They are all ordinary. As for the civilians, we are like little ants now, if we don’t work hard, we will be strangled to death by them!”

"Is it that serious?"

"Concubine Ning, I conclude that they have five-star generals, namely the backstage support of officials from the Marquis of Jingjiang and Dali Temple, the military support of Sima Fei, the white-clothed sword demon of the leader of the Demon Cult, and the inherent advantage that the royal family can enter and leave the palace. With incomparably strong financial and material resources, what we can offer is the little prince's favor and favor, as well as the favor of the few adults in the court, preference is the last thing to rely on, and you have to be strong yourself to forge iron!"

"That depends on what you want..."

"According to me, you drink this bowl of old ginseng soup, regain your energy, memorize a few more stereotypes, and then go to the court every day, and give them some ruthlessness!"


"Boom!" Xue Yingying couldn't help but put the bowl on the table, then turned her face and closed the door and left.

"What are you doing shutting me up in the house!" Yang Ling was so depressed that she slammed into the wall, "I'm a time traveler, I seem to search for something at random, as long as I meditate, I come here, that is to say, I'll try to master it in this exam." Absolutely, but I was thinking what's the point of this, I don't need to memorize temporarily like them!"

But it seems that if he is not imprisoned for a few days, if he really wins, he will be suspected of being abnormal. Maybe someone will falsely accuse him of cooperating with the examiner and cheating.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get excited:
Tang Bohu was falsely accused of the spring exam in the last world, and then he was directly disqualified from the exam. Originally, Tang Bohu was already ranked first among the "Four Great Talents in the South of the Yangtze River". The fishy smell has become an eternal unsolved case!
Of course, for Tang Bohu, it was a lost opportunity to be an official, but it helped him become a master of art. Although he didn't want this help, geniuses are like this!

Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Su Shi, they are all so talented, is more unlucky in the officialdom than the other. On the contrary, which one does well in the officialdom will be the real master of art? !
Unless... that person, the one who writes Xuexue the most aggressively...

There are not many gods!

But... I was locked in a small black room all day, how boring it is!If I take the test tomorrow, I will be able to become a Juren the day after tomorrow, okay?Believe in my information search technology, I just need to practice calligraphy well now, this practice of calligraphy is meaningless and boring...

I was drinking the ginseng soup, my eyes began to shine, I sat there and finally opened up the brush and ink, spread some Yaohe rice paper, picked up the Huzhou brush, I am used to writing, what do I want to write today Woolen cloth?

Because of a battle royale with a near death, Yang Ling was protected by a lot of people, especially Xue'er and the others. Yan sang and danced, and felt that she was almost marinated by rouge powder!
"This kind of feeling, it's cool enough, but after a long time, I get tired of it, but when it disappears for a while, I would be great if they came..."

Yang Ling thought of this, burped, ate venison, drank ginseng soup... couldn't help but rush back and forth!
You cook so many hot meals for me all day long, but let me study in peace! ! !This is absolutely abusive!

"Hey, Xueer is busy rehearsing and singing the new songs "Dancing Girl" and "36 Strategies of Love". Her singing voice is unbearable to anyone, and now the time for one song can earn back a house... As for Ling Ao, Mo Yu and the two Girls are also a group, they are scheduled to rehearse a stage play, "Princess Huanzhu" has almost been able to appoint a heroine, just the two of them!"

"The rest... I like Xue Yingying the most, but she is also a strong woman. She takes care of Tianyi Building, and even took away two girls, Xing'er and Xiaowen!"


Just thinking of a slim figure, she gently pushed open the door and came in. When Yang Ling saw that it was not someone else but the little red girl who usually gave him the most discharge, but he never dared to touch.

This girl is average in every respect, but she is only able to call attention to her. Yang Ling has no special feeling for her yet.

"Brother Ling'er~"

The moment Xiaohong opened her mouth was the soft voice of Jiangnan, she flung herself into his arms softly, and said coquettishly, "What are you writing about?"

"Ah, red girl, what's the matter with you, don't do this, let others see and misunderstand us."

"Ximen Qing took off Jin Lian's clothes and hung her feet on her shoulders. Seeing that those feet were really tender, he forgot about the business and only gently kneaded them with his hands. In the end, he actually swallowed them with his mouth... "

Xiaohong sneered and said, "Brother Ling'er, I don't quite understand what slave family you wrote about!"

"Oh my god! Why did I accidentally write the book s Jinping. Meihua?"

(End of this chapter)

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